장음표시 사용
o Catullus in1 57 60 132 135 247. 23 horo again hero must bea hiatus, an boliove of tho hind indicatod in in teri si vo of the
oopyiat mandere hom in middie of one, to the fame pars of the neri: this Would ivo in sena noeded, Quicquid in antiqufo narratur tempore gestum gestum est memorabile saeclo' o thoracis, omnis per uariJum iactata est fabula carmen': Nemesian. 46 semcto e again imitatin our poem: 'Haec iam magnorum praecepit copin istum, omnis et antiqui uulgata est sabula saecli': αααια est in uulgata est.24 ignota cum aro the nou uom and tho insolitum ess and 8.-σω comp. Tacitus ann. 1 24 si effectis in quae tetendi, plures ad cura uitam produxero ab operi: Elna an ita res, as explaino in 1. 26 26 either ωαι nor den-m has an substantive a V is olearly los suo ac quas tanta perenni Impete uis subter glomerans incendia, nimbum Explicet in densum flammas': it this and What follom comp. Claud rapti Proserp. I 161 Nunc uomitindigenas nimbos piceaque granatum Foedat nube diem; nunc molibus astra lacessit Terrificia damnisque suis incendia nutrit Quae scopulos tormenta rotant qua tanta procella Vis glomerat quo sonto ruit Vulcanius amnis ν 27 moles 200 Flagrantes proporant molea'; 467 Accensa subeunt molos'. 28 irriguis in molion lava singino chio Ioatur of the eruption.
Vulcan. 31 ulc. m. comp. the las V. M Claudia quoted above. 33 merem infimas a sense Whic Foroeli. s. v. illustrates. 34 S dem here as laeWhere are made coordinate mit the σει comp. 44,
passages that in me mas a stoic in Stam exorcise a genera super intendenos ver in earth, ut cor nil trista interserenos. Q. Meg. subi caelo comμ en de ben. I 23 paucorum motus compro-hondimus, innumeriabile uero longiusque R eonspectu nostro educti
di unt redeuntquo Diaerepta est. the disserenoo, a Scaligero lains, is this: th sorme inculcato a superstitious rea of a divino interposition in human assaim the lalter propagat a mere mythological salsohood. 38 numeros expresses Visol's binochia tollunt In nu-
nore the or recura in his sense in 135 pignera; 46 pignom -- 519 oorto uerum tibi pignore constat': so Gratius cyneg. 240 ne prima auonio pignora fallant'; 255 ad pignora artis'; 263 maiorum pignoro signa oturam' 300 Nec me pignoribus nec te
-- - -- eomo Dom ruis i. o. trementia tho poet Memario have Mon thinhing of Luor. In 834 belli trepido concussa tumultu Horrida oontremuero sub altis aetheria oria' an Catuli LxI 205 tellus atque horrida oontremuerunt Aoquor concussitque micantia sidera mundus': in admurem sis rapeat Wit additiona emphasia tho meruentis eo--
minus os 51 the author as a stoic held in stare to Maod' and sodoinatho unotos diu , he god one an ali an mit them in star etc. :comp. Lucr. V 115 soli an in notori 116 and 117, horo Lureotius is evidenti arguin against a stoica allegorising of tho ars of the wdsan gianis comp. to 6 69 7 and Whata in thore impioua soldior challongo at olose quartera in Diotono stare: hallongo Lavin hostilo arrantho goda ne an ali and the oonstellations hahing asine tantarda aro mught into tho Mule': omp. too anil. I 427 Et tam uicinos fugientia sidera', and What pro des an solio a Claudiangiganto Pallescunt subito tollae' a Moracca Telluris iuuenes undo periculum Fulgens contremuit domus Saturni uotoris'. i eo Mi mss. has norauit te meaning a Jupiter tiara, o sor himself, but for the asotros aven ere a mario hine more than ono the samo foro in Lucan probabi a contem rary se Handaura. II p. 370 Who est 37 in totis uiribus orbis Hosperiam pensant superi'. melo metuit Sen. Hippol. 1136 Metuona caelo Iuppiter alto Vicina petit'.
