장음표시 사용
thir objectio is more important, or itioints out that he has as et givenis clear answer a to,hicli of the two jurisdictions is to have procedence, and thisin no Proceed to O pp. 37-143). The more perfeci Stateli Ahows, has no necessarii the more perfect authority, eis an authorit os an priest ould e more persectthan that of the in to hom he is subjeci. It is therefore probabi that the ing's authorit is for many
head whereas the ries is the vicar o His anhood. Certain ly the reverse cannot hol true while the Chiarchowes her properi to the alms of earthi princes, hile the ope has no appellat authorit in tempora matterS, and while Churches a tribute to the Emperor. ycliffs wn decision is parallel illi his uterus a tollonour at the en o Chapter II. Temporali the ingi greater, spirituali the ope, though the alter may destro the spiritua superiorit by tryin t doublewith it the ingly but o say,hicli power i greater simpliciter is as impossibi as it ould have been toknow that Jolin the Baptis hasno greater than himselfamong the child re of men es ore this was revealed by Christ. Both owers are Dom God but the kingly was
the earlier in time, and we mustio misunderstand themeaning of the riesti consecration of ings. his was no rite of the primitive church, an is uret ministeria in iis character, conferring On it performor noclaim o superior authority.
Lastly pp. 147 15 a Wycli carries the war into theenemy' country by asking, is the riesthood inherent in the clergy an ansiuering in the negative. At firstmen ere bothaings an priesis. The division belween clerg and ait date Dom the giving of the law, and wasini complete at the advent of the la os grace by the injunctionin the clerg toclive pure exproprietaris
tanquam animal racionale ad celestia aspirans, and Sowith a mystica interpretation of the siXty-eighth Salm
3 so the extension, delance an resori os thetheologica faculty. For the carrying ut of therars of these laws Wyclislooks to the reviva os the disciplinar power of the
provincia Church Counciis, ho hould enquire and reportis to the number an qualit of the clergy, and bes ore hom instea of e re Oreigia Ouris, ecclesiastica complaints hould e brought. Bishops hoalloi thei clerg to live secular lives hould epunished by the confiscation of thei revenues, o retainwhicli the must render good service to the reaim. Such confiscation Ouid e no rong, sor he any human institution is Mund to contain error iis Mundersor thei representatives must correct it cp. en os hap.
III, p. 4), and the stead deterioratio of the Churchis abundant proo of the error committe in iis endow
Curates, native o foreigia, must reside in thei benefices, and the country wil thus e rid of the curse of oreignabsentees,hom the ope no imposesin it in virtve os his blasphemotis pretension to e ord-in-chic o allbenefices, an able o mahe whateve he decree lawsul. Where curates ait o fulfi thei dui the eopte must withhol at pay, and run the risi os excommunication. This in the Murteenth centurnwa n light matter Since fori Jay aster Sentence a pronounce the offender,
to the secula powe an consigne to prison. ACCOrdingi Wyclis devotes p. 166 176 to a detalle Consideration of the power os excommunicatin and the abuses attendin iis eXercise It is hown that excommunicationcaesoni harm a man in sociar as he has previously been harmed by his own in For a rea excommunicationthere must be a specia revelation, and those hoemplo this eapon rom intereste motives mustbeware est it recollis them selves. In ali scripture e
intercourse,ith hos who re impenitent after a tripleeXhortation, as a genera malediction against Vil- doers. t is the hird in o excommunication whichis sed and nscripturali extende by ur prelateS, who turn the triple exhortation into a triple summon St pay an Sacrifice the whol medicina power of their Sentences for pecuniar gain. Such XCommunications
ought no to e supporte by imprison ment, and withone of the se toliches of humour in the realise, Wycli fgrimi quotes the word of the layman who old the excommunicatin pries that his medicine a so ad that in futureae might kee it for himselfIn the Resormers expositionis his hir law that orthe extension, de lance an reform of the theologicalfaculty he egin by pholding the strict interpretation of the decree os ope Honorius ordering ali religiolis person attendin lectu res on a o physicto return to thei Convenis illiin No monilis underpain f excommunication. Ver science must bejud ged by iis usefulnes asin hanclinat of theology, and prelate who no exac mone Dom theologians for permission to studY, hould e made to contribute tothei Support, an no ne ave a theologian hould be
appotnte to any benefice. In connevion illi his doctrine Wycli traces the histor os presentation p. 8a), and shows ho the ultimate ordshi stili resis with heming, who is charge with seein that sacredthingiare putri thei lawsulisses, an so the correctiono the clergy ma intervene coercivel by confiscatingthei temporalities. Again since themin is to defendtheology, in the spiriti Pope Honorius he must removeat obstacles ocit, an must therefore sorbi at lectureson the Civiliaw. illi curious inconsistency the ope, at the instance of the in o France, has sorbiddenthe Civit La to e studie in Paris, but permit it in England The condemnation hout be made generat, an since the La o Christ is easter more sufficingand wholesomer, hy hould we ee even the Canon Law I it is sal that the Roman Civilina is distinguished for logica subitety, and justice, the Same holds good Ortur own Englisti law. Nor is it to thepoliat that it is helpsu for the understandin os Canon Law, since the authority of this resis no in Civi Law, but in Scripture, and the fame reply ma be ad tolli contention that Civilia is essentia to the decisiono cases unde the La of Arms.
