장음표시 사용
face of pro notum with punctures forming an 'YV at each side: base of pro- notum moderate ly produced, reflexed margin running frona posterior an gleto base as concave line: tengili f. P0-6.80 mm R. puncti Ollis Sp. n. Elytra not dilated in apical half: 2 setae of ligula clo se together or fused dorsal furface of prono tum with transverse rugae: base of pro notum distinctly produced, reflexed margin running frona posterior angi e to base asstraight line: tength 8. 0-l0.3 mm. R. rugi colli S Sp. n.
Rugitu clivina reticuluin Sp. n.
cleep transversat surrow. distinctly separated frona wings by nolchos. Wing a bit wider than a toothos clypeus. projecting anteriori y as sar as ieeth os clypeus. Supraantennal plate vavi ted. laterat bor-der fine ly margine l. projecting broad ly lateralty but not beyond eye. with obtuse rounded an gleanteriori y. projecting anteriori y les S than wing, separated si ona wing by notch. Furrows bet ween clypeus. wing and Supraantennal plate joining posteriori y. 2 clypeat fetae situ aled at joining potiatos surrows. joined surrows meeling with transverse surrow at levet os front-eye. Supraorbital furrow deep. wide, conspicuous ly diverging and running to levet os hi nil gena. Supraorbitat carina inti- maled and two distinct supraorbitat fetae at each fide. Frons globose. Neck constriction absent. Dorsal sui face covereis completely with smali longitudinat carinae and rugae. intricate at neck and posterior genae. Wing smooth. Stight median impression on frons in holotype and sonae paralypes. Eye os moderate si Ze. hemispherical. Gena Shori. not projecting. Antenna not reaching posterior seta os pro notum; segments 4-l0 elongate si alio tengthfwid th l. 62), seta ora scapus sit ualed dorsos rontalty at apical ti p. segment 2 attached excentrical ly. segment 3 pubescent in apicat two-thircis. sully pubescent i rom segment 4. Labrum as wide as clypeus, hil obed. conspicuous ly excised atmidule. iobes sine ly margineu laterat ly, 6- setose. ciliate laterat ly. sui sace with indistinct transversereticulation. Mandi bies nearly as long as head sopen position). Stender apicatly Sharp. apical halsand laterat margin bent dorsally. with 3 4 fine longitudinat carinae in basal hal f. Maxillary palps leniter. two apicat segments Stighlly bent laterat lyr apicat segment os labial palp fusis orna. 2nd segment tum id, with l seta. Ligula long, wide. Spatulate. two apical setae close together. Pronotum: Subquadrate. explanate ora disc laterat vi e ), equat ly globose in frontal vlew. Anterior angi es potia ted. Stightly rounded and projecting. Posterior angies marked by knob. Laterat
horder rounded in anterior and posterior third, straight and parallel at mi dille. Res exed margin and marginal channet os sanae si Ze in is hole tength. Posterior seta removed frona laterat channel hydiameter of pore. Base stightly produced at mi id te. Res exed margin running frona posterior angiesto base as concave line. Anterior transverse line dee p. reaching anterior margin . not joining laterat margin . Median line distinct. complete. Dorsal sui face conspicuous ly coreaceate in total. isodiametric reticulation at base. Elytron: Cylindris orna. slightly dilated in apical half, slightly contracted to humerus. Humerus rounded, rectangular. Base distinctly concave at declivi ty. margineis Dona humerus to peduncte declivi ty perpendicularly falling to pedunculus. seligerous tubercle at base of Girst Stria. one fine tubercle at base of each other intervat. Shori tu hercle- like carina at indistinct scutellar stria. Striae punctate-Striate. 