장음표시 사용
pairs represented only by their insertions). Sens illus weli dilated basally, bulbi forna. with a long. distat selisorm end. Gnathosoma: Chelicerae and palps typicatly phthiracaroid both in forin and in chaeiotaxy. Notogaster: Globular. Collar line rura far srom anterior margin of notogaster. Lyri fissures in- conspicuous, only three patrS sia, ini. OS) readi ly percepti ble. Fineen patrs of shon, filis orna, part lyundulate notogas tral setae present. All nearly equat in longili and siZe. Origin os vestigiat fetae D) also visibi e .f arising be fore Ii Fig. l). Setae c; far removed from collar line, setae c3 aris ing et weon collar margin and anterior margin os nologaster Fig. 4). Setae P3 Very near laterat margin
Remarks: The new species is very similar to the type species of the genus discus sed below). Howeve r. it is distinguis hed frona it by the forna of the sensit lus smuch narrower in in Sularis), the position of Setae c3 and P3, and by the reduced inter lamellar setae normal in in SulciriS). Archiphthiriaca rella inSuliariS BALOGH, l 962) comb. n.
The species was described on the basis of a single specimen holotype) by BALOGH l 962) frona Madagascar. Since ille holotype specimen has been de
stroyed. I designate one specimen hom this series to be a neotype.
Figs 6-11. Archiolithiria irellia insularis sBALOG H. l 962) - 6 α aspis in dorsat aspect, P α aspis in laterat aspect, 8 anogenital regi On. 9 α collar line with seta l0 tarsus of leg I, li α femur genu and tibia of leg I
Notogaster: Similar to the prece ling species, as are the notogastrat Setae. The position of the setaeis different. setae c3 arising clearly on the collar line sFig. 9). seta ρ3 far stoin the laterat margin. Ventral regions: As shown in Fig. 8.Legs: Leg I shown in Figs is it: similar to those of the preceding Species. Leg chaeiotaxyof mixed type. with sanae setat sormulae as those of previ ous species. Si Zes of setae are similar, only smali setae coupled with solentilium cost heing longer than in Other species. Materiai examinod Neotype NO-l533-96) and two other specimens: Malagasy Republic. Central E Madagascar. degraded montane ratia forest on Mi. Ambatokirijy at the S cdge of Anda-sibe Perinet) sorest reserve, at 950-l000 m. all. 3. Oct. l 994V Leg. Dr. T. POCS. Neotype NO-l 933-l 996) and one more specimen are deposited in the H NHM. Budapest. while one specimen is in the Muscum d 'Histoire natu relle . Geneve. SwitZerland . One specimen is in the collection os Dr.
Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42 I). m. 23 40. I996
of Scarit inae there are many closely related species, Sibi ing Specie S, and many of them are not easy to discriminate. Most of the genera and species groups need tobe revi sed . This may be a reason why only very law new Oriental Clivinini species have recently been described. although this region is stili poorly investigated. The species described very recent ly exhibit extraordinary characterS, SOthat they can be eas ity recogniZed with certainty even without new revisions of the groups se. g. BAE HR l 989. DOSTAL l 993).Checking Oriental materiai I became aware os sive new interesting species s howing such strii ing characters that they cannot be placed in any of the known Species groups. Comparison with the other known Oriental genera revealed that the new species obvious ly be long to twO ne w genera.
