De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류



calm With Whicli ho regards them. Quintilian 'sdictum ut illum eodem animo dirisse, quo bellavit, respureus is applicabie in the wid est sense to the

The completion of the Work is duo to Aulus Hirtiu8, Who Was a personat friend of Caesar audwith him in Gaul. In tho Civit War lio fought in Achaia, after Pharsalia, and took part in the waragainst Pharnaces. In B. C. 46 he WaS pruetor, and AOdid not fght in tho African War; β in B. c. 45 Gaul Was his province; in B. C. 44, When Caesar WaSmurdered, he'Was consul designate; he then joined, distrusting Antony, the relics of the Pompeian party, and soli at Mutina in April, B. C. 43. . Though in thepresaco to book viii. he promised a continuation oftho Civit War' to the dea th of Caesar, yet he onlywroto the Bellum Ategundrinum, Whicli is bellor Written and less fame than book viii. Tho Bellum Hispaniense is by Some other Soldier, and is an un- finished compOSition.

λβ Quint. X. 1. 114. Suet. e. 56. λε Cic. ad. Att. Vii. 4. δὴ viii. prei. g 8.


λ Κ6ohly and PlistoW distinguisti the tollo ing principalphases of the organigation of the Roman legion, vig., si in Theslegion os Romulus, formed of the clientes of the equites ; 2ὶ oi Sorvius, dividod into classes and With the phalanx formation; 33 oi Camillus, composed os regular troops, and With phalanx formation ; 4ὶ the first legion composed os muniples, as describsid by Livy; 5ὶ the seconii legion composed of mαniseles,as described by Polybius ; 6ὶ the legion oi Marius. Which

attainod tho perfect devel opinent of the cohort formation.



3 1. The Roman army under the Ungs; the classes liable to military service; the phalanx;

The ariny oi Romulus consisted of 300 celeres, knighis, commanded by the tribuni celerum, and 3,000 insaniry. Each of the three tribes Ramnes, Τitienses, Luceres) furnished an equat number of essicient troops,under the ordors of three tribuni militum, talion hom thothree tribes. The patrician cavato formed the nucleus of the original army; Tullus Hostilius and Tarquinius Priscus increa sed it at the samo time as the infantry; under Servius Tullius the insaniry became the principat arm.



2. The Roman legion during the Republie; formation by manipleS. I. An important change, attributed to Camillus, Was the abolition of the phulunae and the adoption ofilio formation by maniples,' delachments separated by certain intervais; this continued illi the time of Marius. Tho normat strength of the legion was 4, 200 insaniryand 300 cavalry; but this Was increased according totheir requiremenis, and might be raised to more than 6, 000.2. Instoad of buing divided by classes, the troops wore redistributed in Dur hiniis of equi pinent, accord ing to their longili of service and serViceabiene88. During the Punic Wars the legion comprised -




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Velites: 20 per centUTy. I, 2004,200

3. The three lines, hastati, principes, triarii.

The velites. At the fame period the legion Was usualty formedin batile in three lines, quincunae form, lihe draughis

Tho melites formed the rear ranks of the mani-ples and fought separalely. Tho interva is in the front line of the maniplos Wore equat. The front line, When it Was compelled to WithdraW, retired through


Tho armour is hero dealt With, hecause the formation ofilio legion is based on the differont kinda os armour. Thodescription oi it is otherwise the Same tor the epoch oi


Ηannibal. 7 Originalty the infantry phalanx carried the pike, whilo the suum Was reserVed for the delence of entrenchmenis, and for that reason Was carried by the final reserve, the triαrii. Tho adoption of the pilum as principat weapon in the open fiold is placed by Kochly at the date of the war agat StPyrrhus, tho first collision of the Roman with the Μacedonian phalanx. Marius armed ali the legionarios with it.



moVements of the man struch, nor could it be

The three hundred equites of the legion avere



6. Socii.

The allies, socii, comprised the contingenis iurnished by the confederate toWns ot Italy, and the Latin colonies. They had, according to rute, nearly the fame number of efficient infantry as the citigenariny,' and in cavat a total three times that of tho

In tho fiuid thoy held tho Wings of the two combinod consular legions, under the names Oi ala deaetra, ala sinistra, cohortes alares, alariae. To command them, eaeli consul nominated 6 Romans as praefecti sociorum Polyb. Vi. 26. b), probably three ior eachala. Below them Were the native praefecti of the contingent of eaeli allied toWn, consisting oi one or more cohoris. A speciat corps serti reordinum ii, cohortes oratae eaetraordinariae, επίλεκτοι) formed in the infantryin tho cavato k of the essicient troops.


torian cohori. A part Dom the normal elements of the legion, there Was besides a delectre manus imperatoris, cohors

9. changes Irom the time os Marius: constitu

tho end of tho Republic the libertini, Wh0 had hitherio