
발행: 1867년

분량: 109페이지

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601 locus ab omni liuor arbitrio uacat': spinto in Horo. Os 484Wio ιυι- soruare Plauti vi 218 Seoodo . . procul No arbitri dicta nostra arbitrari queant'. 197 quid ina matertias rina in ita depina burna, Lo in ectus of 188 ino aro tot in dotai 199 soll. 198 mirisis a fabis is in arsisse of 188, o the piratis of 210-218.19s Nomam im o mi a mea gain: in uasa is Vor appropriate, ut notis oertain: --ιαε, rom tho aevias of ould bo quali moritho burning an Ming a maris soaturo in an eruption Plinyi 234 Aetna flagrantia in tantum ut quinquagena, oentena milia passuum harenas flammarum globo eructos' Sen. nai quam II 30 1 Aetna. . ingentem uim urentis harena effudit'. 200 moles occum iu 27 .iththe amo aenae the aro the mirando pondore saxa of Lucri I 692; the κυδρο- of Sιrabo l. l. moles Mn manis are Viror acopuIoanuolsisque uiscera montis'. 201 ναμ est in Virgius Cum gemitu glomerat'. 202 fuso cet. Strabo l. l. φλογα καὶ λιγνυς Lucr. LI. Fert itaque ardorem longo longequo favillam Dissor o Maasa uoluit caligine fumum' Aen. in 72 Interdumque atram prorumpit in aethora nubem, urbine fumantem piceo et candento sauilla': tho mord in Would impi aiso minor than amohs modern observersis in offfreamsit Nac mu Mingio unuauia. Revuo des doux mondea tom. 674 222 4sa enorme volute de uago qui Κελ pent presque comatammon des orathres en actisit se composent, a molas murdes 999 milliemea, de V eur aesau et coison ello qui onis'Mancant durion dea imos inlevent des ourbillona o condros et dea loca de corim'. 203 soli ho no play tho mei: Vatibus ingonium est' semetiang

sustentando a prolatando nullo pacto potest' pro Flacco 12 ut fori os tentat, ut omnia uerba moderatur': caliger' eadem foris hin is attestat ingenio . 210 is a good test os m. is right; mea nori; then longo interuallo a. inena . comp. Mor. VI 693 dubito quin haec animai turbida uia ait M. Men. ruri 318 penitusquo coactos


uoluptas eri inero. 22 ei sis i. e. nobis the dat. seem quite desensibis. 227 both sons and poetr declare that mis right horo: α and give Grant nonsensα 228 here, bears the piam principis mustis joine With What recedes quot one, Wo, three, O lauri or, cinctepicureans an infinito quae sucilia: so 243 --quae. 229 havsio change tho indicatives here, nor in 30, 239, 240, as Wo os os instances could no b altere Without violent an quite improba-blo correction: Propertius has many similis indicatives. I domo knowWhether our author intende them to M ascit mere parentholicia in 27 I avo ritte quod sor quid, a quid meroe seem intolerabloe saecula m for Ver' a common senso in tho poeta. 231 is readingvi sor et I avso his made cloar his and tho soli. v. hic camnotio underctood in an edition scire modum solis scire qua ratione luna, quanto minor eius orbita est, eo breuior cet. hom in moon m eat lVe, Whil in au minos ono revolution tho consis is like that of


eurin 1 fiud in tho oumis. ω tho las letters of Whic ara cloarly homine iura at in and of tho nexi . comp. 19 Wherois has mentem sormcitrem smin dentem at endis 20, and n forat Soriouant inconduci Withou known lamis ordor, opposis to certo ordine. 23 Mosocis oleari genuino signorum o 235 aro the 12 signa os the odiac: Moobmoli compares anil. III 41 Cum tamen in quocumque dies deducitur astro, Sex habeat supra terras, sex signa sub illis'. I ad Lucan 190 dum longi uoluont itana labores, Noxque diem caelo totidem per signa sequetur'; Vitruv. Icl ex quibus sex igna numero supra

terram cum caelo peruagantur, cetera sub terram subeuntia ab eius umbra obscurantur', an seo What solioWs Sen diat Vm 5 4 aena per diem, sena per noctem signa perdueens nullam non partem in explicuit

