장음표시 사용
The work Contains, a is natural referenCe to number i relationS. Seneca mentions his attier, then
remari ablWwel in Corsica' ' here are in Corsica a great man mine of lead, opper iron, an Silver There Could o De a Leiter illustration of the wOrd whicti Milton has ut in the mouili os Satan- The in is iis own place an in itSeli Can malae a heaven 1 heli; a et of heaven.' In the matterii rees, at leaSt, it appear from thestatement of ancient riter ilia Seneca di injusticet thesisland Along the norther Stiores of the editerranea the Corsican pine a famou a early a the ageo Theophrastus an he telis iis that the ree a socalle Lecause it re exceptionalty et in Corsica δ. In Pliny' Natura Histo , written early ou hundredyears later than the Lotan o Theophrastus an fortyyear alter the exile of Seneca we are tol that though in ancient times no in o lauptis oul gro in Corsica, the difficuli ha no been Ot ver . From Pliny' statemen it is a natura infereno that tree Oiother incl gre there illi es reluctance. Our hundrect years later, Hunneri the Vandal as in of
Coa , 7 οἰκεῖται φαυλως, τραχειά τε Ουσα καὶ τοις πλείστοις χερεσι δυσβατος τελεως.
Seo attingly. Cloi Service of Nome, P. 20. Controu i praef. Do Omnes magni in eloquentia nominis,
excepto Cicerone, ideo audisso ne Ciceronem quidem aetas mihi eripuerat, sed bellorum ciuilium furor . . . intra coloniam
meam me continuit ibid. V praef. o auditi autem illum Pollio et iridem in his ouili et postea iam senem.
tiimself or even took par in the mimi cletiates of the
25. O SejRnuS, Cf. Suas ii Ia a Seiano circumscν tus Controu. X , 2 cum dixisset Seianianos victim of Sejanus locupletes in carcer HSSE. Suasoriam a set speech, Suppose to e addresse to liene the name in or elivered by Some iStorica person in
Stias viri foll. The attinet for the peech was deliberat Cicero an Antonium deprecetur. Eacti Speaker then gave his advi e consilium dedit Ciceroni). Suas. Vio decipere uos cogar, uelut Salutarem daturus pueris potionem absinthiati poculi, the amous simile sed by Lucretius i 36 an the by thers. f. also ibid. is scio futurum, fisos illo loco desinatis πρye, quo ego a Scholasticis
Gallio. Three son were horn to Seneca anct Helviai. Theiriat er in the prefaces adressedo them, Calis them Novatus Seneca anu Meta the formula e se runs thus Seneca Nouato, Senecae Melae filiis salutem. Hena me them in the orcle o age. Visewhere the oldest
he was adopto D Lucius unius Gallio Often mentioneda an Orator in his ather' book and Gallio is thema mowhicli e pars in Plin v the et ter StatiuS, Tacitus an lother riters Seneca dedicate his reatis On Angerto him a Novatus ut olfewhere Peak of him a Gallio. It is a rea Sonable insereno that the wO Ortis in hic
There a plent of Oney and o lack of bra insin the famil an both the olde fons adopte the Senatoria Careerg, illi a Vie to the Series of offices whi h Legan illi the quaestors ip and culmina ted in the Consules ip Thei futtier elonge to the inferior rank of the ariStocra Cy the equites ut they like Cicero in the fame position Aough and gaineo admissionto the igher rank of senators Gallio may have Oentiorn bout 6 B. , in hicli case De ouli ho eligilate for