2-5 not reaching tip os apex, en ling on apical declivi ty at carina os intervat T. l Dee at base. Punctures os stria 9 visibi e in marginal channei parallel to umbilicat fetigerous tuber-cles. more distinct apical ly. Intervals lJat. convex at apical declivi ty. Pth distinctly carinate at humerus and apex. 8th carinate in total. Nineth intervat with uia interrupteli series of umbilicat fetae. Third intervat with 4 seligerous punctures, situ aled at 3ril stria. Whole sui face covered with distincti sodiametric reticulation. Ala: MacropterOUS. Lower sui face: Proepisternum couercit distinctly with isodiametric reticulation. Some transverse wrin kles laterat ly, sub marginal surrow visibi e in anterior hals. Abdomen covered with distincti sodiametric reticulation. terminal segment with irregular transverse carinae in apical half, two apicat fetigerous punctures widely Separa ted. Legs: Protibia with distinct anil complete carina and sulcus dorsally. laterat upper spine ensilii m. turned distinctly venti ally and Stightly laterat ly: movabie spur explanate at apex, shorter than spine . turned stightly ventrally. Three preapical laterat denticles distinci, obliquet y truncateil. First segment os protarsus with rows os fetae dorsally. nearly as long as other stur segments together. Intermediate tibia willi distinct spur apicatly not denset y hirsute at in ner fide. Aedoeagus Fig. 9): Median iobe moderately arcuale at naiddie, wide paris os endophallusco vered with distinct spines. Bolli para mores apicatly with 4 long setae. Distribution Known si ona the type localities in Laos sVientiane and Thaduca). Derivatio nominis: The nanae is derived si ona the distinct reticulation on the elytra.
peus. Wing with rugae. Stight median impression on frons s holotye and most os the paralypes). Segments of antenna elongate fratio tengihIwid th l. 3), segment 3 pubescent Dom apical three- fotirilis. Labrum wider than clypeus, a margineu, with indistinct transverse reticulation basally. Open mandi bies One-fourth smaller than head . TwO apical Segments of maxillary palp Securimi in boni distinctly laterat ly. Two apical setae os ligula sused . Pro notum Fig. 6): Oulline subrectangiar. Nearly straight on disc laterat view). explanate ondisc and convex lateralty in frontal vlew. Anterior angies smali. acute, not as far ad vanced anterior-ly as front horder. Posterior angies Very S mali, obtuse. Laterat horder rounded at anterior an gles and in posterior thii d. strat glit at in id ille. Res exed margin and marginal channei finer at base. Base indistinctly produced at naiddie. Re exed margin running frona posterior angies to base as Straight line. Dorsal furface sinooth at naiddie, lateralty with Sonae punctureS at base and a sew rugae anteriori y. Laterat punctures and rugae variabie, forming an ΡYV in holotype and two paralypes. Other paralypes with more rugae instead os punctures. Sinali longitudinat s hori rugae on both si des ofanterior transverse line, indistinct isodiametric reticulation at basal declivi ty. Elytron: Base distinctly concave at declivi ty. Fine carina at indistinct shori scutellar stria. Tubercles at base of stria 2 indistinc t. distinct at stria 5. Stria punctate-Striate, punctures incliS- tinct. Punctures os stria 9 visibi e in apicat thircl. Intervals convex. 8th carinate in total. carina indistinct at naiddie. Se venili carinate at humerus and apex. Third intervat with 4 setigerous punctures.situ aled at 3rd stria. Sursace sinooth, shiny. Interva is P and 8 with isodiametric reticulation.
Distribution Known frona the type locali ty in the Norti, os Laos Luang Praban g). Derivatio nominis: The new species is dedicated to the speciali si os Carabidae. David C.
