장음표시 사용
Among recent publications, serviceable in the studyos Caesar, We have made use of Froude's Aketch,
lation: Μacmillan and Co. , and Μr. Bryans' Latin Prose bused on Caesar, the introduction to Whicli contains lisis of phrases and idionis used by Caesar.
PREFACE. In that pars of the Introduction whicli troats of
many mista hos haVe been corrected.
INTRODUCΤIOMconflicts With the Gauis Were numerous B.C. 361346). Aster great exploiis a penee of fifty yearsensueti. Thon, in the third Samnite War, Gauis are in allianco with the Samnites, Etruscans, and Umbrians at Sentinum, Where the RomanS Were Victorious by the suis devotion of the younger Decius Ilus B. C. 295j. R0110Wed hostilities endod in the anni hi- lation of the Senones B.C. 283). But for a long time Rome could nos conquer North Italy, Le , Cisalpine Gaul; but in B. C. 222 Μ. Claudius Marcellus conquereditio Insubres and Boii at Clastidium, flaying Viridomarus, clites of the Insubres. What Was thus Won Wassecured to Rome by her colonies at Placentia and
Were attached by the predatory OXybii and Decentes. The consul Q. Opimius deleated them B.C. 154). Later tho Salluvii succumbed to the consul Fulvius Flaccus,3 and in B.C. 123 the proconsul C. Sextius Calvinus doleated tho Allobroges at Aquae Sextiae Aix), the si si Roman fori b0yond tho Alps. In theneXt year his Successor, Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, delea ted tho Allobroges and Arvorni Who helii thohegemony oi the greater pars of Solith Gauliundor tho Arverni an hing Betuitus, WhO Was tinen
In 121 B. C. Q. Fabius Μaximus Allobrogicus)
and so prepared the Way ior Caesa s conquests by conquering ali except the Belga0. Allieit With tho Tigurini the Cimbri in B. C. 107, doleatod the consul Lucius Cassius Longinus, and fleW both him and his legate, Piso Marius in B.C. 102 destroysed the Teutoni at Aquae Sextiae and, in conjunction With Q. Catulus, tho Cimbri at Vercellae in B. C. 101. TheniolloWed a period oi peaee, though Dot Without multer-ings oi di seontent. During Catiline's conspirasty B.C. 633 the Allobroges sent enuoys ashing ior profectionagainst the oppression of the Roman magistratus they resistud Catiline's ovortures, but, notWith standing their loyalty, they received no redress, and thereiorebrohe out under Caiugnatus, seiged Vienne, and Were
in dissiculty quieted by the praetor Pomptinus
crossing the Rhine and Danube, headed by the powerful Suebi. They had been invited by tho
Cornelia, Cinna's daughter, and then Sulla ordered Pompey and Caesar to give up their Wives; the latior refused, though the former obeyed. Sulla then seiged
INTRODUCPION. Some, CaeSar collected volunteers and by his e rishopi tho Asiatic cities loyal. On his return to Rome he Was military tribune and Dund that he had beon nomina ted ponti eae milaeimus in place of his unese, C. Aurelius Cotta B. C. 74). Thenhe molanted the usual steps of the ossiciat ladder, Wasquaestor in 68, aedile in 61, praetor in 62. In 63 hohad been chosen ponti eae mugimus, though the Senate had done ali in their power to secure the election oi Catulus and Servilius Isauricus. Caesar had a definite aim and poticy, going With the popular Stream, but neVer, like Marius, allowing himsolfio be sWamped by it. Η0 saW that the days of the Republic Wore numbered and he resolved to set oneparty in the state against the Other, SO as to Secure both; ho let 110 chance Alip of injuring the optimules, especialty such as had Won wealth and place by figlit ing against Marius. He exhibited geat in the restoration of Marius' solioWers, gave a splendid funerat tollis alant, Marius' WidoW, ou Whicli occasion he d odio exhibit the imagos of Marius. He restored the trophios of Marius in the Numidian and Cimbrianwars, Which brought him into favour With the peoplo and into hatred with the optimules. By lamesses of corn he WOn the croWd. His enemies hoped that When his money Was gone his influence Would Wane.βBut ricli men boliouod that he had a future of promiseand alloWed hi in to usu their purses. His debis be- fore ossice Were, according to Plutarch c. b), 1, 300 talenis. For gold in itseli ho cared nothing, but only