장음표시 사용
NIELSEN. C. O. and CHRISTENSEN. B. sl 963) The Enchytraeidae, critical re vision and taxonomy os European species. miti res Iuli. 10 Suppl. 2): l l 9. VENA. J. A., HESS, R. T. and GOTTHOLD, L. V. sl 969) Attalia ment os sex uali ty in Enchytraeus fragmentosus Beli under laboratory conditiosas. E erientia 25 J6l. Received November 8. l 995. accepted February 22. l 996
Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42 I); PP. II II; I996
In this repori two species of Oribat id mites new to science are describe lsrom ille Neoti Opi CS.
caled i 20 km norit, os the Maia Zan illo-Puerto Vallarta Highway. It is a very sen- sonat region. with concentraled rati fati frona July to September. The dominat ingvegetation is a tropical deciduous forest anil a tropical suh- deciduous forest si ZEDO SKY l9 8). We describe a new species: DialiarSellia meXiciarici Sp. n. Furtheron we give ille description of another species, Bia zSellia illicihellae sp . n. fi Om a materiai collected by the senior author in BraZil. Finalty by giving the differentiat diagno sis of the three species, we re- evaluate the taxonomic status of the genus BaliarSellia MAHUN KA. l 983. The holotypes are deposited in the De pariment of Zoology of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest, the paralypes are deposited in the collectionos both aut hors and the collection of the Museum d 'Histo ire natu relle, Gene Va SwitZerland . Balaχsella illinhellue Sp. n.
Prodorsum Rostrum conicat. Lamellae with well-de velo ped cusps, and a reduced translamella Fig. l). Whole sui face distinctly and unis orna ly foveolate. Rostrat fetae seti forin. sparse lyciliate. lamellar Selae thic kenecl. interlamellar setae phylli forin . Sens illus Fig. 3) elongated. cla- Vate, iis Sursace also Spiculate. Notogaster hole sui face foveo late, alveoli os the sotarteen patrs of notogastrat fetae similario the foveolae in si Ze. Ali setae phyllis orna. their sui face distinctly spiculate Fig. 4). Laterat fide: Prelamellae very shori, directed laterat ly. not toti ching insertion Os rostrat fetae. Exobothridial setae very shori, hard ly discerni ble. Ventral fide s Fig. 2): Mentum ornamented by smaller, the epimerat region, ventral plate and anal plates by larger. foveolae. Larger foveolae nearly equat in si Ze, distance among them nearly Figes 1 . Bia asellia ilhcihelicie Sp. n. l hody in dorsat aspect, 2 hocly in ventral aspect, 3 α trichobothrium. 4 setnam
equat to diameter of foveolae . Genital plates with sonae very weak spois Only. Apodemes weaklydeVeloped, Only GP. 2 and GP. Sej. conspicuous, connected with each Other in front of the genitalaperture. Epimerat fetal formula 3-3-2-2. Selae Jh much longer and stronger than setae Ia and Jc. An ogenital setal formula: 5-l-2-3. Genital. aggenital, anal setae simple setis Orm, ad anal ones more or less dilated. weli pilos e. The setae cul) the larges t. setae cico the smallest os all. Legs: Shape and other characteristi cs similar to tho se of the nexi specie S, although, Sili face of semur and trochanter. specifical ly on fide sincing body. Strongly wrin kled. Materiai examined: Holotype Brarii. Illia de Sao Sebastiao. Parque Estadual de Illi abola. 8May. l990. Collected frona sparse moss on the tree trunks. Six paralypes fro in the fame locali ty collected si ona hanging soli and rootS os Bromeliaceae.
Measti rements. Length of hody 254-294 Iam wid th of hody ll2-l 24 lam. Prodorsum Rostrum widely rounded. Rostrai and lamellar setae thic k but setis orna. distinct-ly pilose . interlamellar setae phyllis orna. Rostrat pari os prodorsum irregularly foveolate. Lamellae well-cle vel ope l. without trans lamellar ritiges. In interlamellar region some longitudinat cresis observable Fig. β). Sens illus very shori, with dilated rounded and sparsely spiculate head Fig. P). Notogaster: End of hody sonae hat elevate l. more potia ted than that os previ ous species.co vered with a layer os cerotegument composed os granules and si laments. Setae sharply potiate is Fig. 8). in dorsal vlew only li patrs discerni ble. Three patrs of P setae sinalter than the other noto- gastral ones and only observabie in ventral vlew. Laterat fide: Prelamellae very shori. directed laterat ly. not iouching insertion os rostrat fetae. Exobothridial setae very shori, hard ly discerni ble. Ventral siclo Fig. 6): Mentum with smali and irregular foveolae. Epimerat region and ventralptate ornamented by very large and Strong foveolate, no essentiat differe iace among them. Epimeraland ventral region similar to Same regions os prece ling Species. Legs: All legs tri dactylotis; homodactylous. Sursace of leg segments variabie, ali femora an ltrochanter III and IV soveolate. ali others smooth or only with some wrin kles. A conspicuous po- rose area present ora inner sui face of ali femora. Sole nidium φ2' os leg I weli develope l. long . solent illum p l very long. slightly dilated at iis distat enit. Materiai examined: Holotype Mexico Jalisco State: Chanael a Biological Station. Eight
paralypes si om the Same Sample .