Rugitu clivina puncti colliS Sp. n.
nnm. Hanoi, 2 l . V.-ll. VI. l 986, leg. J. HOR4K CD ). Description: Only characters different frona the ollier species are gi VCn. Measu rements Length 5. P0-6.80 nam sx α 6. 48 nam: including closed mandi bies), wid thl. 55-l. 85 nam sx m l. 6 inm). ratio tengihIwid th os pronotum l. 0l-l. 05 x l. 03) ratio longihIwid th of elytra 2. 0l-2. 0J x α 2. 0 ): n m ib). Colour Shi ny dark fuscolas: mout liparis. antennae. supra- antennal plates intermediate, Indhind legs fulVUS. Head: Projecting laterat ieeth of clypeus sinalter. No median impression on frons. Segments of antenna elongate fratio tengihIwid th l. 6 l). Labrum amargined laterat ly. Two apical setae os ligula separat d. Pronotum Fig. β) Slightly convex on disc laterat vi e ). equat ly convex in frontal View. Anterior an gles acute, Stightly projecting. Posterior angies marked by acute knob. Laterat hordei rounded in anterior quarter and posterior third, straight and stightly converging at naiddie. Res exedmargin and marginal channei siner in anterior quarter wider at base. Base moderately produced atmiddie. Res exed margin running si om posterior angi es to base as concave line. Dorsal sui face with distinct punctures and sonae scattered fine ly stic ked punctures, both forming a more or less distinct YV at cach side; base of ΡYV developed as stight basal impression smooth and shiny areas atmid ille ora both si des of median line and lateralty at marginal channet, sonae distinct longitudinals hori carinae on both sides of anterior transverse line; transverse wrin kles at si des, indistinct iso- diametric reticulation ut bASe. Elytron: Base moderately concave at declivi ty. Fine carina at indistinct shori scutellar stria. Punctures os stria 9 visibi e in apical hal f. Intervals convex in totai, Pth and 8th moderately carinateat humerus. Pth apicatly shori and fine. 8th distinct at apex and 4 times longer than carina of Pth. Third intervat with 3 setigerous punctures, situ aled at 3rd stria. Sursace sinooth, shiny. InterVal Ppart ly and 8 complete ly with isodiametric reticulation. Ala: Macroptero US. ower sui sace: Sub marginal furrow reaching frona anterior to posterior angi es. Abdomens mooth at naiddie. sterna with isodiametric reticulation. terminal segment with irregular rugae in apical hals. egs: Pro tibia with sine sulcus dorsalty interrupted in sonae os the paralypes), carina inclistinci, laterat up per spine turned venti ally and lateralty movable Spur Stightly explanate at apex, as long as spine. Segments 2 to 5 of protarsus one- fifth longer than Girst segment. Aedoeagus f Fig. 8): Median iobe stightly arcuate at mi id te. Endophallus strongly solded. few spines visibi e centraly. Both para meres with four long Setae at apex.
Distribution Known froin the type localities in Vietnam Hanoi and Hoa bin h).
Derivatio nominis: The name refers to the characteri Stic punctures On the pro notum.
tinctly laterat ly. Two apical setae of ligula su sed sholotype) or close together sparalypes). Pronotum Fig. 4): Explanate on disc laterat view); equat ly globose in frontal vlew. Anterior an gles acute, Stightly projecting. Laterat horder rounded in anterior fifth and posterior third stra ightand stightly converging at naiddie. Laterat horder and marginal channet os fame sire frona anterior an gles to posterior Setigerous punctures. Base distinctly produced. Rest exed margin running frona posterior an gles to baSe as strat glit line. Dorsal sursace with transverse rugae lateralty and shortones at median line, longitudinat s hori rugae on both si des of anterior transverse line. nearlysmooth on disc. Stight basal impression at each side, sine isodiametric reticulation at base. Elytron: Not dilated in apical hais, distinctly contracted to humerus. Base conspicuous lyconcave at declivi ty. Shori tubercle- like carina basalty at future. Stria 2-6 ending on apical declivi ty at carina os Pth intervat. Interva is moderate ly convex in total. Pth and 8th moderate ly carinate athumerus, carina of Pth shori apicatly 8th distinctly and 3 times longer carinate at apex than Pth. Third intervat with 3 setigerous punctures, situ aled at 3ril stria. Sursace smooth, Shiny, interValswith Some transverse stri oles. 8th completely with isodiametric reticulation.