For the proposed VKey to Oriental genera os Clivinini V. type and or comparative materialwas examine i sor each genus. This materiai, as weli as the type material of the new species described. is deposited in the following collections BMNH - The Natural History Museum. London. Uni ted K ingdom. CBA - collection os author. DenZlingen, Germany, CBM - collecti On of Dr. Martin Baehr. Munchen. Germany, CDw - collection Os Dr. Alexander Dostat, Wien. Austria CHΡ - collection os Pros. Dr. Karet Hurka. Pralia. CZech Republic. CwΗ - collection Os David K. rase, Berlin. Germany HNHM - De partinent of Zoology. Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest. Hungary. IRSNB - Institui Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Brusscis, Bel
Frons of head without carinate sculpture of an arrow-head: margin os clypeus without 4 acute ieeth: intervals T and 8 carinate at humerus, 8 carinateat apex Clivina LATREILLE. t 802
Description: Si Ze and shape smail 4. 8 mm), forin elongate, parallel, dorsalty depressed. Head: Prognathous. Large. Surface stightly convex. Eye obtuse-angular, Smali and nat dor- sal ly, mur fifths localed ventrally. divided frona paragena by antennal groove. Clypeus fused tofrons, aSetOSe. SupraOrbitat Setae mi SSing. Labrum wide, anterior margin widely rounded oss. J- setose. Mandi bies s hori, wide. Antennal groove hals as long as eye, limited by transversat carina. Antenna s hori. Scapus of moderate si Ze. Dattened dorsobasally, single seta situ aled dorsofrontal ly: pedi cellus a quarter longer than 3rd segment: segments 4-li monili forna, pubescent frona apicalthird of 3rd segment. Pro notum Square, re exed margin and marginal charanei reaching 1 rom anterior angi es topedunculus. not interrupted. Anterior seta siluated at end of anterior quarter. posterior seta at hinclangi C. Elytrono Series umbilicata uninterrupted 1 rom humerus to apex. Severa-striate, Striae 8 and 9 situ aled in marginal channel. base of first stria with smali seligerous tubercle. Intervals 6 and Psinely carinate mesialty to Striae. 5 sine ly carinate at humerus. Lower sursace Intercoxal part of pronotum nattened, with sine carina anteriori y, prolongedanteriori y as stiori Hattened keel. Abdominal sterna transversalty sulcate suentral strigae), 3rd thsternum with 2 setae each. Legs: Protibia with one strong apical and 3 laterat denticles. Intermediate tibia with 2 rows of setigerous tubercles posteriori y in apical half, nationed belween tu hercle rows, not hirsute me- si ally. Tarsal segments aselose dorsally. those of males with no adhesive pads ventrally. Fit si tar- Somere of protarsus Is long IS tarso meres 2 .For more delatis see description os type specieS. Derivatio nominis: The nanae refers to the missing clypeal and supraorbitat fetae On thehend. Sines et OSR nCU genu Sp. n.
Colour: Shiny. Dorsal and ventral sui face suscus in tota l. PT clark fuscus.)Head: Nearly as wide as prono tum. Oviline campanu late. Clypeus and wings fused . sine lymargined, si ightly bis inuate anteriori y. Separated si ona Supraantennal plate by slight notch. Supra- antennal plate margined carina- like. with broad vatili mesialty and concavi ty lateralty covering scapus os antenna. SupraOrbitat surrow developeil as deep wide channei. Clypeus and frons notclivi ded by transverse impression. slightly convex. Longitudinal nat surrow hetween frons and
supraantennal plates, diverging and indistinci posteriori y. running up to neck constriction more distinct in G). Frons moderate ly convex. Neck constriction interrupted at in id ille. Neck willi distinct isodiametric reticulation laterat ly. Sursace with sine ly scattered stiched punctures. Eye stat- tened dorsally. One sisti, visibi e 1 rom 9 bove. ventral pari convex, reaching antennal grOOVe. Genaen cloSing eye poSteriori y by one third. with conspicuous projecting knob laterat ly. Mandi bies with dorsat carina, two sinali tecth basally. Scrobe s hori. basal hals chagreened ventrally. Mentum large . clivi loci si om sub mentum by suture. basal seta at cach fide. distinct acute and uni dentate tooth with carina at naiddie, each si de of tooth with seta. Laterat iobes of mentum projecting beyond tooth acute-ovat, indistinctly margined laterat ly. mesial horder of iobes and tooth carinate. Sub mentum
with 4 setae situ aled in foveae . Gula with transverse reticulation sutures distinct. Ligula Shori. moderate ly wide, Obtuse-angle l. two setae siluated close together apical ly. Maxilla Dee at base mesial lolio adunce. with fringe os fetae at mesial horder. Maxillary pali' asotose, stender, terminal Segment elongate- securis orna. basal segment tum iis . Apicat segment os labial pati' fusis orna. 2ndsegment with two setae mesially. Paragena angustate-carinate in whole tength, clivi ded frona mentum and sub mentum by buccat fissure. Antenna s hori. reaching mi dille os pro notum. SegmentS 4 lo monilis orna. wider than long. Fig. l. Sine selOScI GCugenia gen. n. et Sp. n. Fig. 3. RugilisClivirici reliCHMIG g n. n. et Sp. holotype, male, habitus n. holotype. male, habitus
Pro notum Quadrate, explanate ora disc laterat View), convex lateralty frontal vlew). Anterior angi es projecting. rounded off. Posterior angi es marked by slight knob. Laterat horder strat glit. Ren exed margin and marginal channel smaller at anterior and posterior angi es, wider at mi dille os hase . Posterior seta remo Ved fro in laterat channel by diameter of pore. Base Stightly produced atmiddie. Anterior transverse line fine, interrupted at mi ldie. Median line conspicuous, not jo in inganterior transverse line, reaching base. Basal impressions absent. Dorsal furface with scatteredpunctures of moderate si Ze. lateralty without punctures but with few sine transverse wrinkles. Elytron: Elongate, si de nearly parallel to suture. Disc si altene l. distinctly convex laterat ly. Humerus rounded. with sine humeral tooth po in ling mediat ly. Base margined frona humerus to peduncte, with isodiametric reticulation, 2 nat tu hercles in forna of triangles at declivi ty of 3rit anil diliintervat each. Tubercle- like carina at indistinct scutellar stria. Striae punctate-striate, i and T reaching tip of apex, other ending on apical declivi ty. l free at base. Intervals nat. 6th and Pth sine lycarinate in total mesially. Illi carinate at humerus ora ly. carina of Pth intervat more distinct at apex.