Finalites reuerat ad fere supplementa in declaracionem materie supradicles, an is hiefl devote to the lucidationis soli potnis to whicli objection might be ahen. In his supplement Wycli first shows himself anxiousto mali his eachin clearin the subject of the relations belween ings an priosis, an to prove that Someword which he had sed earlier in his realise apparently on page 143 are not inconsistent,ith thebelles that the power of the ministr of the ries is greater that that of theming whicli is ordaine to hire, re ar an Command it To do his e practical lyropeat much of hat he had atready sal on the subjects of Honour an Obedience, via that the state os
INTRODUCTION. XX ithe clerg is more persectis more adapte sor earning bliss but that iis greatnes must he wholly par stom theworld while the in must remalia seculari Supreme.
The poliat ex considere p. 198 is that of the mean in to e attache to the phras the in 'silegeman homo log in regis). Accordin t Wyclis, definition anyone subject to the inglia is his lege
clergylare indebie to the in sor specia privileges
the mendicant order for the right of uild in their private hurches an for licens to eg, and the clergysor hos powers of citation, ning an imprison mentwhicli the so grossib abuse They are thus speciallybound o wn theruing's authority, hile the leagueb whicli the friar malae ove to the ope the right os lorciship ver ali temporalities given them S alm S, Sprejudicia to the secular ord and should e resisted
The las objection notice in his Chapter is theal lege irredemptibilit saccordin to Leviticus h. 28)of things consecrated of this ple Cycli disposes in three ways: Ihon the ground that the Jewish a was wholi ceremonia an so is no to e literalty observed by ou priest a because the consecration to whicli treserredii not an could not apply to an 3 on hebroad principi e that haleve Je or Christian has vowedis to e faithfuit observed, ut that it is no reachos a Voru to Correct iis abus o improve iis se, an heend the Chapter illi a vehement denunciation os theeviis hicli endowments have introduce into the
illi Chapter VIII there an doub that the De mcio Kexis originali came to an end. ut O thes urioint considere in his chapter Wycli thought fit pro complemento nati to ad seu others, hicli form thesubjectio Chapter I X XII. In therars of these I p. 217-23O the objection that ora his howin instea of
the Emperor an ali Bishops wearin obedience to the Pope, the ope with his cardinals and the friars, ould
them rom Archbishops, a fortior the in may eXactthem rom his legemen orom the ope and ther distant subjecis in genera term Dom hos who have Specia privileges specificalty an distinctly It is especialty important that such aths hould e taken, through thei provincials by the friars, holare at preSent villinito accepi at the aclvantages hich may ACCrue Othei communities rom the merit os individuals whilethcytisorun responsibility for thei offences The claimo the Bishopis Rome to tempora monarchycis the promulgationis a ne v law, hereas the Apostles an Fatherswere content,ith the Law of Christ, an oni clai med
to e belleve m socia a the Munde thei teachingon Scripture This is the est hicli, must trythe validit os ali papa mandates, oriet ther bullinor
CXCOmmunications are t be respecte fave in soriar asthe have scripture authority. his ead to nother denunciation of the med levat system os eXCommunication,
with whicli the Chapter OndS.Chapter X pp. 23I-2 5 is concerne with the argument brought sorwar contra tria dicta 3 ca librifroximi I. These dicta dea respectivet with the customos XCommunication the stud by the clero of the Civiliaw, and the obedience due rom Bishops to their
As to excommunication Wyclis oes no ad much towhat he has atready said. He again insist that ali true excommunication is Dom God, and ought there re ob received ob fuit a for the sumerer good, ut that without divine authority mere human excommunicationis nothing, and should e received with contem p and SOrrow or hos who pronounc it The mora of thisis that relates hould e sto to speah, especiali asregard thing neutral This to the great arm of the Church, the forget, and through thei pride and
On the subject of the Civit La the langu age nowemployed is much stronger than that of Chapter VII. Civi and Canon Laware bothin hesitatingi condemned, and thei study is ni commende as nablin men toprove the ope's ancient subordination to the Emperor.
