장음표시 사용
lanibus, et contra procrescere rursus ab igni omnia quam t.' Her clitus frag. 41 Schleieri πυρος μαμειβετε πάντα και πυρ απώτεω M.tan epicurea could nos have spinen, n our authis hero spinis, of Heraesit , nor hine mundo his is insoning on a principis of his. 54 mo have a simila question aud a Wer appen d Without an con- noetin paruolo in os Haec uisenda oet.' no change is noedod butastor auris thisis ver strango vhy the tardest hodie et ' num. --..ith a queation, non nimia mirum. 4 comp. Lucri I 493 Tum glacia aBria flamma deuicis liquescit' for this passage is an imitation, portapa uno actous, of this par of Lucretius se in sorin os exproa- aio comp. Lucri V 306 soli animos: so 40 extorquero animos of his Mono it in robur. 543 lentities Memario occur here only Mon erit
omum eat, tunditur lauatur uritur mollitur sarinam apit cudem uocant, argentum quod exit a fornace sudorem'. plaga aurea: seem
propter quo maior fumus fieret, non hic qui rumpore ex lautorum culinis et terrere uigiles olet, sed hic modicus qui hospites uenisse signifiωι' 85 haec ea pernicitas per a aestimata, non qua tardissimorum conlatione laudatur'. nostra Mor. II 383 contraris noster With
fulmineus ignis. 663 6 opertas is subjec os allo verba. 664----t Mema almost a playin morda the drivo oo reat out ofth bello S. 66 667 suo is the way in burna. 566 operis i. e. tho Moising of Elna a sense Wo have so osten had besoro. 667 Lotangehu a single letter rotaing,iari sor uiuit these Wo Vas aris a summa os sevorat hundred lines of the poem an a tho connexion belWoon the spiritu and incendium has eo troate a much tengin and yet withsome obscurio And confusion Lam not auro thaturem is notraho subjectos urguet in insit eas I Would read Spiritu incendem uitia. 66 698 - mn Ver se an landri viait Hondi or ancient temples ciues of es renown Thebe mit ita legends, Sparta mith itumarriora, Athens it ita themes of song tomba a Greeis and Trojana; pictures and statues of Amoua artista. 68 operosa: vid inoi xv 666 procero ad templa petit Conueniunt operosa dei'. 66λε- mem. Met is in natura antithesis to has precedes Dodona might bo an instatico of thia, Ladonis of theminor hin os templo; and is memorari hecam memora tho hangorio tho reading of α Would naturali sollom: Scaliger' conjectum, though acceptet is oratius Wor dors Jacob, iareatly farther Bommas an very e . 670 per proae. DL digitis morte remotus Quattuor aut septem forinstanco. 67 676 Udo not
this sablo, Would mine tho sonteno simplar: his discor of the ona foedipus even uter doat is ala a commonplace of the poeta: nus. IX18 3 τουτους δ εν ιυντων αυτων την in λόγα, ωσαυτως δε καὶ τον δε αυτῆς καπνον διχῆ δασπασθαι. 680 numerus a tho senae it bears in Tacitus and the writor of tho silve age of a division or troo offoldiora Lycurgus suggesta in mentio of the Sparta Miny one of the creationa on hic hiariamo rosted sor Goralius oema right in aving that numerus is in enomotis, tho hornis in Spartan systemali quotes Hesychius, ἐνωμοτία ταξις τις δια - - ἐνώμοτος. - ,
absolutet devote to thei commander. 58 sol of α rosiores honentencα uictrice, in her contes Wit Neptuno. 683, as es by Catullus, ho seom to avo made Ρerfido Thmeu proverbial. 685 soli. I adhoro stricti io, onlfi 587 roadini moea sor Euome: later insa an ali odition are hopetessi confused Duri , Erigone, areone of tho aris arminarior hic Athens is Amous a reno ed a constellation is noW the a d of ou, and oura uestr*, our Ather Icarus or Icarius, and tho satinsul dog Whichaecam Sirius comp. Tib. I 1 9 iunctis Baccho iucundior hospes Icarus iit puro testantur Aidera caelo Erigoneque canisque' and n. to 246 Sirius indeae. 687 Enuo ι so 54 L ad emo serior e caelo. 690 suo Hectore through orb or in thoi Hector, hei his deat bein in cause of theiri struction: comp. Horacca Milesne Crassi coniuge barbara Turpis cet.' Cic. pro Mil. 47 iacent suis testibus' ab Hectore could nos here bo aid; but per o propter Hectora might it in extinctos extincto Hectore.