deis cor cet. Virg. geor. I 328 Ipse ater. ..corum Fulmina molitur
different schoes' ome grammariansa Ping more to olde' omerio moro
recent forma. From Quintilian ono movi inser that many forins hingone ut os uso, hic the est mas of the olde Uiny, Juvenal Andother ahe to have been employed by thei respectivo authors inusto in 625 Phes the nom. plur fortia 594 rorantia, and 358 potentis, the bestias of Uiny one ovin this forin 134o write eis sis,
formur Poem, though Udo no initi it is, I Would suggest uincit porsidera'. 69 aelum this pauso besoro the finia spondeo is a marhedseatur in the rhythmi our poem comp. 76 189 192 20 216 270 319393 412 513 590 600 also osor a fina bacchius, Ma --M , 416 profecto 5 12 Duilicie in more inamone placo the olde edition . -- intelligibi throuo neglectin inis Editora Bom caligo to Jacob have played strange tricis it our passage. 7 93 this is mero inventionis poets, liho in tales tho tot of things elom, an above ino artiu houo suo licenco e salalyclaime sor poema prosor the truth: Elna mill o m ineme. 74
Poeta λα- genius honos their poema aro renoWnod hoW-er in truthplus and poem aro mostly mero delusion. 77 uiderum coemiane an
Marcolyae right I conjecturo uicerunt 'tho hine prouod in songuinat blach manes exist beneat tho sarta in ami in astas of the pyre'. 78 this passagorio has Mon musi corrupte by -- stopping Atosint tam clearly belongario manes the vulga Roman bello Ming that in moment tho bod Was reduced homines, in spiris of tho man entemdhia manes i. o. a spectra resemblance of his bou, lihe in eature, dreas, etc. to tho liring man. 79 M. und que our poem frequently hasque in thorard placo an editora, hero an elaeWhere, hine corrupte itis overi ring this comp. 113 limo furtimque ' 172 trepidant urbe que '; 409 seruans aciem duramque'; 430 'auper festisque' 528 eadem perque omnia'; 598 operum turbaoque' 599 terra dubiusquo' inis actico is common in ovid, and o Lucri II 1050 Phine ovo a great man instancea Domaim, and should havs adde to thein IV 1010 pommotantes visaeque uolantes i. e. persectantesque uolantea uisae mistodis Nonius Pthoro mari accipitres, hic is 1Way masculiue seminine. 80 menta foedum, rom tho natur of the punishmeus: Iecundaque poenis Viscora'. 81 Sollicitan comes olearly smin the neri V., a common ource of error in uris in thermas. comp. 34, 324 378, 577, an at end of 19 an epithet is eodo for iugera, and a vor sor illicet. Plurima: cin I suggest poma for poena hic probabi came hom 80 is ut in change of oneratro , and in antalus punishment fruits of troes ars usuallycioine Wit matera, a in Odyss. λ 582-592.8 a V seem olearly los here, suo ac Pectora, materiem fingenda ad talia praebet' terrent of rusa comes stoin the indoining plurat, a common a sermo error in mas. Eo in 88 peccent for peccet; and 206 --ι- α ne in hi look o the precessing Verses aci lying an epicurean author comp. Lucr. III 978-1023: ut here o mo have thostolo comp. Son epist. 24 18 non sum tam ineptus ut epicuream cantilenam hoc loco persequar et dicam uanos esse inferorum metua, nec Ixionem rota uolui nec saxum umeris Sisyphi trudi in advorsum eo ullius uiscera et renasei posse cotidie et carpi nemo tam puer est ut
Cerberum timeat et tenebras et larualem habiιum nudis ossibus cohaerentium'. 8 tu es, inaugo to ut in other inas. has rendered the passage nintelliolo in ali other editio . 86, utere: Moo seomst provo that immittere ould e more in placo hors. an m. Ocalieno caelo e sed a in a phraso liho admittere uirum alienae mulieri' 88 peooe i. o. Iuppiter se What is stad of terre in 84 hersto the procedin plurias havs caused the error of mss. 89 Laedam οφα Pheep, αε expressing the Greeli, comp. socienci, in usual form in the older riters. 88-90 comp. Ovid amores III 12 33 Iuppiter aut in aue aut se transformat in aurum Aut secat imposita uirgine taurus aquas '. 91 2 astor in precedent of Virgil an contrar to tho
age of the older ritera, our author osten omit the subat. Verb as
nai quaest. V 14 1 non tota solido contextu terra in imum que -- datur, sed multis partibus caua ει Mesa mapena Atebris'. 98 utqus animanti, an unusual rhythm A the ago of our poem: a 495 ulteriores, 4964 araeo ena, en tW consecutio m. 453 lapidem Me molarem. 9 Per tot pero. so thia constructio comp. Luor. VI 668 an Lach.