plaini right sis strange unmeaning Panos of is a Mosa an ΡΗ pable interpolation, hether id omnem evidenti coming homine hodi notonderatand What,a said: ,hy, When Phosio' fir is rudis,hor rothoea palo, his portenda eloud sor heaven ruina sor aro': Virgil geor. I 431 sva uento semper rubet aurea Phoebo' and Windisn mi have ery simila prognostim perhus ibid. 441 442, Hincontain the signa of min, impi palenes of the sun. 2384 is Honoright uer col. Cic. Cato 70 uer enim tamquam adolescentiam significat'. 43 quae uae qualia ait, qualis sit comp. 220. -- ia stino', and so illinaturin malignant': er ad 866 Ego illo agrestis saeuus tristia parcus truculentus tenax'. 24 I cannot decido botWoontendant of - and pan ne of p. 246 Mose of - Ι preser o uocet os p horis thinhing of tho amin hunter notis his courae M a star incubει of αωΙ profer foram et os Rin account os quo and the natur os Sirius. indeae, the insormer', is Aiax in poetical resorancorio him, When a thodoxo Icarius oracarus' brought Erigono to her Ather' dein boo: in stor is tot fulinis Servius geor. II 389 editor Aeem ait o misa stranget tho meaning ovid severat times term him Icarius canis 247 mundo the sis': se n. to 43. 248 nos o sus ' i. e. no boconten to thin os inem a a mero confused mam congesta D mustbo right.261 dominis, Eorius ita lorda an mastem', of α is furet right.252 Quaeque fimi Writte Quae, and thon et interpolato in αα 264 2bbo solios hero. Nam quae i. e. nam qualia spes est; and uelle dependa on it a mel asin mentia sor in 255 in massing of mustio interpolatessi errantem: he has Hready as a stola more than onos declaro in stare an heavenis diecto boaoda: subducto regnant sublimia caelo' he hero personaees an ono of them in isseu it is,


th place note by thei numera, in tho midvi os an alien sentence: oldor editor invio exo od; ut in Jacob Whoans tho factri inowastrange antis acumon nota ob f he, Wemador morialus, Scia ex alliu in Vm in unauit lo placos. Da metaphor of mmΘWhat a latino mini ho me compares tho arta mine sor ita metata, to n.reto putrio the tortum to xtor consession Bus in re ings of paro cleari inseris to thos of hic horo has notis letter Wrong sorin 275 I profer premimur, a savourito mordis our poet to the eaherterimur, 'aring ovo rein remi sor premia though here it invindicate a disserent recension. 276 pro naum editor stranges tali tobe the sea it is of Οο so the depins of earl 'a osten inmur poem 546 et quaedam fortam profundo Incomperta iacent' 578 raptumquo profundo' ho spe sis mining of courso. 277 arm emen Ori has semina solis buxuo Wiin quit the samo sorore 278 Torque υν ααω, are ut to tho tortum', is clearly right Wit thes throe linea comp. Lucr. Ι 808 ubi argenti uina aurique secuntur, Terra penitus acrutantes abdita serro' and speciali Plio 11 157, Who dWella on inosame metaphor aquis, seraeo ligno igni, lapide fruge omnibus cruciatur

horis ... Vt tamen quae summa patiatiu atque extrema out tolerabilia uideantur, ponetramus in uiscera auri argentiquo uena et aeris ac plumbi metalla fodientes, gemmas etiam et quosdam paruolo quaerimus lapides scrobibus in profundum actis uiscor eius extrahimus'. 258, o

purgata inseris aures Fruge Cleanthea' sociere 'animus inseritur bona Buge'. hae cet. othera hine a practica1 Valus hae of α inust be right: or Me of φω in hae the ea optim o p seem an interpolation.


On Or more M. aro lori here probabi more than ono. I annot

illustratin hom Lucretius halcis totalin different. 29 a es


machines of tho esse dit os,ator in pultiti ai in motion, hic in turnaeis something elae in moVoment. 2934 alludes, asser dore sua,to auch an instrument a Claudius Triton oti line Fucinua hic gaveth aimal se in naumachia Sueton V 2 at nil exesonio classe bucina Tritone argento qui a medio lacu per machinam emerserat':whothoesit e that vor Giton, it is impossibi to an a me know that similar playthinga existed longios o hominemn, Who in his pneumaticap. 171 describo a σαλπιγξ thus biose is mater, and p. 227 ono No n

mean horis pugnas', suo a the naumachia in Suetonius or an other hora duo ma mea the emporor, Claudius or another o any οπι- mander, Euch sta the duce of th o tW Mota Maliger' aura diu,

adopted by ad lator editora, harvirgius adust sonae. 29 the machinois morked by a bovis ater in by tho ais constratne thereis to aeti in motion jus a tho mater of tho claud impola sis inda hichi

