장음표시 사용
W0 cannot be si priSed that he Was accused in B. C.
oWn party and to affect the popular side, he Dund that Caesar had anticipaled him, as, for instance, in the p0Wer Whicli ho had restored to the tribunos after the serious diminution of it by Sulla. But a coalition Was formed, and Was rendered firmer by domestic relations. In B. C. 67 Caesar had married Pompeia, Sulla's grandilaughter, and later on gave his davgliter Julia in marriage to Pompey alliances of whicli ithas besen salii that Bellona Was the matell-maker.'
Aster his praetorsitis he had as his province
Furthor Spain, Where he had once been quaeStor, and subdued the tribos bordering on the Atlantic, in Lusitania and Gallicia. on his return he sued fora triumph and for the consulate of the year B. C. 59. It was not legat for a generat to enter Rome be rethe actuat day of the triumph, and , on the other hand, it Was necessary to suo for the consulate inser8011. His enemies contrived that he should nos boexcused attendance, hoping that he W0uld give lapthe important consulate for the unimportant triumph; but Caesar Was not the man to mistahe his interesis
INTROD PION. SO completely. He Was elected by the support of Pompey and Crassus, While Bibulus Was elected his colleague by means os infinito troubie and muchbribery on the part of the Senate and Cato.' But Bibulus Was eastly reduced to a mere cipher by Caesar, and was compelled to Ahut himself up athome, Walching the heamens, declaring that tho acts of his colleaguo Were illegia, and it Was Wittily stadinat tho consuis of that year Were Julius and Caesar In the year 60 the Senate had given the conscis Afranius and Metellus Celer the important provinces of the tWo Gauis, pulting oss Caesar With the Woodsand foresis '; but Caesar Aoon got this abrogated by tho triumvirate formed With Ρompey and Cra8SUS, tho capitalist, the iam of Which Was ne quid ageretur in republicta, quod displicuisset ulli e trissus. β The coalition Was long hept secret, but iis consequences Were Eoon felt. Ρompey's sietsi in Asia after tho Mithradatie War Were ratified by the Senato. By the lox Iulia agraria 20,000 Veterans and poOr citigens Were Aetlledon Stato lands in Campania; the equites Were Wonover by the remission Oi k of the sum they had agreed to pay ior tarming the Asiatio laxes. Then Vatinius, tribune of the plebs and a creatureoi Caesar, proposed and passed a bili that Cadfarshould have command , With three legioris, in Cisalpino Gaul. The Senate, groVelling beiore the rising Sun,
they could control assairs; but Caesar nevor let the
' Ne, si ipsi ne9αssent, populus ei hαnc dent.
INTRODUCTI OMno troia bio With tho comitist. Pompey and Crassus became consules for 55 B. C., and got Spa in and Syria af their provinces, Caesar obtaining his extension.
Suet. c. 45. The substance of the passage is given in the
λβ Plin. vii. 25, animi vigore praestanti88imum genitum C. Caesαrem dictαtorem. Nec virtutem con8tαntiαmque nunc commemoro, nec 8ublimitatem Omnium caprecem, quαρ caelo conti nentur; sed proprium vigorem, celeritatemque quodαm igne volucrem. Scribere αut legere, 8imul dictare et audire solitum accepimu8, epi8tolas vero tantarum rerum quαternαs librariis dictαre αut, si nihil αliud veret, Septenα8.
INTRODUCTION. Η0 touched every form of literature, and had a sino
3. CAESAR IN GAUL. At tho beginning of B. C. 58, Caesar stayed on in Rome for another three monilis. There Were still
Cp. Cic. Brut. 72. 252, 74. 258, 75. 26I ; Suef. c. 55; Quintil. i. 7. 34, x. Ι. ΙΙ4, 2. 25, xii. 10. II ; Tae. Ann. 13. 3,
Gaul at this time consisted os a large number ofis lated communities, and Was entiret y Wanting in uni0. Keltic Gaul- that is, Gaul proper Wasboundod by the Atlantic and the Alps, by the Garonne and the Seine. On the fouth lay Iberian tribes. Tholand north of the Seine and Marne Was inhabited by the Belgae, Who had crossed OVer hom Germany into Gaul, and Who remembered their extraction with pride.' Not only these three stems, but the severat tribes included in them, Were so disianited by jealou syand party-Deling as to preVent any association for a common purpOSe. The essoris of individual tribos tomin the leadership and 80 bring about political union e. q. the Arverni in the Second centu B. C., and in Caesar's time, the Sequani on the one fide, the Aedui ontho other tended to mahe the breacti still Widor. Therent Was most conspicuous in the calling in of tho Germans to crusti the Aedui, Who, again, by their
clients Who h ad 110 political righis, but attachod
Carnutes respectiVely. 'All this made the conquest of Gaul ea sy for tho Romans. What Tacitus says of the Britons applius equalty to the Wars of Caesar With the Gauis: rtarus duabus tribusque civitutibus ad propulsundum commune periculum conventus I itsi singuli pugnunt, universi vincuntur.' Only the Belgae in the second year madea united stand, When the Roman Winter camp in Deo Gaul rai sed doubis ; yet Caesar cleVerly continuod tokeep the conspirators against the Roman peopte
separate, and Vercingetori X in the 7th year of the war
vii. 14, 64. Vii. 15. V. 55. V. 26.
INTRODUCTION. the anni hilation of fifteon Roman cohoris, inflicted a sensibio deseat; and Who cunningly avoided Caesar s
vi. 43; viii. 24. si Caesar's expeditions aerosa the Rhine and to Britain, which hitherio Was not known to be an istaud, added to his glory. Ne cannot belleve that his assigned reason siv. 16, 20ὶWas the real one, nor that he Was animaled by mere Iove os adventure. The many excursiona of the Gauis across tho Rhino that by the Usipetes and Tencteri in B. C. 56-5 Was theearli est) gave Caesar good grounda for forcing them to regard tho Rhino as their boundary. His reason assigned for the Britisti Oxpedition is paliry; but Eo close Was the connection of the Kolis on the mainland with thoso in Britain the hsadquarters of Druidism) that Caesar may have feliit necessary in vie of the recurring insurrections in Gaul, to fhow the Britisti Kelis that tho were not Sale ii om