I quot these Word in orde to dra attention to them, ut no satisfactor explanatio of the reserenc has occurrexto me. Excommunicationis reate of at great tengthin pages 166 176 the Civilina o i 88-195 the obedience due ro Bishops to rinces assim. The reference thus appears to e to the present book. Whic is regarde ait two paris i. e. treatis an supplement. p. yclis, 'quod in isto tractatu in grosso SenSerim, o p. 28o. ut the 39 Capitulo, like the 38' at thebeginning of our Chapter VIII p. 95), where the referetice seem to e top. 43, is no easit to e understood Compare also the word fatet ex
Lastly Wycli again approaches the question os theobedience due rom Bishops to thei secula Prince. For his, he shows, we have the example nolint of thepriesis of the old Testament ut o Christ an his APOSiles, Xamples,hicli are en rce in the eachingo St. Gregory. Buttur modern relates deride Christ's humility, and wo to the and where these men havertile. The three laws proposed in Chapter VI are again pu forwar as the oni means of avertininational
tion is considere this time a mos Comprehensive One.
an since there is no reason why one person Capabie saCquirin universa dominion hould hol sit ather hananother. any one competitor a figlit illi ny ther.
To his lea for narchy Wyclis answers illi theassertion of the principies that the ody politi musthave on head that two men cannot be in ali respectes equali fitte sor eadship and that Nature oes notproduce ait man or him to e wasted. The assumptionis a genera state of Conquest-Seel in is a salse One. The unit we nee is no a unit obtaine by common subjection to a single individual, ut that hichfollows Dom the continua presence in the human aceo the genus os divinely endo e captains. In thepolitica communit reason declares that ach eopleshould have iis own head as e in England have urKing. As for the Roman Empire, iis life is orae iis Empero allorus his,olve to destro iis, an Englandis to remoto rom Rome sor his ille here tote effectual. In the powerte Anes of it Emperor and the division caused by the destre of the clergyrio seculario ver e
Such an interpretation is no pleaSin t Our Clergy, who murmur against nyone ho lay bare the sense of Scripture to thei reproos, o the cause of the whole
schism os the Church is the ollowin os the traditions
of men in referencesto the stud of theology. Since figlitin may be lawsul an meritorious, horuan sor,hat should the secular arm do batiles This is the subjec o Chapter XII, an apparenti tal es the place of the 'Murth principat objection hicli theopening wordio Chapter I led us to expect Wars wage for the love o God are right Wyclis answers, an no thers. A in may lawsuli destre so much tempora dominio as,il sussice for a rule in conformitywith Christ' law, but universa dominion is impossibieci a because distance ould mali it inessicient; b be-
cause of differences of angvage and of manners,
under XCeptiona Circumstances may a in lawillydes ire t rule two ingdoms. The la o nature, theexample of Christ, and the dictates of human reason ali prove the wiCkednes os a in Christendom. haven right to invade foreigia nations save so thei owngood, and when, preten that, posses this ple wema ask ourSelves, hy, d nollegit ou mission athome, hy, iis Suchia mean to ou end, and whywe osten punish the innocentis heavit a the guilly. Sin is the inevitabie concomitant of war, an inasmuchas e ought to submit to e deprive os ver naturalgood ather than Commi a fauit, ars are manifestlysinsul an Molisti. The faithful hould not be oosorwar in thei own de nce, sor very one hould beready to die, and the clero specialty who laim torepresent the Apostles, must folio them in thei tollan suffering A theologian illoeach us the triae doctrine a to war, ut the hie thin need ut is torem ember that Christ is the est Master, and that itis His eachin and is lone that e must follow.Henc the genera sense os ou whole reatis senod in Iolo isto tractam in rosso sensorines may be sum med pin three principiesci 1 that the clergy, and specially
the ope must e umbier an more ready to serve, a that the musti more remove Dom secula assairs,
3 that the Church must e relieve of iis excessive
Kexis a perhapsi excused as an attemptrio exhibitthe genera arguments of the reatis in their ueconneXion illi the an incidental topic o interest whicli osten threaten to obscure them. The scholastic dissertations o Honour an Obedience, the invective against the abuse of EXcommunication the attacks onthe Civi an Canon Laius, the expositionis the wicked-nessifinjust ars, allis thes have thei independent interest, an at times divert attention rom Wyclis smain SubjeCt,-his conception of the rightiandiuties of an Englisti ing. The more e Xamine hi Conception the more reason e hal fin to admire it, at nyratein iis politica fide. It is horoughi patriotic, andit is horoughi constitutional, and again and again wefin in Wyclis arguments despite thei med levat clothing the principies by whicli Englishmen have beenguide in the greates crises of thei nationa history. An Englisti in must e supreme in his own and
against both ope an Emperor. The Englisti CommonLa is a good an belle than the Roman. Foreigners
who enjo the protection of the Englisti l in must beloyali obedient to his authority. Again the in is
Supreme S OVer his own Subjecis, and in the enunciationos the absolute obedience due o him here seem a firstsomethin very litti in accordance illi the ourse of Englisti history. ut obedience, a Wycli viewe it, has man fides It illiso alio iis objec toto rong, and may lawfuit tali the formis resiStancea tyranny, even to the oint of putting the tyrant to eath. Itinus be adde that in Wyclis opinion mere temporal