T. Macci Plavti Mostellaria;

발행: 1902년

분량: 212페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Latin grammari

l this book the essentia facts of Latin Gramma are Tein

sente Within the malles compas consistent illi igh scholari StandardS. I covers ot ni the work of the preparator School but also that of the require courses in collegeand university. B Omittin rare form an syntactica usages und ni in ante-classica an post-classica Latin and by relegatin to an Appendix theoretica an historica questions, it has been ound possibi to reat the subject illi entire ade- quac in the Compas O 23 pages exclusive oscindexes. In the German school S, book of this cope fuli meet the exactingdemand of the entire gymnasia course, and those ho have trie Henneti's Gramma find that the are materiali helpe bybein relieve of the mas es useles and irrelevant matter hichrorm the bulli of the olde grammars. At Latin texis sor realis

in in Secondar SchoolS, recently SSued contain references in the notes to Benneti s Latin Grammar.

The Critic, Feb. 29, 1896. The ook is a marve os condenSed, et Clearanu Orcitile, talement. The mound overe in the reaiment of Ormsan Syniaci adequat for ordinata school Wor anu for the se fieSUmen and Sophoniore in College.