Ein in motion collectus aquae occum in uor. IV 41 and in romtinus 296 another machino, orked in liri mannera mater Muingala in motion is described: Musicis o bo repeate here. It is a hydraulic man, a sors of instrument Whic Was vor common in tho timeos in Empiro, and longaesore. 296 me horo havo e solioWω byrius: Virgil an somo os the mos carosul poeta inoi this; though tho boat

prose riters emplo it Deely. Car. irri must mea a fune produce istho pressure os materi coriin i in hydrauli or mate organ miscitis so calloda domosano' hether fio ita hape resembling omino a pot, or esse in sacre pol an tripod oti hic the Pythia sat or,ina Wemsdor Poet. min. Π p. 398 suggests, smin tho loud notae hic camosorin rom in Delphic cortina causing the nam to be transferre eothis unusua lov&sounding instrument. the mota occura onlyhere in his sense, the meaning is uncertain tho ox containing tho mater ould Aeem hom colas and sis to have been os disserentishapes; but Athenaeus IV p. 174Minys kιμε δε - οργανον βωμω προγγυλω stomwhich me mio insor that ortim denotes the hape Heron, hodescribes elaborasel a hydraulic mancius ater Mariton mentioninabois, calis the opper hos containing the mater more than ono a βωμίσκος but his dra ing oves it in Ah e M a squam altari Sen. nai.

quaest. Π 6 5 cornua et tubae, et quae aquarum pressum maiorem sonitum formant quam qui ore reddi potest, nonne aeris intentione partes suas

oxplicanti' 297 these organa aro described achining impares calami or stulae frues, resembling the tubas of our organs these --

pares fistulas produce impars modi Vitruvius x8 13 gives a long


teclinica involve description: ut tho oleares accounts aro ound in Heron l. l. and in the mirious poemis Publil optatianus aΡ. Kernsdorfmet min. II p. 405 Where in arrangement an lemth of the vas auxgosis to the y the arrangement os in iubes 41 Perque modo gradibus urget secunda canori Aero cauo et tereti, calamis crescentibus aucta. Quis bene suppositis quadratis ordine plectris Artificia manus innumeros clauditque aperitque Spiramenta mill illustrato in V., and what solio. Sub quibus unda latens properantibus incita uentia, uao uicibus crebris iuuenum labor cet.' look like 298, here μω seem a reminiscenoe of Aen. X 227 'subremigat undis': ut tho 'arto regentia Quaerisinem cet. must reser to the organis Whoris playing ontho heys and thus driving the air into the iube so acto produce thomusio it Would seem here si lyrio meam h TOWa along i. e. play ontho disserent heys, is means os the water', hicli supplies tho pressureis .hicli in alaris fores into in subes sor alliseem agroed that this

Water summota furena se n. to 67. 301 no ovi are thera theso externia caussa os .iud in Elna, ut, must bello tho aro producedbelo tho art smin causea similis to thoae utrido. 303 premuntia clearly right, cremans harin no meaning here premunt inter se iatho prope Latin constructio in the ense of mutuo premunt remuntur': Lucri I 456 comprendunt inter se'; I 787 inter se mutare',

rocha tumbi undoinmund an so causo a disperato os iar, and produco vind: also that in molatur os misis produces at an mini as, seoon meado a Bar a rivor much greater is the poWer of Water underino earth, and of minta hich is constrain are rendere more violent,


ore a m credit aliquis: his uso of tho n pera sing. potentia is X- tremel frequent in Latin comp. advi gram. 370, and y n. OLuor. I 327 19o-- pomum i potest aliquis, andis 41 Cum uideas uidem uides aliquis Madvig observos that this idiom is of Ver extensis uso, employed altho in the hie clausea es sentences, Or, shere aste conjunctions si, cum, etc., or relatives ino imper i s usedas et a the present Lucri V 1332 and 1 1268 uideres an posses moro than onoe: ith his unionis est an ore a comp. Lucr. Π 850 Quoad licet ac possis', hero Lachmann's potia egris o more nec Sarytha Jacob' eredis hero: tho amo idiom occurs bolo. 401 si sorte

manu tenea M. . . cernas, ... putea', here ac inuit spolis the passageb violent an uaeles changos: meas an cernas do no dependis si forte, ut m tenemus, cernimus. 309 Proruere se a quit nec sary: the cavem tu lo in and tho es thus displaco rushes about udraiae Wind Lucri I 545 Subter ubi ingentia speluncas subrui astas: Quippe cadunt toti montes': his use of proruere appear in the silVerage: a ann XV 22 motu terrae...oppidum Pompei magna ex arto proruit'. 310 orescere of α allus at onos certamina tanta es editore, Scaliger, oriatus, Womsdorf, Jacob. 311 ε ndere, animaso au's:

it is curious hoWae has dWolf and continuos tola est ominia productiorio at an mindrimm molaturo. ut in si hos limato in difffreno intomperatum et eo th air an running mater osten mahea thocurrent of ia very perceptibio. 314 rum parti Mem to e thoretis tari froin the amnis an distributed sor irrigationisve thoiolds: Plin m 119 inadus doductus in flumina et ossa inter Rauennam Altinumque': Flamin aresars to come horum misundor fanding of tho

