Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류



To the fame purpos also spein Guiberi os Nogent in the reatis to vhicli, have besore alluded.

HVhen, V say he, the proachor is possessed os great po ersi mind, and has an excellent memor so the mattertio is bout o reat, o hould conside the wealines Os


Anothor hin uill orthyis attention in meclipevalsermons androsse to the oor is the infinito caro illiu hicli thoi Writer feemo have avoide dissiculi expressions and traiias of thought liable toto misi der-stood. An this is the more remari abie, ecause, in thei translation Do the language in hicli they erepreache to that in hicli e rea them, the neceS-sarilyciosi much of thei simplicity. e constanti findexpression inserte in the Latin hich could no havo occurre in the original; as for Xample, here eteros Blois, in a discoursu hicli e lino v to have been

preached in the in ligar longue, Says concerning the Oulos the sinitor, Vertit se in stnum, non in coelum a punwhicli manifesti could not have occurre in Englisti, and whicli mus have been insertexas an aster-thought. In contrast to this case, I Will mention ivo modernane dotes. One is relate by an eminent licin prelate, Who, illi the greates good humour, is in tho habitistellinii as a Warning to his olea gyrio pro h plainly. Whil ho as stili serring a curae he va anXiOUS Otr his han at extempore reaching, and aeeordingly,

There is no GoD.V On his subjeci ho divolt, much ohis satisfaction, O the sua time lio prouod rom the vortis os creation Do the construction os ur Wnbodies, and Do the other usual topies, that there must



fortabie conviction that he had uot doue o badi astorali. appening to alii homo illi a sarmor lio liud



particulari intelligibio and perhaps illi soni litile

presene and never-suilin temptations of Satan and a very good Sermon he hang on the prover in queStion.


tho illis GoD, e might inherit the promise On thecontrary the devi testis es, an says, A bir in the haud is orth two in the busti. But the oggs os sueti

bird are lilio the cockatrice' oggs, hereos the prophetinalios mention that ring o duantage, ut ather confusion and trouble. In the fame Way, mediaeva preacher are constantly introducin arteedotes and Storiecto illustrate any ointu hieli ny occur. Tali an example Do a Sermon byan utilino in mediaeva avriter, o the in os pride,

and the merit hieli humilit possesses in the yes of



abolitivo notes above the est. His superior resisted, ut ho ould notoield, and somo ho ere o the Opposito Sido of the choi assisted hi in henee, on account of the scandal

S. Aelred of Ricvauli, homine picturos as a Lind, White-haire old man, si rounde by montis in the irst servour of thei devotion is ver son o relatin such Stories. Here is one. I am acquainted ' says e, i illi a convent unde tho direction of the olyriathor Gilberi, that is, . Gilher os Sempringliam,- in Whicli there as, and there may be stili, a certain virgindistinguishod sor sanctit os liso. V o procoed to relato tho visions hieli his nun reporte to e sisters,

and oes on There Was, in the Same OnVent, a Woman os great discretion, lio, lino vin that, arenotri trus evor spirit, ut o try the spirit Whether tho b os Gon, bulleved that ait these appearance Weret be attribute to discase, oro somo illusion of thes ancy.V Tho orth Abbat nox telis o this nuninvestigate in subjeci, and was a longili convincedis her antis suilli narration,' he observes, ,hich



ma noctio solossi in sorte lis an illustration os lic

It would be undius to reser o ali the storios lii lithe Sermons os Bodo contain, vlios great delight itfeem to have been to fini sonio nec toto hich Would

sori; ut his sermons are remari able so the profuse illustrations the receive ro the occupations and trades of those homo is addi essing. Some curious examples, in hieli e accommodates natura history, or, at least that hieli ho considere such, to his o un


lii INTRODUCTION. Douer, a maritimo ori, here ali illo inhabitanis, ithout One ingle exception, are eroties O hame of us, hopridemursolves O much o tho nam os Catholies I in aland of hereties tris sacrilegorio play at dicem an ordinary


iongin sor Bragil to Bragii thou Wil go, an ruin titysalvation thou ari petition in sor Angola; to Angola thou vili e sent, and wil damn thyseis: thou art longinisor India 'hou illias the Cape os Good Hope, and sociose nil hopo os ternat felici ty. Tho introduction os storie into sermons naturallyloniis to the consideration os hos Who have employed ludicrous as et a serious means o fixin the attention os thei auditors It would dem that the most celebrate popular reachors have, in ad colintrius and in ali ages, set a tendone to excite laughter, in iis

taint of S. Anton os Padua; ut judin froin theskeletonsis his disco u ses, he in his laborious missions through the orth os Italy, a no exception to therule . . Rober of brisset, lio, in a mos corruptand barbarous age, a the postle os Centra Franco, gave a to lintrionae mighti dispose to ad do vn- right ui onery. eter o Colles the mos popularprea 'her in the fame countryrio vard the nil of the tu euth centu , has requent turn that mus have excited, and mus have been intende to excite, a mile. S. Thomas of Villanova, in the Sixteenth centur Some- times pursued a simila coi se In the great Portuguese


reformis the fame centu , ii celebrate prea herS-Whom, OrtiaPS a popular aranguers, tho Chiiuch hasneVer Seon equalle Simon Rodrigueg, Ignacio Martinet, audithors, ere notod sor the fame disposition. In urora n ouutry, Bishop Andre ves has passages hieli cannoti read, and could carcet have been heard Without a mile. The case a the fame urith those lio, d the produciti a reat effect constitutes a great reaeher,

muel infested With dissension and quai reis, of Whicli theabbat Was the principat causo. brethren,' suid the

Bishop, cis it is the partis a Christian to imitate GoD,