Aedoeagus Fig. P) Median iobe moderately arcuate at middie. Endophallus with long and fine bri siles. Both parameres with four long and strong Setae at apex. Distribution Known Dom Ban Sosia district in Indo China. Derivatio nominis: The nanae is derived si om the rugae On the pro notum.
d able l. Known Oriental genera of the tribe Clivinini: selection Os diagnostic characters
-- clypeus: front margin Straighil
-- supraorbitat fetig. punctureS
-ltari intermediate tibia: inner fide denset y hirsute frows)
tarsom. t os front leg big, hirsute dorsally
The two genera erected exhibit numerous typical characters whicli makesthe assumption evident that they obviously be long to the tribe Clivinini sensu BASILE SKY sl 9J3). Typical examples of those characters are: possession Os theun interrupted laterat series of umbilicat punctures on the elytron, single preapicalsetu on the antennal scapus, the pubescence of antenna frona segment 3 onwarcis
setae on the 2nd segment of labial palpus, two setae at each dorsat si de of pronotum, base of elytron with a feta at each side near the sutura, presence of 2 pairs of setae on the abdominal sterna, the deep maxillary excision, mis Sing antennalgi OoVOS On the Ventral Surface of pronotum the clypeus and frontal plates whichare not complete ly fused the aedeagus whicli is not flattened at apex, the u nequalSetigerOUS parameres, and the habitus. However. other Oriental Clivinini have in
addition 2 setae on the 2nd segment of the labial palp Table l. Rugiluclivina
it difficult to assess the phylogenetic relationship. Similar strikingly developed
moicles KULT; l 94J from BraZil. This character may be considereti apomorphic. Howe Ver the reduced chaeiotaxy of the frons and clypeus combined with thecampanu late out line of the head exhibit a weali similari ty to the Salcedi ini. An other strii ing character, the numerous fetae on intervals 3 and J may be ple- stomorphic as in Trito huS ANDRE ES l92J. At fit si glance the four species of Rugilucliuina gen. n. look like smali Scapterini or stout Scoly tuS PUTZEYS l865 but they are not more closely relate lio either of these gi Oups. HoweVer, the genus sitares the following charactei Swith Pseudoclivinia MULT; l 94J big fit si tarsomere os front leg which is hirsute dorsalty ibeside these two genera this character is known in the Oriental genus raroStes PUTZEYS. l86J. in the Ethiopi an genus Bohemanici PUTZEYS. l86β and in species Dona the Neotropical Reaim , si Ze, compaci habitus, colour, and position of elytral Setigerous punctures. Other Sharing charactei S are present butnot so distinctly developed in Pseudocti Pinia. These are the cylindri forna habitus the perpendicular declivi ty at the base of the elytra; visibili ty of the 9th stria in
marginal channei os elytra, and the well-developed and in sonae species complete sub marginal furrow of the proe pisternum. Theres ore I belle ve that PSeudocliuinciis the nexi related genus. Autapomorphic characters of Rugilucliuina are the con-
Spicuous ly deep-excised labrum. the single seta on the 2nd segment of the labi alpalp whicli is, io my knowledge, not known in any other genera os Clivinini, thewing- like tooth at the prose mora, and the numerotis closely packed carinae on theclypeus and frons. The longitudinat carinae on the dorsal furface of the head arealso developed in other groups of Clivi nidae world wide se. g. Coryza Oriental region. Ethiopi an region, Arabian peninsula: HalOCoryza Ethiopi an region Arabian peninsula, Central America: LOphocoryza Madagascar, Seychelles Schirogenitis: North and Central America), and in other species seg, Clivina co-WyroideS BAEHR l 989, Australian region: C. rugic S KLUG, l832, C. Stesania MULLER. l 942. Afroclivina mullerianti KULT, l959. last three Ethiopi an region). This character is obvio us ly a convergent devel opinent. In ali these groups thecarinae are Clearly differentiated and restricted to a specific number from 3 in Coryza up to l0 in Haloco ga). In Rugiluclivina, howeVer, the carinae arenumerotis l8), denset y packed, and Somewhat irregular.