p. 367 the simple accus is usual. 100 ad Mittam seomario be oinedmith hat recedes: to maintain lila'. sanguis: the ni quantityknown to Lucretius though commovi inori in and astor in Augustatiam, it is long more than onoe in viri Lucan Silius an onos in Virgil, Tibullus, Sonoca, AL Maocus. 102-117 a long involved sentenoe giving the Various Waya in hic in cavernous natur of thesari might bo explainod 102 - is ans ero irregulari in 110 sitie, thon 112 aeti 114 aut, I siue Jacob mel compares in similarly involvo sentenco inmans I 122 soli. 122 Quem iuri 125 Seu 128Siuri 132 Siue 135 Seu 137 AM-dividiniinto neque ec-ne-Aut
--M-que vini ius to is discussin a similis quoslion. 102 110 tho artesesinor ha thia cavernoua naturo atriis fidit sormation. 103 sors rima Μanil. I 155 Tertia sors undas cet. 10 dea infMI. Manil. II 59 Vltima subsedit glomerato pondere tollus' here oo
Baccata magia struxerunt aequora terram' the so in olearing ilaeis
maa. an odition has no senae tho est mas hine struaeerunt, notare naeerunt of editiona. 10 tortia inis Hono nesthor Womadori norJam adoptiniit, though Dario do ac deor. p. 204 says 4Ortia rim. ea quemadmodum diserto representat ma qui fuit in bibliotheca raestantissima Ioannis ori, nuper Eliensis episcopi i. e. our'. hes VSS. Me nintelligibi in ali mas. ut , an oditiona hau made mattera morso. 10 Eae a Manil. I 165 orbisque per undas Exiliit'; Lucilius Iunio v. Sen. at quaest. III 1 1 Elisus Siculis de sontibus exilit amnis'. 10 fh end of this v. o lamni inis in other mss. it is manting, o as in ali edition absurdi corruptest e rybdis is curious it may bo adde to tho Gres Worda horases in a Gree sense:
110 soli or init mas notis formo at iis icth, eo nata M., ut mas hollo effout is subsequent, though ancient causos, is ala Rhin' in to escapo or in mater atin out a v. caua ueruat is linerine liber spiritumor the lympha perennis. 111 liber col. the air Withinrovini reel abouf, hereverrit has space, in t incto escape graduallylarces a mansor itaeis intra has tho amo adjectival foro that retro in
140 has, and aetrii 457. 113 Erit is pors of Mo sex tho position
sion sor explaining the causos, so long a me have tho effect ' iniciundos piant is ommon in ur post an in his age generalty comp. 122 traha contrahat': an mith caua docendi comp. Cic. de diu. II 6 ac mihi quidem explicandae philosophiae causam adtulit casu grauia ciuitatis'. 11 in Ond of this . to is perseo ovi in α Aldus eomes ea to, omit the morda altogether. 11s hero to a v. issuroly lost, suo ac Rursus saepe solet u laquo uoragine condi' comp. 132 prascipiti conduntur flumina terra' the sudde appearance ordis Marano of rivera, vendam ones, is moro common in landa nomnio si post than in urs comp. Strabo quoto to 107 Sen. nai quaest 111 263 quaedam flumina palam in aliquem specum decidunt o sic ex oculis auferuntur' and comp. What solio. Wit What solio. in urmem. 12 122 are ver corrupi in ali aut α m alterations
mola acria, mesari enuias Dom hero the oarin is hinandio us Proporti hactenuia pumeae uocuo, hom here in Moundis quit hollo. Seneca l. l. causa manifestis est: au terra uacat locus'. 121 uenas Hirtius boli Gall. 43 uenas sontis intorcisas sunt adque auersae'; Sen. Ll. 19 4 habet ergo non tantum uenas aquarum terra, ex quibus conriuatis numina ossicii sunt, sed amne magnitudinisu ino'. 122 and conisalicit, a romarhed above, eem to bo
considerable stream, mandra ita supplies ut os a sui store' sissens Mema toroquiro my D. ComΡ. Seneca just quotod, and nat qua l. VI 3 neque enim sumeret tellus ad tot flumina edenda, nisi ex reposito multoque funderet': ae pleno in ex reposito multoque': Sen. l. l. m 29 1 quidam existimant terram quoque. . . nova fluminum capita detegero quas amplius ut o pleno profundant'. Jacob devotes nearly three pagosos amati print to expound thes three M and the resul produco is a livet imagination actingis inferior M. is a sollows: Non Nili xtenui vortex alit arva necesse est, Confluat, reantes aro sena undiquo