PMARM. Mi i. e. harum aurarum, current of ai hom mater

315 humor adspirat sortes auras, et uerboribus impellit', thua incro ingtheirsores Aon. 607 uentosque adspirat eunti': ut our amage iaVer obscuret expressest, it in mas aro right. 316 in uacuo in thoopen air rorum is a fine cormotion a Jacob's Lucretius uae it aevorat time sor mater o molatur generalty se in noto to I 496. 317 eruat this som, to judge roin tho es inas. of Juvenal sor insinuos an Seneca, a corurnon in the silver ago. 318 penuus, Within thoearin, is opposed to erim the or osten occura mih thia sonae iniurpoem umeris nomin. to μαμωnt the samo causea Act omine inda

out 323 Mais cere is inuin the fame a Pugnantis socii. civ. tu is illustrate is primos ultimus urget' ono a riuus striae onanother, an so impias it m ardS, RS ne in another ave. 32432 uires of ono . has come rom uires of the ther: a common error


1n ur an other Es. se n. to 1 mori editore chango it in thoaecond, hore it a earito me in place While in 324 vecor a similarmord is required auo sub pondere seomario me notrio reser to the Wiud, but to the roas, lollincinem ove es thei equilibrium' mith this usocomp. Lucri 1 574 recipit prolapsa sua in pondere sedes', and w noto heroa cito among ther amage Petron. 136 anumque pondero suo deiectam': to the instanos iners givena nomad hom Stat Thob. V 374 instabili procumbens pondere'; II 435 commoto pondere' and III 37 the plur. ponderibus': ut sorio our poetielow, 346 ipsa suo decliuia Pondere numquam corpora deripiat': hat jus precedes thia furthoe illustrates ur passage, spiritus ille Qui rupes terramque rotat M.'; hic supporta in rupes Wit in subi referrincto rupes and 3468M comp. auo phrasea a that just quotod Dom Petronius, an suo sibi gladio huno iugulo', and Cicero's desinant insidiari domi sua consuli'; audistin tho uso os inuoluens, Aen. II 688 silua armenta uirosque Inuoluens secum'; 292 oppositis a tergo inuoluitur aris In caput atque umeros': ut evolvens is perhapa o b re L 32 per overna dens o pom. 326 -- - is an roo that triecto sta thespiritus. 32 alph. orua M. restores in passago sipho had Various usos; ut heroci denote a hin os forcingiumΡ, sed a a fi--enone an sor the pum ea among tho Migitis hero a a Machmont

Nicomedia 'nullus usquam in publico sipho, nulla hama, nullum dentiquo instrumentum ad incendia compescenda'; Isid. orig. X siphonua appellatum, quod aquas uitando fundat. ubi senserint domum ardere, currunt cum siphonibus plenis aqua et extinguunt in ndia aede camaras expressis ad superior aquis emundant': lin hist. 11 166

quo spiritu acta et terrae pondere expressa siphonum modo emicat'.

329 367 What mo eo mouid o against tho hypothesis that homicida onte by tho crater and then AretariVen ut again: thus a stissquis olou resta in fine eather hiis aboVecit, and When an eruptionis no ming on incens is ometimea burne o tho Vor summit itho ver appearanoes de Ne then it musti from tho immoris rapiditymith .hio in vinci move, that tho eludo tho snses this mi tio illustrate is various Wolbisomni nomena. 330 Muribus Lucri VI 701 os rana, In aummo uni uertice enim oratores, ut ipsi Nominitant nos quod auom perhibemus ot ora'. 331 oeus ipse tho summis of rina, o the mouin os in orator. 332 fiagea of α mahostho passage a cloar a in aether Raess. 333 Pum Oaero: to Luor. 11829 Loito Dom Proportius Poenis tibi purpura fulgeat atris', and frem Claudian puniceo atro'. iubar aureus Priscian quote DomEnnius 'albus iubar' and in another grammariam. splendidus iubar' es Lucri T 404 usea iubar of the rising - rubrum tremulia


64 iubar ignibus cet.' and w697 tremulum iubar haosita ignis' so 1