691 - is tho duris horo mentioneda iacit Max hos tom Was andis o tho Rhoetea hoadlandi or Hectori or even Achillos so that hal follom insana, and nos My tho tom of Achilles, but os Paris asmeli anno. he has expresse himself Ver obscurely. 594 patre, i. e. Oceano Haup in his index loci. 1859-60, in sumor of this fino correctionis his, ahe s that the reo poeta osten spin of the θαλαττα asas mother; it is nos therosor unnatural tho Latina inould moah of Oceanus acher Ather: the poet alludes o Apelles picturo os onus Anadyomino. 96 resera to the famina picture o Timomachus: Inquo oculis facinua barbara mater habet'. 96 tho Iphigonia os Timanthos. inbieetae: Vid has upposuta, Propertius bdita cerua.
- . Stat siUI3 4 Vidi arte uotorumque manus uariisque metalla Viva modis labor es auri memorare figuras Aut obur aut dignas digitis contingero enim , Quidquid et argento primum uel in om ronis Lusi et enorme manus eat experta oolossos' here ronis manus is sed a in ur mem: Aen. I 455 artificumque manus inter se operumque laborem iratur'; ari. IV 3 3 Praxitelus manum Scopaeque' Haupta l. in ea mo corrections ua amyronis Et iam mille manus' manus to aeem to an a genitivo an afferiminpalatincha boon illustrato by thre onus gre est in te ieces, it iaharia in hesping that a uaceta, homoer great ita merita, inovida thomi representatis of Gree sculpturo turba tis se tho ositio ofgus se n. t 79 so tho plur burba Ha ha I. comparea Hor. Od. III 447 'mortalisque turbas', and Lat Ilias 1020 turbis comitatus Achillas': mp. to for tho moaning in Brutus 122 quiue uix iam comparet in hac turba nouorum uoluminum' Sen opist. 88 24 haec quoquo liber liuin artium turba'. 699-645: et tho monder of rina in m ad these Esna Who ean Me s est as dest y thua in gino a Deo passage through heriuros to tho tWo brothors of Catina, ho carriod o in thes Ather, in other thei mosior, and thus arne eternia glory. 69s terra oet L e temrmus dubius marique se n. t 79 sor a lae quoation, and ---
ithout a connecting partiolo comp. 540. 601 hum rebus, in ali thalia dono by man. 602 i. o. in the eonning of autumn here to αHono as right. 603 ho soro os tamen Mom to e amful an saeabove ad mork of man though it be a human interest attachos tori in the lassomingrator' 6044ons though iis acta are generalty deatrumtive. 609 torquet Aeem to mean plagues'; though perhaps the poethad more than ono passage of Virgil in his iniud: Iuppiter is iis subjeci: doub Whotho Scaligor' torpet Would e in place, as the innis theninther in commotion. 611 rubebant fidit bocame ruuebari or rubcint, then urebcint. 12 hostem: se moto to 469 470 613 urbis, Catina, hichmina has osten invaded. 614 rapina seema tolino homit primis meaning of Anatchingo to care oss co . Sen epist. 7 7 nulli uero, etiam cui rapina feliciter comit, gaudium rapti durauit in posterum'. 617,πιῶ is sed a rapina b ore: nablorio caro a vwhat he had nascho up h losos proclous time in repeatin Varucham i sormulae; dor ora undeditan earmina. 61 minimo