et undas Attrahat cet. 120-122 explain 118 tantos idos' thon 123 lumina et ' illustrate ac torrens latu'. 123 in pleonasmhero may perhapsio compared Wit Lucri I 1031 moit ut largis auidum mare fluminis undis Integrent amnes', an Virgil'a rapidus montano flumine torrena': Hori epod. 2 25 Labuntur altia intεrim rivis Bland 1 etc. but mos mas an editiona ripia. 124 illa i. e. flumina. 126 fatali, ut of Whic the neve missu into in light. 129 a lino sutideratood by mrongratopping in editiona in earin servo Oither asa maling-place hos uium, Sange, -- , sor the matera. 130 --ymque eL: omp. 57 Pigraque et in pondus conserta immobilis esset'. 133 quae ma rea sor qua etiam hic resdor and Jacob stranget rotata comp. it this and What procedes, Sen. nai. quaest. III 26 3 quaodam flumina palam in aliquem specum docidunt et
sic ex oculis ausoruntur; quisedam consumuntur paulatim et intercidunt. eadom ex interuallo reuertitutur recipiuntque et nomen et curaum ceti'
sor toti it is illustratex by 142 Inoomperia et so that oriatus'
pMen is against in senso. 135 pignera se n. to 40. 136 Laesura means 'cannot satiri attraot' comp. io phil. III 5 hi in oculis haerebunt si, cum licebit, in faucibus': Val. Flacc. I 333 haesuraque uerba relinquo Auribus', in sensoria differenti 138 horo . have to beginho mediato etWeo p and ἄω densae noet of αὐ profer o de cinoot of p, a lem trito: - mio compare Virgir ιαι- oondidis en aem. 140 141 ars intelligibio in Dalono. Quia aro tho holes sed by Wild Masta sor their latra retro stretchinisar inmata Lucr. IV 607 loca. . . dita rotro'; Stat Theb. II 13 ipsaque tellus Miratur patuisse retro'. 1 Lystri is hars to mino the antra subjectisfodisse, Whicli homever ἄνω ali havo. 142a HV accordincto, noti perhaps the
a v. ictos here, M 143 ia ala an imperiaci sentenco thia mould perhapsgive .sio require aenae: tantum inui intra Flatibus assiduis aer: haec cognita se u Argumenta es.' mind an ala como ut of them, D domo se hoW Dom hic D ma inser at comes ut of theunknom depina of earth. li , Seneca an othera osten mention indcoming ut os holloma an omes in tho arth in great differetice of temperatur in hos countrioa etWeo tho utor ai and that milhin maring thia probabi Ver perceptibio Perhaps in lacuna is greater than ono V. 144 - hardi oves an Sense: --' a Jacob sus, is halis mant. 14 abstrahe et must mean dr- rom hingasson bolist in the unaeon'. 147a cannot decido Mimeon inelum M p, an ineluris of α,. 148 is readinciae sor Mo hic came fram honex V., and changin the topping, in senteno is Hain: et quo plura uenti hic in torra, mouent. 15 m acies rea sor causa the mahining been absorbe in tenerrima: for thia se of m a comi'. vidmet. 1 70 quae pressa diu massa latuero in ista Sidera' fastici 108 Inque nouas abiit massa soluta domos'. 16 187 inoso inda, and thoram an octo disturbaticos hic ithe occasion, have no their origin ea the auriaco the como Dombeio an are tho essecta os great premum an resistanco. Loo at Elna and the Wil confusion ithin ita orator: his illisive o thocleareat conception os fremendoua movementa. 168 soli aro intolligibio oes ins here an dom to 1774 appo. to spe is subterraneoua diaturbanem generatim hether multing in earinquine or 61--- the lino in hiatus, probabbi moro than ne V., after 142rendor ino hole passage obscure. 168 summis auris mus mean causea arising on the sursace': perhapa, mio comparo Aen. xII 434
Summaque per galeam delibans oscula'. 15s opus here and 169 means tho or o resul produce by thea commotions and thon in 186 b, 195, 336 56i tho lihe, Eor reauit in rosereno tomina specialis
uncuum teneat uento atque ita acuat morantea'. 167 E sica scat-tera them ab ad an so destros ali thoi intonsit' 168 turbareis neut a osten in Lucretius an othera. 169 170 cana underet doni in notusque promit densa ruina, premiturque uiolaaim nunc euriboreaeque ruina, nunc uterque i. o. eum et boreas, ruina huius Le.
