장음표시 사용
laudanum ere given to the patient, and thedos repeate every hou through an unfortunate mistake. The patient a delirious
nexi morning, his hin hol and dry, his facessushed his yes re an turgid his longue white and parched, and his pulse 20 hard, fuli and strong. At two . . M Clinesa hina, and ordei ed the optate to e dis- continued. The patient continuet to gro Worse very hour, and die lin the 9th, thethird da frona the operation the relations conveyed aWay the od immediately, and would notiearis iis belli examined.
E Literis a Domino Ast y Cooper die
WITu respectrio the objectis,our presentpursuit, ou ill re this have received acopy of the Medico-Chirurgica Transactions of the London Society, hicli contains Nocases of Carotidaneurisin, as correctly draWnu a m Want of leisure ill alio v. Two
other cases have comerio myanowledge of whicli Iciliat inform ou suci particular asI have been able to learn. M Holloway, apothecar to the Universa Dispensary Ratclisse UighWay, successor o M OKen, hos nam Phave mentioned in m sirs case), was Callexto a manwho as a rici layer, and the subjec ofanasarca he had been much in the habit os drini in spirit in his outh, and M Holio-Way Was called olim on account of his drop- sical state. Upon eXamining him, an neu- risin a found n acti fide of the necti; that of the right fide nearly mder the clavicla, M Holloway' expression that o the ei tuear the part here the carotid divide into externat anil internal on the right si de thedisease ad existed ear eighteen monilis,
whils the est ad been observet oui fixbefore his death: the produced violent paluin the head accompanted by a Singing nolae, the pulsation in that on the right side Wasmuch stronger than in the lest.
APPENDIX. 107 The man died of hydrops pectoris, as far as
other adhere strongi to the coats of the arte . What effect folioWed the existen ceo theseiags, Lam entiret unable t State. I belleve the diseas generali begitis at this part of the carotid artery. I wil sen&you the draminii the ourseos a se days, and perhaps an account of an operationi tying the carotid artery perform- ed. twelve V ago in London.
EXPLANATION O PLATE SECOND. a. Common Carolid. b. External Carolid. c. Interna Carolid. d. Superior Thyroideat. e. Sublingues.
APPENDIX. 10 9Ε Literis duodeclino Iunii acceptis. I,Au senibo the di a ving hichq promised oti, and it explain itfel so clearly, that there is no necessit forma entering into it history, further hanes have atreadydone . The case to hiches allii ted henes ast WrolebouWas this: M late apprentice Traverstied the carotid arter si ieen days ago, for a large aneurlam is anastumoSi in the orbit. It was found that the pressure of the fingerupon the carotid arter suspende the pulsation of the tumor, and it Was therei ore jud-ged prope to te the esse With the liope it might cur the disease. Wo ligatures ereput upon the artery, hich iva no divided, and n symptonas of isordere brain have succeeded the pulsation in the tumor is much lessened although noventiret stopped; the ligatures have notoet separated, ut the
TH persones mentione xt yoti in myclast letter, as havin the est carotid arternited, discliarged the ligatures te days ago ithout haemorrhage nor did she suffer axi symptomo disturbed cerebra functions the oundis Iaearly closed 'ci two ligatures,ere appliedivithout the division of the arte , hicli appears to me to an sWerras et a the division, and upon the folio vin principie, C. Hla mihi opportunitas est edendi litera Domini Trater comiter ad me Scripta de caδua e curato, et literis Domini Cooper memo
orbitis a mi ldle-aged Woman, hici greatly protrude the globe of the ye Froni iis siluation the extirpatio of the diseased part vas impracticable. The operation a persormed a follows: An incisioni truo inches anta hal in tengili Vas Ommencedis the distance of one inchabove the sterna extremit of the clavicte, and carried in an oblique direction along the anterior edge of the mastoid mus te. Thesbres of the muscie eing eXposed iis elige vas alsed, and the heath of the esset Cautiousi pinched p and sit on the tracheal
in one-Durthis an inch), and ted. Thesectionis the interna Coat of the esse Wasdistincti fel a the ligatures ere tighten-
nailde than I expected. The pulse Was a thehighest 1 Sehon the evening of the secondiJay. The ligatures ere len to them selves, an came Way in the ressing on theril stan 22d Vs. The oman sat up t hermeat in the third weeli Wallied two miles at a time in the foui th and on the fifth resumedie domestic uties as usual. Dominus A. Cooper per nuperas literas mihi
benigne libertatem concent haSce ua ob- aer tione edendi, ante mecum literis communicata' de recenti Aneurismatis Arteriae Subclaviae gradi ea empla. IVITII respecto the subclavia aneuriSm,So are Ost,elcomerio mention it.