III 32, hoc alicui nostrum sic increpet ' Lira Ix 2410 haec obuiis, hae incurrentibus in publicum pauidis increpat'. 62 namque oet.: thiarator of th plous rother of Catina ha extraordinis celebri :
Strabo p. 26 καὶ τὰ περὶ τους ευσε ις κει τεθρυλπται τον Ἀμφιν εον
figures, carmin ensi on thei aliouldor a Mapod figure, pro Ny stomaomis amous statues Claudian has a poem to the piova miners and thei statues. 626 Amphis of α and most mas is urious fortis, nomin. se n. to 58. 627 semota dependa on defessos Maliger olas senecta membra, hic may bo right. 631 raperest C ad Asa dono moli se hos piunt could have been change to rapias see n. to 5 Delost thisis of est indicos, is common in and astor tho Augusta ago: Hor epist. I 1 32 Est quadam prodiro tonus' an Sat. 1 2 101 Cois tibi paene uidero esto nudam', it tho dat achoro soracioin illis rapere est' inia Moty, is non elae, the ma care oss. 634 pios: in pio 'rothors appeam to have been thei proverbia titie Strabo
περιρρευσαι το πυρ κω συοθῆναι τουτους pinνους, ἀή ων και o χωρίον ἔτι καινυν προσαγορευεσθαι τον ευσεβῶν am . Solinus 5 15 Us ut opulori locus nominaretur campus piorum' so that doubiles there a a notionthat here thoi tom an statues more inemn, hero tho re fimi divido in to thom as unharmed hinc probabin innoxia terra': Philosis Moll. V 17 χῶρος δ' -εβων, πενὶ ους τ πυρώρρ--.πλ.: Omμω Pausan. l. l. 637 Deaerem is the accus 638 there is olearly a lacuna here, suo us his Hortatur tollitque senem, matrem arripit alter. 63s comp. Claud de piis fratri Adspice audantes uenerando
in pus fas terror: sinapa in tho last, iners mas omethin to hic this refers, suo ac matrem illo labantem' Claud. ib. Nouno
uides ut meu senex incendia monstret, Vt trepido genetrix inuocet ore deo. Erexit sormido comam pomuo omne metallum unus in attonito palluit aere frem0r' or elao o must read Tutua uterque pio sub pondere suffcit illo'. 640 comp. Conon, AEM. Red a is, and Pausan.
nomin. Scaliger quotea stron. 120, 76 Ditis pater': so Quintil. inst. I 6 34. 64 Sed curae of α eoma olearly Mouram Stat Theb. VIII 14 Illum et securi circums Maeo fragorem Elysii' x 88 Securumquo larem': therWiae minio look on the V as a reminisceno of Secretosque pioa his dantem iura Catonem', an read μονα-. Aso promise in tho introduction, I appen some remnins onProsessor Haupea program o 1854 p. 3 ho thus monds 1 son:
Inpius et mile metuontia comminus astra Prouocat, admoti ad territa sidera signia Provocat infestus cunctos ad proelia diuos Iuppiter eoaelo metuit dextramque corusca Armatus flamma cet. ad erriua is, he sua, a correctionis Meruinus,amenborghius the transpositionis
ε pater Idalio miratur Caesar ab astro': to me in contex Mem toroquire malo metuit I profor to tho oorti tam os ali in . P. 44 60ho reada ad sor in but Wit in bell&ndum a me no comparo inchexpression as vid hor. 15 197 Non mihi respondent uoterea in carminanires', Aen. II 664 Pila manu saeuosque gerunt in bella dolones', and in utrumque parat 'a 62 he reada laeuus sors uua I preser ac uua;
but both corrections at ne occurre to me, and Would occur to any scholar in the fame . he proposes utrimque secus sor utrimque deus.
