Miscellanea biographica

발행: 1838년

분량: 148페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 그리스도교



Biography, a Lim o St. OsWin Ning of Northumberland two Lives of St. Cuthbert, an a Lila of St. Eata, Bisho Ofiexham. The whole fou belong morem less, to that clas of earlybiographica compilations, in Whicli genuine history, and minute intimations of early custom and modes filiving, are mixed Nith sabulous delatis anxit ma be ussicienti referri the remarsis prefixe to Reginald's Libellus do Admirandis Beati Cuthberti Virtutibus, printed by the Societ in the earn 883, or an estimate of the valuere suci productions.L Tho Lilam Oswin is deriveis rom the S. Cotton, Julius A. X., fol. , et seq. in the ritisti Museum, and with the exception fide stiori notices of iis content in Leland' Collectanea, is ne to the worid Thenam offit Author has notieen recorded, ut there is utificioni intimation in the wor itselfio prove that he was a Monk of St. Albans that aster havingsresidetas Prior forsome time ver the Monaster of Wymundeliam, a Cellunder that Church, he removello Tynemouth another of


viii PREFACE.it Celis o dependent Monasteries, in orde to repentat eisure of his sitis, an prosecute his literar designf(p. 8 do). II seem to have taken, his aboderet Tynemouth in the year IIII for hebas resident thereo the End of September in that year p. 8), anxit

does no appear that he Was presentit the TranslationissosWin Which too place in the year preceding. Whilst resident at Tynemouth he was attacked Nith the gout, and we hould have known nothing of his suffering under this disease, ad hereo bellevexitu have been remove by the miraculous interference of his patron St. OsWin II bring his histor doWn to the eighos Stephen, and therelare hebus have live to a considerable age.

Theirat par of his or is a compilation, chiessyliom Bede.Ηis style is pleasing and herenter With considerablevigοur, an occasionali Nith humour, into fome of his tales, an delatis many ver curious historica circumstances an loca evenis, hicli ut for him Nould have been buried in oblivion.

subject of this memoir, is preserve in the ritisti Mu-seum among the Cotton MSS. Galba A. D. a Psalter, Whicli elare thoire in I BI, Rhen it Nas much injured, contained the inscriptiones Liber Oswini Regis. romthe portions Rhicli remat it seem to belon to OsWin'speriod It is of the duodecimo sige, and therelare themore adapted totail use.


is printed hom a manuscript of the laurteenth centu belonging to the Dean and Chapter of York of Whichiminute account Will bessiven in the Preface to the Threo Durham istorians, Coldingliam, Graystanes, and Chambre, Rhiclitare nomengaging the attentio of the

Society This iece of Biograph has, as a Whole, neve been printe betare. The Lis o Cuthbor in

chroniam an contradictions of the whole narrative asNosiverit in the folloWing pages, and rejecis it a fabulous. M Certe, say he, Taeda nollet illustri suo purpureo operi hos laceros assui pannos,' upon observing the silencem Bede respecting the alledged roya descent of the aint, and thus concludes his remark servent IIiberni suum Nullulio dulantem et relinquant Anglo- Saxonibus uilibertum. ' his life hoWever, comes Nithin the plans of the Surtee Societ as a regularpiecere biography, Writte in a good style, an no deficient in incidental information upo subjecis connected Nilli tho perio in Rhicli it Nas ritien, and these considerations have led toriis publication.

It must be remarhed that the Monk of Durhamaad some belle in his Iristi descent of utliberi, an in other circumstances in his histor detaile in this pieceos biography his is prove by the folioWing extract



hom that interestin book The Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Monasticia an Cathedra Church os

the virtuous and godi child was calle Eugenius. The nameo the cil Where St. Cuthberi Was baptised mas Hardbrecunb, forte mas blessed of God even rom his mother' Nomb. Sothat ever mirael that he didister fro his infanc Was et in theriaid minclows by itself, and under ver miracle there mere certain verses in latine, declaring the content an meaning thereos, in mos excellent coloured glas mos artificiali set forti and curiousi mrought.-- In the time of in Edward the fixili his stor Nas putri down by Dean Horn and bro enal tosieces, forte could neve abide an ancient monuments,acts o deed thatiave any light, octo godi religion.



I hore is, in the ritisti Museum, TITUs, A. II. Q. B. another copy of this Iristi is of utliberi, as ithas been called Nith a translatio into Leonine verse. The lalter begin Nith the lassoWinclines:

G Si cupis audire, Cuthberti miraquescire

Virtutis mirae, potes hunc Sanctum reperire. Sanctus uilibertus Anglorum tutor apertus Regis erat natus et Hybernicus est generatus, C.'