noti in las Worda aro ut a repetition in factis in prema of 169: buta loves antithetica minis comp. n. to 53 17 sor positionisque comp. n. t 79. 17 antiquiis mundi: chaos i como again': madors and Jacob Will havo tho author to e Lucilius, and an Pio rean and Jacob hero reserito Lucretius: ut olearly thia is no doctrinoo Epicurus o his solio re mit them in mori ment ac in amoment into ita primordiat atoma here it is sup sed to nasum merebit old haotio sorm and this agros exacti With in stoica thebry:comp. Son epist. 58 24 mundus quoque, aeterna rea et inuicta, mutatur nec idem manet quamuis enim omnia in se habeat quas habuit, aliter habet quam habuit ordinem mutat'. si fas est credere to of 173 ia Very nepicurean Lucretius o a similar topic sus contemptuo in
VI 565, Et metuunt magni naturam rodero mundi cet. l 176 meo immo Tacitus Onon has immo in tho 2 placo. 176 -- aro hoccinati or hollo ducta he weari soanuchin ovo 98 soli ho compares theso to tho venae of tho bov. 177 Elna ove proo of itsolfinat ali may ses' sor his usa es des comp. 504 plagis fidos' 516 Et figulo huic esse fidem': Jacob quotes Lucana 523 addita sati Peioris manifesta fidos'. 178 me elided so 281 and 472 se horis, asmo have salvi strictly vidian in his abstinenco Dominaris elisionae ut Ovid an ali .ho ars mos strici on incli potata fresi elide me, te, δ' cum tum iam and a seW simila monosyllabies. 181 soli tho eruptions, thei nature an materialsaeing the main pur se of the poet, he com at Oncerio describe tho a earunce of the orator, i in no notice of tholomer parta of the mountian. 181 Miuua re in opening domn intotho interior of the crater: 194 arcent aditus'. 182 Porrigit of p in tbo right Corrigi OD an . comes smin the common confusionis e and pin thes mss. buta do i Whother in the lalter par of tho v. me haveth genuino reading of p it cannotio right a Dori 181 ill 187 horis
describing the form and appearance of the crater, the cies, domus, sed an are of suis great, hings, no the eruptio an mining them- solves Utherelare so the penitus quos exigit os a read penitusque
o erigit', audibis alight ohango Strabo pp. 274 275 describes Elna, and
ine activo oriungi Elna, a sense it IseWhere bears ae n. to 159: here it means tho structuis of the orater aliae rupes internectunt oPus. 18 somo of theso mohs Hready change in naturo by the firs otherastili undormin in firo. 186 andos seem manifesti spurious, haringi connexio missi tho conteri the lalter in odarostri into themidia os a sentenco the morda themsolis are nos Latin, at leas notconnecte Latin I anno thin i accidental too that, hilo in everyother place here Aetna, Aemaeus occur aster , in theso tWo Vsa alone it has not. 186 b, found onlfius, is olearly genuino Auchia the crater of tna, anc in aspect, suta the homo oscit uno thlymorhing, Auch the seat indilace of such mios operations. 188-218 so much so the laco no to explain the Oiser and cause of eruptions tamd of sana are thro an burning masses: there is nois enough to Dioton impiter for tho aset of heaven butai and win are necessar to se at thia in effectua movement. 188
arti ino is tho faber of 198, i. e. the spiritu of 217 218 it givos inoemption ita formana poWer. ---que i. e. the materiata mentionedbelo. and tho fir moining on them. 189 1st there is a perplexingvariation here betWeen, and p in genuinenes of the reading oven totho latiora doubi aes reading, helped by that f. seem to me right, though Pam quit unablorio account so that o p i genuine excepi ontho hypothesis ona different recension 189 comp. ela I 70 locus est magni aliquando discriminis'. 19 sub tempore though leas usualthan sub tempus, is no uncommon: Lucretius has it V 413 and 416, ovi fasti, 491 and Manilius mors than onoe: the pigrior of p has a