diametric reticulation. mesialty with distinct punctures. Sub marginal furrow more distinct anterior-ly. reaching frona anterior angi e to pedunculus. Basal hals os epipleura indistinctly sulcate . sinooth. Abdominal sterna with conspicuous scattered punctures os moderate si Ze: punctures os terminal segment with decreas ing diameter apicatly to very sine ly ones. Ventral strigae sinoolli. Two apicatseligerous punctures os 6th Sternum very widely Separate i. Legs: Protibia stightly sulcate dorsally. with laterat ut per spine turned distinctly ventrallyand laterat ly. movabie spur ensis orna Shorter than spine, turned stightly venti ally. Fit si and 2ndi re apical laterat denticles sharp. 3rd indistinct. intermediate tibia with distinct spur apical ly. Aedoeagus Fig. 2): Median iobe squat, apex stra ight. Both para meres apicatly with one longseta and few shori fine Setae.
Distribution and habitat: Known froni the type localities in Thalland and North Vietnam. Frona Thalland a more preci se description of the habitat is avat labie: northwest si de os Dot ChiangDao. l400 m. moist primary forest. Steep Slope. Sh Idy, infunder rotten wOOd. Derivatio nominis: In resere iace to the note Orthy projecting genae.
Type species: Rugiluclivina reliCH la Sp. n. Description - Si Ze and shape sinati s .s l0.3 mm), cylindris Orm. Head Prognathous, Sin alter than pron Otum. Sursace globose, frons and clypeus co vered with longitudinat carinae. Eye hemispherical, divided si om paragena by antennal groove. Clypeu Sclivi ded fro in frons by distinct transverse sulcus. one feta at each fide. Two supraOrbitat Setae Ateach si de over posterior hals of eye. Labrum wide. with conspicuous excision Interiori y. 6-SetOSC. Segment 2 of labial palpus with one feta. Mandi bies moderately long, sharp, wide at base. Anten-nal groo Ve two-thirils Shorter than eye. Antenna s hori. Single Sela os scapus situ aled dorsofrontally: pedi cellus attached excentri catly to scapus: segments 4-ll elongate, pubescent hom apicat twothirds of 3rd segment. Pronotum: Subquadrate, res exed margin and marginal charanei reaching 1 rom anterior angi esto buse, not interrupted. Anterior seta situ aled at end of anterior fifth, posterior seta at hi nil angle. Elytron: Series umbilicata uia interrupted frona humerus to apex. Seven-striate, striae 8 and 9 situ aled in marginal channei, base of intervals with tubercles, tirst with fetigerous tubercle. Intervald carinate at humerus and apex, 8 carinate at humerus and apex or in total. Basal declivi ty perpendicularly falling.
Lower sursace Intercoxal part of pronotum flatteneis, with carina at each fide. Abdominat sterna transversalty sulcate suentral strigae), 3rd-6th sternum with 2 setae each. Legs: Protibia with one strong apical and three wide laterat denticles. Prose mora venti allywith wing-like tooth at apex. Intermediate tibia with distinct apicat spur, not hirsute mesially. First Segment os pro tarsus long. dorsalty with rows of setae. Tarsal segments of males with no adhesi vepadS Ventrally. For more delatis see description Os type Speci CS. Derivatio nominis: The nanae refers to the dense carinae on the frons and clypeus whichgives the sursace of the head a rugOSe Appearunc .
KEY TO SPECIES OF GENUS RUGILUCLIVINAt Third intervat os elytron with 4 setigerous punctures. 8th carinate in wholet en gili: labrum fine ly margined lateralty 2