' Dum precibus caris devotus eum veneraris. Terras Cuthberti qui non spoliare verentur, Esse queant certi quod morte mala morientur.

Seo a curious ess si in Ilicli this Lindi verse is tali described, in a Tractatus incerti Auctoris de Metro ' appended to the finerar of William do orcestre published by Nasmith; Camb. IretB.


xii PREFACE. Q. The sis and 82n Chaptor of the sth Book of Bede s Ecclesiasticaliistory.s Severi ther chapters of hicli the w first mentionedire printed in the ACTA SANCTORUM, Marcii, Vol. III. IET, c., and the substance of the concludingrave may be mund in Symeon. Thoir ille are-I. Quomodo in peregrini habitu a ministro Elfredi panem divisum accepit, qui postea integer in- Ventus est et quomodo idem lsredus ipso

adjuvante rex effectu PSt.

Q. Quomodo tempestate orta tres undae in navim in qua corpus ejus abducebatur cadentes in sanguinem convertebantur.

Per ejusdem quoque perseeutionis continuis declaratur. '

B. Quomodo paganus quidam vocabulo Onala bal dum contra Dei confessorem injuriam dixisset in ingressu ecclesiae confixus interierit.

s. Quomodo Scotti qui terram Sancti uiliberti

et Lindisfarnens monasterium pervaSerant subito terrae hiatu obsorti sunt.

- Scriptum erum ibunt abyron.

S. Quomodo miles Comitis Tosti nomine Barcuith dum anuas monasterii ejus infringere cupit subito percussus interierit.

, Noe silentio '-- semel audivimu3. '



6. Quomodo corpore ipsius ad Lindisfarnensem insulam propinquante fluctus maris expectaverint quousque omnes siccis pedibus transirent.

Exacto deinde paucorum diutius remanerent. '

T. Quomodo quidam furtum quod in monasterio ejus perpetraverit ipse prodidis, sicque ibidem miserabiliter interiit.

Superius qualiter inde abstrahitur.'

The subjectis ever chapter is delinealed in an elegant illumination. The Poem stand las in the Volume, and has no m- bellistiment fave tho initialis in D O Pater Anglorum. The initia letter of ach line has been adde in colourby a secon hand. In om instances the initiat hasbeen inserted by the 'riginal hand, and when this is thecas a lette is redundant. The S. itfel contain the autographs of it differentoWners a Various periods unti it ecam the propertyo ille College. vir Letonde.' - r. Joh Danieli Bachelor o musiche, gave mee this Booko-Ful e alWyn. ill Leigh.'

Ex libris Thomae Loighil prodicti illielmi. 'M Liber Johannis Theyor de Cowpors ill juxta

sui. Rogerso Coll. Universit. Uxon.'



babi passed by gistri the College of Which he was a

member. It is of the octavo siete, it bindin is antient, anxit is Writte in a distinctam beautilat hand. Poetica Lives of utlibertire numerous. Theirst toto mentione is that o Bede in regulariexameters, whichris Neli nown to the worid, and whichas a composition possesses ver considerable merit There arelinos in the wor Rhicli remin their reader of Virgil, and there are touches f laetin and description o no

ordinar character.

Next may be mentioned the Lila, Rhichrismo for thefirs time printed by an author no unknown. WhOever his person Was heraeem to have contented himselfmith the facts an miracles recorde by Bede Without seekingrior further informationis the subject Whicli Nasengagin his attention, an his main object seem toliave been to cloth Bede' narrative in the Leonine verse Rhicli Nas in his timerio popular. In this attemptae has succeeded admirably Nothingaean exceed the ingenuityand simplicit of somem his verses, and it Nil probablybe allowed that of the numerous poets Who cultivaledthis peculiar style of metre, the author elare, hasbeen the most successsul It is for this reason, and nottar an historica facts hich e bring tomissi, forti telis us in fac o nothing Whichris neW, that he findsa place in this volume. It is toste regretted that a leas is antin in the manuscript rom Whicli, princ(see p. v), but Redear that is, Nere t double tho number



been mentionedibove, and a laurili is preserved in oneo the manuscript bequeathed by Si Matthewiale totho Librar of Lincoln's Inn. The transcript of the Limmo printed Nas obliginglymades for the Societ by rienr Turner, ne of iis membersa and the respecim thank of the Societ aredue to the Master an Fellows of Universit Collegelar the loan of the manuscript for this purpοse. IV. The hori Lilare Eata, Bisho Ofiexham, is containe in therior manuscript above mentioned, andas tris materiali different homuli Lis of this prelate printe in Capgrave, it has been thought Worth of a

place in these pages Capgrave' Lives are in faci mereabridgmenis, and in ome instances his anxiet for compression has ted hirn to reject matteris importance. I. R.