Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


int Latin and Virgil into Greeli; both version Dein g

assured by Seneca that at the charm 1 acti originalwa preserve by the kill of the translator. His orla in lighter Vein was to compose able in the manner fAeSoin an in his epartientis is halle by Seneca RS a Pionee amon Latin writers Eut he had a leastone redecessor for Phaedrus publis ed his ell-known fabies of the fame in in the eign o TiberiuS.It has been suggested that twinito hi eniOrced absenCein Corsica, Seneca ad not et ear of the fatiles of Phaedrus. ut his is improbabie Tiberius die in


the good or o Polybius might ave been effectual. Eu the realise, hestier it falle o succeede in On- solis Polyhius for the os of his rother, Certainlyfalle in ringin ahout the recal of Seneca He re- maine in Corsica unti Messalina tia followe Polybiusto the grave an it,a no iii 40 A. D. that Agrippina,

the SUCCOSSO of essalina a Consorti Claudius, recalled Senecario Superinten the educationis ero, then a LOyo twelve. There is truth in tia Seneca is macte toSa in the Octauia a play hicti a probabi writtenno long after Nero' cleatti melius latebam pocul ab inuidiae malis remotus inter Corsici rupe maris, ubi liber animus et sui iuris mihi Ssmpe uacabat, Studia recol ni mea . He ould indeo have been a appior an ii he hadnever est the OCk O COrSiCa.

The Date of the Dialogue. The reati se a writtenturin Seneca' exile, i.e at Some ate etween 1 11 40 A. D. A phraSe ea theend implies that Seneca ad Leen a long time in Corsica laetore e roterit butio mucti stres can hein heaven order a Culpri to XeCusion tilares omnes illius esse libertos adeo illlam nemo curabat. I l. 30 foll. The pia comes Own to us a Seneca's but asino writtent bim describes Nero' end whicti Seneca di no live to see. The play is interesting, and the fate of the heroine patheti the Style i quite orth of the age of SenOCR. longo iam situ C. 8 m.


Seneca pon Claudius. It is hown in the commentar lio flati Seneca contracticis himseli in the langvage e se a different times abola Claudius Here Claudius is the nitides and genties of Overeigias an is pratfect speciali for his power of memor an eloquenCe. In the Apscolocynto sisy, in the otheriand hecis heli up to execration fortis crueit an to ridicule for his inabilit even to Xpress imseli intelligibin hecis Loth brute uno ool. .XCuSescante macte or Seneca's wealines e rote the realiseuncter the pressure of ope and the Satire unde the

Britanniam aperiat I. I.e Pumphinification, a parocly of apotheosis thisnam is ive it in Dion Cassius, ut in Seneca's mss. it is calleo Ludus De Morte Claudii. It was writte for performancea the Saturnali Os 54 A. D.


ia mous writer, O hi time: ut, of the Stoic lite and

Cf. the Scholiastin Juv. 5 Ιον ab Agrippina erudiendo Neroni in Palatium adductus Saeuum immanemque natum et sensit cito et mitigauit inter familiares dicere Solitus non ον saetis illi leoni quin gustato semel hominis cruore ingenita redeat saeuitia.


tot disponendi libelli, tantus rerum ex orbe toto

There is an instanc in Cic. Ad Alt. viii 5. serutim a pedibus meis metim is osten ea by conjecture in The idionisound tiarSh Decause of the wanti aiennite artici in Latin.



os the senate o Pallas is the subjecti a Litte letter of

Epp. viii Q his Litternes was caused by readin thea tua clecree in hicti the senate ad vote the praetoria ornamenta an a Sum i monent Pallas. hic fastidiosissimum mancipium ' te in I A. D. polsoned, it a belleVed, b Nero for hi money. TAC. Ann. xii 53. x Dio Cass. x 34 4. The lalter Sthe larges private fortune recorde in antiquit libertinae

Suet. Claud. 28 abundaturum si a duobus libertis in



divine poem of the Capitolino a beside the mightywork of tragic Virgil

more itera kill than regari for his ignitu also Defence of Cicero, in replyri a ork by Asinius Gallus

x Mart. Sexte Palatinae culto facunde Mineruae, ingenio frueris qui propiore dei uum tibi nascentes domini cognoscere curas et secreta ticis pectora nosse licet sit octis et nostris aliqua tibi parte libellis, qua Pedo, qua Marsus, quaque Catullus erit. ad Capitolini caelestia carmina belli grande cothumati pone Maroni OpHS. For Domitian ' poena. cf. Quint. I, I and a quis enim caneret bella melius quam qui sic gerit here the contextproves that the poem RS an PiCὶ.

D. S. c


there is consideratile earning in his book He rotealso in reo an Etrusca Histo G twenty VolumeS,an a Carthaginian Histo in ight . In Some of thesewortis Claudius may have valle himself of the assistanc o Polybius ut the result of their oin latioursis ali os to S. The secon ossice hicti Polybius held that os

lether. An these a re Ver miscellaneoia in Chara Cter.


The Roman aristocra Cy naturali resente the tenureo these important ossice by the imperia free men, pnd. stili more the wealth and influenCe thu acquired. ut the System, hichia dirown up naturali an inevitablv, continue ianti sti time o Hadrian. In his reigia, thechie ossices of thelousehold were talion ut of the tiand of reectine an enti uste t Roman knighis.


AD HELVIAM ATREM. En ego, cum patria aream Nobisque domoque raptassu sint, adimi qua potuere, mihi, ingenio tamen ipse meo comitorque frMOrqu .

Caesar in hoc potuit seris habere nihil IOVID. TriSt. iii , 5

Seneca' Exile.

i For his date, se n. to C. TO, Gerolae Seneca- Studi a p. 286 argues that the letter o Helvia a writtenhefore the letter o Polyhius ut there is no evideno that the forme was ritie eitheriefore or after the lalter. ivra say that Messalina a influence parti byjealous of Julia' beauty. The Scholiast On Juv. 5, O0 who Seem to have ad . good information say of Seneca sub Claudio quasi conscius adulteriopum Iuliae Germanici liae

in Corsicam elegatu est.