Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



an includo the Aventine it in it. Four of hisboundary-Stones cippi have been clisCoverecl. The inscription on one of them is a follows Ti. Clauditis, Drusi f., Caisa Aug. Germanicus, Pont Maz. Trib. Pot. ΙΙΙΙ, Imp. XVI, GO IIII, Censor, .F. . auctis Populi Nomani nibus pontextum ampliabit terminabitque. δ The digamma turne lapside clown wa one of the three letters adde by Claudius to the alphabet', hicti refound in Some ther inscription O his reign. Claudius date his CCesSion from Jan. 24 4 A. D. the dealh-dHyo Gaius, and thereiore oui assume the tribunicianpower for the tenti time on the fame Jay of the ear O. We ma infero a Seneca's reatiSe a it ignores theextension 1 the pomerium, a writtet Deiore Jan. 24,

thi name a praefectus annonae in I 4 A. D. An WAS

I. p. state patriae. Furneaucon ac Ann. ii 23, 4. TaC. Ann. i 3, 3 nouas litterarum formas addidit uulgauitque Suet. Claud. 4 nouas etiam commentus est litteras tres, ac numero ueterum quasi maxime necessarias

addidit Quint i 7 26 nec inutiliter Clauditis Aeolicam illam ad hos usus litteram the digamma adiecerat Thecles useful



Gerche Seneca-Studien p. 280 SuppoSe Seneca toliave ritten the reatis clurin his exile in Corsica. There is no a partici O evidenCe o support hi view:it is far more likely. rom Seneca's silence, that he hadbeen restore from exile efore e rote t. For notone of the wOrk written affer his restoration containsan allusion to his Danistiment. The Subject of the Dialogue. The reatis is a Linclis sermon; hich deSCrities an ldenounces the different ways in hicli men aste lite


to publi officials who forme the civi service of the empire an bore the hie burdon o administration

C. 3. The referenCe to Claudius as suggeste byO HirSchfeld, o hos discussion of the date of this reatife



io do nos in that Epictetus or arcus Aurelius gives

Epp. 62, 2 cum me amicis dedi, non tamen mihi abdtico, nec tim uis moro quibus me tempus aliquod congregauit, sed cum optimo quoque stim ad illos, in Mocumque loco, in quo

cumque Saeculo fuerunt, animum meum illo.



contemnens, ut Senecam, tum maxime placentem, commissiones

mera componere, et harenam esse sine calce sanct without lime)diceret. Cf. Suet. Aug. 80 Augustus arne the magistrates ne paterentur nomen suum commissionibus obsolefert heresente hirth-cta odes ' by incompetent authors Thesecon criticism o Caligula is osten justifiex Seneca's Omposition is to loOS in Structure. Quint. Hi, -3O. The whol PASSAge S XCellent.

Comp. illi Seneca Speciali I bretis nobis tempus nos


in his yes eloquence a at nCe isclom an virtve. But Seneca was not iniself eadin tho life hicti hepreSSed pon Paulinus and we nee no Nonde that Paulinus apparently wentiniis a entiret unaffected by the Sermon. Yet the time came hen Seneca di himseli iactise What he here preacheS. In the ear 62 A. D. he Sought an intervie witti Nero an resigne his position anctostere to resign his ealth. The dialogue hicli passed hetween them is recorde in detai by Tacitus'. ut he ook his temto laterio fave his reputation. Heiorehe went into retirement this reachor of the simple lite had amasse a colossa fortune' this pholder of StoicViriue i he was Ot an actual CComplice had a least defende Some of the mos appalling o Nero' CrimeSy. During the hirteen ear irom 40' 62 A. D. SeneC muSt

facimus quantulum enim studiis impertimur alias horas Manus salutandi labor, alias datum fabulis otium, alias spectacula, alias conuiuia trahunt adice tot genera ludendi thecomplication o athleti Sporis et insanam corpori curam, peregrinationeS, rura, calculorum anxiam sollicitudinem, inuitamenta libidinum, et uinum, et agrantibus omni generetioluptatum animis ne a quidem Empora idonea, quas superSunt. Ann. xiv 53-56. See n. to Helu 'O m. The wors of Nero' atrocities, the divorce an murderos Octavia, too place inia A. D. after Seneca tia retire into private life Eut the potSoning o Claudiu in A. D. Ando Britannicus i 55, and the murcle of Agrippina in se,


wit the ctioices spirit os ast ages. Cicero lovecthooks an has sat nobi things ahout them : ut Seneca was per ap the firs to state his truth; hioticisquite rue though it S generali ignored, o uti and Clearly Since his time, it has Leen repente in ali ages by





AD POLYBIUM. Impapes libertini libertatis argumentum Sunt. TACITUS, Germ. 25.

The re nis Clauditis a the Saturnalia o freedmen.


The powe os flaves aggravate the hame of the Romans.


Suet Nero 33 morari mno play the ool. Sen Apocol. 13 ad Messalinam cito timor pepcrebuit Claudium Menisse conuolant primi omnium liberti, Polybius, Myron, Harpocras, AmphaeuS, Pheronactes, quos Claudius Omnes, nectibi inparatus HSSet pragmiSerat. Thus Claudius Etruscus, an imperial reedman, Arriectitie sister of the consul ho Commande in the firs Dacianwar 86 A.D.ὶ Stat Silu. iii 3 II 5. The Case of the iustiando three queens ' a exceptionat.