In 68 ho adopta tho readinco a 16th centur edition Ampleae est natos sor Impellens uictos: ut that is aures reWTiting, no oorrecting: que oo seema in that caso a mos inademate connectiti partiolo. do nos eo that i is moro absurd to picturo Earin carrie along in the rout of her childron, as ah attempta to rati them, than toxepresent tho tars a fightingis the id of heaven. P. 5 in 1 hopropos iam attam ut o Ambustumiu for Inposuam et P. 6 in 73ho presera patulis of Aldus. 76 he reada utatum for rerum. 77 nigrori erunt omine or nigro uiderunt coemine. P. 7 in 80 heimp es
doratan sollicitant pomis sollicitantquo aquis ox sollicitant amo
8 Isollicitantquo siti'; ut pomo' and siti mino a strango apposition. 84 ho adopta ac 's uerius and -- Quidquid et ulterius falsi sibi conscia torrent', hicha consessa cannot interpret, an more inanin Quidquid in antiquum iactata os sabula carmen'. . 9 in 106he proposos iantque uiam, sanguia omnia qua commeet, isdem erracet.' changinisour oess. 10 in 110ho reada uetuia rior uetustasti 111 sor intra horaivos ultra. 119 sor torrens uno e offera totiem imo, hic I cannot approvo. 123 sor rivis e reada ripis, sann of the s. readinc nemo semel monitus negabit hae osse ineptissima': Hor epod. Π2 25 had suggeste to in ripis an no Iadmi that rivis an careoly bo defendod. 269 soli ho monia thus: Sic auidi semper quod uisum est carius, isti Inplemus se quisque bonis. ast artibus illis Sunt animi fruges has rerum est optimis mercis' cet. 273 ho profers muιum P. 12 in 281 ho adopis iuncto foedere DomΜenchen an Schrader. 287 cogi ur, hic Ι at nos hi Mon sorino unmeaning cogitat, fin Dominauph to e an mendation ofSchraderi P. 13 in 291 sor sono h oves sinu. 293 sor ino ora duo os cho suggesta do tingi ora lacus' or euripus'. 567 sor uiui per ho proposea uincuntur'. . 14 ho avsit 31 1 cum nullo
artiuola inci posse uideatur ut e deis recte positum esse censeamus, non dubitamus poetam ita scripsisse ut humore etiam nebulas se
P subusotat Min harenam' and i his Virgil, ascis likel enough,
ino authoin aso thought of Virgil. 362 Ardentisquo simul
flammaa ho proposes ardentesque simul flammae e', aures Dom notobservin that fragoria is asa ha- hem, the accus plur. I preserto tho repidantis of mss. ω - 'a crepidantia. 485 pronis sormunia, a manifest correction, Ufin Dominaupi has Mon anticipatinis Schrade an me or ius. 48 foll. he thus arranges nihil reuocat cursus, nil ignibus obstat, Nulla tenet frustra moles, simul
omnia purgant Nunc siluas rupesque omni, uno terra solumque ei.
P. 1 in 364 ho sads dant bracchia nodo Inplicita ac stirpea M.' aster Lucr. v 1096-1100. 461 nobis... Lucretiani carminis recordatio hanc certissimam neque enim dubitamus emendationem suppeditauit, Nam simulatque mouet uiris turbamque minatur, Diffugit extemploque solum trahit atque tremiscit similiter enim loquitur Lucr. v 1190 D manibus uero nerui trahor et tremere artus
ab is ter claudere 375 ablative arier alma Ver 59o adjective or participies, rimo in rameianus 67 admittere caelo 86 Aonaria 429 Aetna, oditiona es p. 26-28; manuscripta es p. 2 32 iis reputo authors P.
Aetna, maso. 34ΟHumen 39o, 397 Amphion and Zoinus 5 7 Apollea Venus 594 arbitrium Imatmida 33s
brachia 36 carmina 6iet Cataniani them 6a4, 634, 636 639 Catullua allude to et aa, 3, 495 496,
clauas 48; lusus 3 17 collectus aquae 94oommissus s3soonsequitur ratia 6et et curuus, of Iava 87
Daphne, ita gresti colobrio p. o a Dardania 6 Dauhenn Pros o Em 387, 389, 399, 23, 485, 495 Ditis, nomin. 643 dolea et67 durat incendi 439
intereunt uenis 5 a-Is in nom. Plur. 58 iubar, masc. 333
leuitas 35o Lucilius Iunior hia oliam to e aut ros Aetna p. 33-37 his lis an ina-rReter P. 33-3x his phili sopb p. 36
rhythms, unusual 69, 98rigam incendia 38srissis, Ioat in chasms I9, 33 robur 395mrum 3i6 Rotunda alter nomen dedit a rumpuntur ignes, olo. I; rumpere iter