Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 332페이지


분류: 미분류



vi. 68 viii. 34 . . viii. 47 . . viii. 48 . . viii. 49 . . viii. 50 . . xiii . xiii 14. . xiii 26. . xiv. 16 . . xiv. 23 . . xiv. 27 . . xviii 2 . . xviii. 11 xviii. 36 2o6. xix. 11 . .

xx. 26 . . xxi. 15 . .

. 24. II

i. 32 iii. viii. 28

xiii . . .

xiii 1 . Oxiii. 1- . xiii 2 . . xiii 5 . . xiii. 6 . . xiii. 7 . .

vii 13 Vii. 20

. II 6 2

. O. 22




I. V. 97. O

XiX a67 5 Regula ad Servos Dei 7 23o 5 De Quaestionibus Evangelior. Lib. II. c. XXiX. . . . 265 3IDe Doctrina Christiana. Lib. II in e 9 26 I9o. 6De Verbis Domini Sermo. xli. 5 8O. 15, 23

De Verbis Apostolorum Sermo. XVi 2 8Ι ΙDe Visitatione Infirmorum. Lib. II. c. viii. . . . 82. 27 Enarratio in Psalm. XiX. 14 87. 5lXVii. . . . 49 5 5O. 4, 8 De Trinitate. Lib. V. c. xvi 27. 23BEDE. Eccl. Hist. Lib. III. c. xxviii. . . 42. ΙΟ

referre t . .

referre tovii. 5 . .



Dist. CAP.

Dist. CAP.

Pope Clement Io3.


Causa uua t.

I. i. II. 1.

X. I.

5 Pope Symmachus



Decretal Gregor. IX.

Lib. Tit. CAP.

III. i. 9 Gregor VII i53 23 xv. 2 Alexander III. y 113. IIxxxv. 6 Innocent III o5 4l a Pope Eugenius I 54. 7


1 N DE X.

ABSOLUΤION hom excommunication, wichedria in matter of 233, 3. Africa, Actio of the Emperor to-ward the Chureli in I 27, 3. Agrippa S. Paul' action to 22, 4. Alexander, in o Macedon, his de- Dat o Darius instanced 9I, 4.

io Pronounce excommunication, and the reaSon 227 2O.

Testamen a bindinias hos of the eW, 3, 2 seqq. sufficient forine regulationis the Church, III,

ment, I 25, 27, et assim howviewed in the light of the Authorityo the ope, a 3, 3 the est

guide in alter of excommunica


Clerin, he. Glossispo honou dueto the clerical office, in ne; clerg should live on tithes and alms, 59, O thei reformation 65, 7;should welcome expropriation, 59, 3o no bound to an alien cleric,

aduantage of secular colleges, aO,

His apostles a I, 16. Me ElectorS. Community the, hares the merit sano incurs the in os individuals,

Conquest, in generat, diScuSSed, 248, Ι 8. Conscience, claim for the Regulation

fines, 33 7 Constantinopte, the Patriarch os, 35,

rali 163 7 Seqq. Curia The Roman 7 , M 75 5 ; extent of iis urisdiction, 76 Io; the Bishop' Court, 227 IO. Daniel. Fulfilment of his prophecyon the state of the Church, and Wyclis' expositionis it 25 I, 2254 33- David. His priesti an secular dignit discussed, 3 n. is union it Bathgheba mysticatly interprete byra Chrysostom, 257,

Decrees and Decretal in the Roman Church, thei authority, 22, 26. Diocletian, a 2. Dispersio of the JeWS, o II eqq. Doctors of the Church, the four holy thei teachin based on Scripture,2 22, 27.


demne by the religious o their

England Subjectio of the cleroto the in there 37, O 69,a5 156 6 163, 31; in timeo Wilfrid, a Iori reason of the excellence of the laws there, 6,

I state of law of excommunieation there 229, 16 no unde therule of the Roman Empire and

ment, ut must firstae trie by the genera synod of the province 226, 29 the decretalis Iustinian pon.

to hasty a 27, 3 Q should solio the declaration o Partiamen and Synod sittin together, a 28, 28;hast excommunication reproved by S. Gregory, 29, 3 State of Eng-land 229, 6 Wyclis' opinionattache an defended, 23I, I a 37, 14 causing the ruinis the Church,

Fines. Inflicted by the Clerg to eunde the supervision of the ing, 18o, the specia privileges of the term in the matteris, o , 8 treated of by Wycli else here, O5, imposed by Theodosius onheretica bishops an clerin, IS, I 5; ament of urius fines and

consent to Sin, 33 7. Foreim beneficiaries must Wear allegianc personali to theming 164,

Pope' action in the matter, 5O, II. S. Gregory' Leiter to the Queen

Friars. The number ho are living endowed to-da sufficient, a, a P urius claim os in alter of temporalities, tote resisted, o6, 7 thei negligene in the matter, I 6,


vinciais, 219, a.


1 N DE X.

mon an monasti la examined,

222, 2.

laws made so the tria of thelaithlal, 57 Io; ad la in thematter o Excommunication, 69, 11 ad state of Churcii Law, 179, 3a , laW o good men, consonant illi the Churcii Triumphant, mustae obeyed, 26, 7. Lectures. The decree o Honorius III forbidding the attendance of the religious at La or hysica Lectures explained, 77 IO. Leo IV. Pope. His allegiance to the Emperor Lovis II., o, o his authorit appeale to, I, O. Liegeman. Explanation of thetem, I98, 3 use of the term inconnection it the ope, the Mendicant Orders, and Foreignin-

Louis II, Emperor See Leo IV. Loyalty in the formis rebellion, o I,


MartyrS, comment o the conduci os Some, 273, 26.

Media Monarchy the in the prophec o Daniel, 25 I, 9.

ter XXViii. n.

his ath to the Empire and that extracted by him sto Archbishops, 218, 2 seqq. the Bishomo Rome,

Prague, Universit of xxx M of De . eris here, XXiX. Presentation. The histor os regentation to Benefices 182, 7. Pride, the cause of dissension, 265, I S. Augustine on 265, 3O. Priesis. Their me dignit superiorto the arthi dignit of theming, 14, 33 though in different ways