장음표시 사용
Hamilton, L. te Cenci. - Istitar and IZdubar, the Epic os Babylon; OrThe Babylonian God des s of Love and the Hero and Warrior Ring; constructed hom Translations of the great Accadian Epic and the Legends of Assyria and Babylon, mund in Cuneiform Inscriptions onTableis lately discovered on the sile of the Ruins of Nini veli, and now deposited in the Britisti Mus eum. Restored in modern ver Se . Vol. I. Illustrated. London I 88 . Haupt, Paul. - Das habylonis che Nimrod epos. Keil schri filexi der Bruch stliche der sogenannien Igdubarlegenden mit dem heilin schri filichen Sintfluthbericlite nach den Originalen im Britis chen Museum copiriund heraus eg. Ab th. I, den Keils christi ext der ersten Io Talain enth.