장음표시 사용
36 Iubet i potare amatre Scor ita dulcere. Found further in 633, 635. 8 In the followin verse the natura stivision calles for the econdar caeSura i 6), combine Mith a primar caesura, eiore thestresse par of the fifth oot: -
25. haecine mandaluit tibi l quom peret gre hinc it lisenex l. Also found in 65 75, 429, 26, 772. 10 Between the secon and thir feet: -
b2 quia mihi benest et tibi malest i dignis SumumSt.
654. petitori cras abel sat habeo: l si cras i fero. ii The Canticum.
Recitative. 15. A largo par of a Plautine Comedy a reeited to aflute aeuom paniment. Musica linthes paris must have been simplo. The recitativo metres are ei ther Iambio Or Troeliatu. Tho Mostellaria exhibit the follOWin varieties: -
4th oot purei iambic, illi instances o Syllaba anceps 160 162, 176 196, 225, 28, 245), oi hiatus illi Syllaba anceps 230) atidos hiatus 223).
180. meam Speciem, 198. mequi perduci, etc. 2 Caesurae ather than diaereses Aeem to occur in the olloWing
183. quid ais licetes ita quotmodo ad Jurasiti ita ego Si tam amatrem.
187. nunc stulltam Stullte face ire quin mone quae so si quid eri ro.
220. eundem antimum oportiet nunc mihi est se gratium ut inlpetratui.
meruel runt With a tribrach in the evenili. 8th oot oneratresse syllabie, indifferent a to longin. 19. Caeaurat Fausea. - 1 The diaeresis at in pnd of the ourthfoot si sar the commones pause 339 390 is in ratio). An X- ample is
248. cedo mini l speculum et i cum orna menti arcullam actuitum
Scalpha. 2 In ighteen casus 310, 367, 405, 12, 15, 830, 831, 25, 37, 946, 963 987, 1109, 132, 1138, 1156, 1159, 1176, . 05- there is a Secondary diaeresis at the end of the third oot an a prima ruiter the
367 quis id alit quis uidit i egomet inquam uidi inae milhi.
In at least one additionat case 976 the diaeresis alter th sit ioci excuses hiatus an Syllaba anceps). 3 The primar diaeresis in the fifth oot, Without a supportingsecondar diaeresis, Occur in ight verses 294, 306, 11, 27, 1071, 1127, 11 44, 1167, 402 e. g.
2 Doubled, o mali a verse in imitatio of the dactylic pen
2 Doubled. an perhaps a direct imitation 1 the dactylic
1 Bacchia Cola consist O tW baechinus, thelas of hicli 01Moy the privileges of hiatus and syllaba
2 4 iambics, 129 130, 727. 3 4 iambics A iambics, 103, 107, 128, 131-132, 146 148 742 745,
ing uola compos est O fee of this time are the ollowing
317. nunc comi Satum ibo ad l Philolachetem 2 molossi FI di-
319 hecquid tibi l uideor mam lmamadere, xionies a minore
321. Semper istoc modo mora tu ut eo i debebas 1 choriambic- ioni a minore in 1 diiambicis molOSSUS).
323. si tibi cor dis iacere licet lepida's, 3 choriambies.
324 duce me amalbo caue ne i cadas asta 2 choriambics I ionic
331. madet homo tun med ni mam lmamadere 2 choriambie - 1 ioni a minore.
859. ei solent i esse eris intibiles 1 stilambio in 1 creti in 1 chori-