Remari s This genus was es tablis hed by MAHUN KA based on specimens frona Bragii, with the original description of the type species sΓciliarSella Piloso-
lia sella to the fami ly of Fenichellidae since they recogniZed iis relations hips with Hemileius; in whicli the sacculi are present. while the pterom Orphae are absent. It was also trealed as such in their l992 work on the 'Oribat id Genera of the wor id V. Howe ver it seenas probable that the fami ly Fenichellidae is an artificialunit, and the genus DialazSella has to be removed. The question cannot yet be' MAHUNKA mistakenly referre t to lack of pq in describing the genus. This sinature may clearly beseen ora the type Species of the genus, although it is very smali and inclinate. and is almost wholly obscured by the sursace of the tarsu S.
1 utly answered. so for the time being this Step has to be postponed. The two new species fit welt with in the original generic diagnosis; repeated helow. The combinationos features by whicli the laxa may be accommodated in the genus is gi ven below l. notogaster with mur patrs of sacculi sso metimes inconspicuous) 2. sive pati s of genital setae GAC formula: 5-l-2 3) 3. id pati s of dilated notogastrat fetae 4. fissure iaci in paraanal position β. arbori colous species, in the cano py, inhabiting the th in layers of mos s onthe trunk, and in the debris accumulated at the hase of leaDrosettes of epiphytic
The description of the two species are gi ven above. The generat characteri S
MAHUNKA, S. and L. MAHUNKA-ΡΑΡΡThe authorS had the opportunity for years to study the Oribati dSpecies described by Berlese current ly deposited in the Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria at Florence. The resulis of this series of studies are summari Zed in this Volume. The volume begins with an eSsay-like Introduction heavily re-lying on subjecti Ve opinions di ScuSSing the generat questions of Oribaiology. The following section lisis Berlese's Species placed in the modern System helping the Specialisis with morphological notes and many drawings: here also the condition of the specimensis discussed and lectotypes are deSignated. The third, large section is the catalogue proper, where in ali the species are listed in the systematic order together with their combi nation and Synonymic nameS. Here orae may find ali the literature data, usu atly mi SSing froni ordinary works, with reference to Description and TaxOnomy, Di Stribution, with special emphasis onCatalogueS whOSe referenceS are partly unreliable. Where it was dee med necessary further information are added tander the head ingos Remarks. The Volume closes with a very detailed list os lit
Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungariciae ψ2 I). m. I 22. I996
The oribat id latina os Madagascar. East and Sotitii Africa and the is lancis adjacent to these regions has been studi ed by the author se. g. MAHUN KA l 994)oVer a number of years. It is especialty essentiat to know the hight y diverse fati naos Madagascar in order to more readi ly comprehend those important faunal and norat relations belween the Ethiopi an and the Oriental regions whicli poliat to
The renowned bryologist, Prof. T. POCS, recently collected many soli san)ples in these regions, including Madagascar. The recovered oribat id mites wili bediscussed in a number of SUCCeed ing papei S. In this paper I present to introduce two species be longing to the fami lyPhthiracaridae PERTY, l84 l. of which one undoubtedly represenis the species of Phthiraciari S inSulariS BALOGH, l962. The other species is a close ally, but newto science. The subsequently discussed features, hOweVer, clearly demonstrate that both differ fundamental ly frona ali the heretofore known Phthiriacari SPERTY. l84l species. Consequently, a new genus has to he erected. The fami ly Phthiracaridae and even the subfami ly andior genus have so farbeen considered monotypic taxa se. g. N IEDBALA l 986. l 992), in spite of the factthat the laxa fami ly, genus) have always been diagnosed with severat exceptions. On the other hanci, Characteristi cs such as the number of anal setae, the no- togastrat lyri fissures, leg Chaetolaxy seta ν' os femur I, seta of genu IV) were wholly excluded as evolved characters. whicli in other related families readi lyseparate genera and are accepted as pleStomorphic features. Consequently. thetaxon named as PhthiraciariaS, either referring to a subfami ly or fami ly, is not
monotypic see MAHUNK A l990bM. Subsequent studies wili most certain ly bringabo ut further divisions with in the genus, as is demanded both by taxonomy and systematic s. This fact is clearly demonstrated by this newly discovered taxonwhose most significant feature the position of the genital setae) differs frona thatos ali other PhthiriacaruS SpezieS. In describing the species I am using my own termino logy MAHUN KA
Type species: Phthiriacarus inXuliariS BALOCH l 962. Remari s This and the related species described below are unique in thesubfami ly Phthiracarinae by virtve of the position of their genital setae. In allother taxa the genital setae are arran ged in two longitudinal rows and one of therows setae g g9) is localed far frona the in ner margin much farther than setae
Fi s 1 S. Archiolithim rella humifera gen . et Sp. n. l body in laterat aspect, 2 α genital plate 3 α anogenital region. 4 α collar line with seta c3, 5 α aspis in laterat aspect