Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



t cannot e sal of Seneca's Dialogues that they

ha been done eiore inisterila neglegentia is allthat advi has o say of it author, an he deservescit. Vet it is the latest commentar on these Dialogues: so that an editor of the presentia does no fin much materia ready to his and mos of his or he has to do for imself. In the rs three sections of the Introduction, discus the subjects of the three Dialogues theirdates, and the person to hom the are adstressed: an here Iinive ome account of the author an Somemember of his family of his exile in Corsica, and of ther matters referre or allude to in the text.




occasionali referre to a note of myiwnin Juvenes

di not isti to repea the fame facts in the Same words and I belleved that mos reader of thisbook ould already posses the ther. 2 I have purposely ChoSen a number of illustrative quotations froni liny' Natura Histor'; ecause that or istes known even to scholars than it deserveS. Gibbon one of the greates of Englisti scholars, ne it elland refers to it continualty in his fine statelyway e calis it that immense register here Plinylias deposite the disco; eries the aris, and the error of mankind. V Frona ipsius and Gronovius have generali ta ken ithou acknowled eniwhat uite m purpose: ut 3 obligation to the work of later scholarses have trie to recoro a theyoccur n I hould like here o mention ne bookwhicli I have constantly used an found ostvaluabie for the ulnes and accurac o it information the editior of the Annals o Tacitus by the late M Henr FurneRUX. I rema in to than soni Cambridge friend forthei help. The Provos o King's callectis attention to the Delphian inscription hicli determines thedat o Gallio's overnnient of Achaia Professor ΗΟuSm an allowed me to discus with him soni dissiculi PaSSages P an owe in stili more in ha I ave



learn from the ourses of public lectures deliVered by him during the last three ear upon OTACe, Lucan, an Ovid. M Lendrum, an id ally, has again read y proof-sheeis and ut his finger nnot acie error an obscurities. I am grateiu tothem all. In compiling the Index, have ad domesticum auxilium-from a cadet of the R. M. A. an fromtwo scholar in inchester College.






AD PAVLINVm DE BREVITATE VITAE. Incertum ac fragile nimirum est hoc munus naturas,

quicquid datur nobis malignum ex et breue etiam in his quibus laetissime contigit natura nihil hominibus breuitate uitae praestitit melius. PLINY, at Hist. Vii 67. PaulinuS. This dialogus which. like the ther so-calle dialogues of Seneca is no reali a dialogue ut a realise is nominalty addresse to ne Paulinus. Hut thoughhecis mentione in the firs line an Chapter 18 an 10 Contain a persona appea to im by name, et thetreatis as a hole is no aduresse to an individualbut to the realin public o Rome an the Empire. o his Paulinus as, or tiat a hi ConneXion Wit Seneca is no certaini known Eut his much is Certain, rom c apter 18 11 10 that Paulinus aspraefectus annonae, the ossiciat hos Lusines it acto Supervis the frumentum publicum ti Cor 1mportia

The are so calle in the Chies s. and we know from Quint. X I, 20 that Seneca wrote dialogueS. Only one, Dial. ix, has an approacti to the formo a dialogue.


his eath ive by Tacitus and Dio, e rea that his wile stie a no his firs wife was alle Pompeia Paulina . It is thereiore likel that here a adflnitas

by Tacitus Ann. iii 3 a legatus of Ower Germany in A. D. and again ibid. v I 8 as ne of three

galia publica in a A.D. O thi man Plin recorda Nat Hist. XXXitio 3 that he was the Son o an eques of Arelate and that he oo a SurpriSin quantit of

Or ather ars Q f. Suet Tib. 25 ut saepe ' lupum se auribus tenere ' diceret. Claudius as nee pelted illi crust in the forum at a time of earlli Suet. Claud. 183. Ramsay. Si Pati the I avellHr, P. 323. Sen. ED. O , 5 quid enim iucunditis quam uxori tam carum Sse, ut propter hoc tibi carior an potest itaque Paulina mea non tantum suum mihi timorem imputare sed etiam meum one. An n. XV o ipsi cum Pompeia PaulinauXOys. . . . sputanti mandata imperatoris edidit Dio Cass. xii


silvor plat with him hen he wendit Carr On CampnignS in his disturbe province It is possibi that he Paulinus acldreASecti Seneca is the fame man. For thoughthe praefectura annonae a one of the reat officeS regulari hel by equites there are instance in hic Sennior Were, O Specia reasons, electe to fili oneor ther of the praefecturae equestresk or it a belliat Paulinus, ein an eques, a Create a Senato by

imperia nomination adlectioin The angvage se by Seneca stiows that Paulinus a stili in the prime o lite about 5 A. D. it is no SurpriSing that he hould beactivel employed in important post twelve ear later. I the Paulinus o Seneca is also the Paulinu of Tacitus it is lea that he di not ollo the advice given him, to retire rom officia lite But it is possitile, a we hallisee, that Seneca id nos in the leas expectilia his advice Oul De alien . The Date of the Dialogus. In mos cases it is impossibi to X, even approXi- mately the dates of Seneca's dialogues and this strue also o his letterS. Mucii has been writte o thesuhject witti litti resulto aduig' word remain a trueas hen the were ritten librorum Senecae praeter paucos tempora incerta sunt Adv. Crit ii 4 j. The descriptions o place notification O time, and peculiaritymi Circumstances, whicti Benile found in theletters of Cicero and misse in PhalariS, aremearly a mucti

Tac Hist. ivi supplies an inStanee o a senator illing the office of praefectu praetorio.

c. I Da nunc, dum calet Sanguis, uigentibus sensibus ad meliora eundum St.



Epp. 1 huic colonia ab Origine S a centeSimtis annus est. Lugustianum is describe a one of the hie sigilis of Gaul: it was the biri place of Claudius t O. Hirschfeld in Rhein Mus 52, 204. Ann. ii 23 4 pomerium urbis auxit Caesar. Noct. Att. iii I praetermittendum non putaui, quod . . . in grammatici Meteris commentario offendi, in quo scriptum

erat, Auentinum, anisa. . . extra OmBrium exclusum, post

auctore diuo Claudio receptum et intra pomerii Me obseruatum.