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work Whioli, have intermitted anu let iis Xamine, the HOLY uos enduin us With the light of truth, the eavenly trensures hieli hol Isaiah has latu punder the mise of parabies Whente in tes that parabie i in the eoplo Deest Dominis 3 1 anny, hali ake pagainst the Lingi Babylon. An it hali come to possin the do thol the Lord sholi sive the res froni th sor-row, and froni thy fear, and froin the har bondose herein thou quas made to serve, that thou holi ak up this paroblevainst the kingis Babylon Letis therei ore understandine parabie a a par te. Not imagining that it WasSpolien against Nebuchadneggar, the prino of thatearthi Babylon, ut ather against tm ho is Domthe orth. the prince of confusion I any oneos iis then, Who as nee et in the confuSion o vices,
and oppressed by the ok of iniquit ino rejoices thathe est Dominis labours, an is Without confusion forthat litet is past, an has cast 1r the ok of that Wors of laveries, let hi tine mihi parabie against tho Lingis Babylon There is labour in vice, there is
res in istuo; there is confusion in lust there is securit in hastity there is serritudo in ovetousneSS,
Tho prevehor is reserem to the hirteentii verse of the fame chapter, Where Lucifer is representemus Ving, I ill sit dipon the mount of the congregatio in the ides of the orth.
there is il)ert in charity. No v there is a labour in vice, an labour for Vice, an labour against vice. lat)oru in vice, heu so the salie os sulfilling our ei ildestres, the ancient onem instet hard labour potius There is a labour for 14ee, Whe any one is ei therami ted against his id so the eril Whieli he has dono, or of his ili, is troubled by the labour os ponance. There is a labour maius vice, hen herilia is convertodio Go is troi ted With divors temptations There is HS a Confusion in vice, ben a man, distracte bymost evi passious, is no Oled by reason, ut urriodalon confusedl by the tumuli os vices a confusionfor vice, he a mn is ound ut an con ricto os any crime, and is heresore On unded, or heu a min, repentin and consessin What he has done is purified l) healthsul confusio an consession and there is Confusio against Viee, When a man, Convertexto GOD, resist the temptation rom hicli e suffers by the recollectioni forme cons Sion.
In explaining this exf S. Aeli est ver much exeoens tho usual tenginos his sermons, an exces sor luchi thus apologises a the end:
in He is reachin o the burden f Babylon, and translates the proper
S. Aelred is imitatin S. Leo's amous letter o S. Flavian on the
the persecutions os tempests, mitigates the torms of
he olosed that Thou mightest manifes that strai and narro Way hich leadeth to lila. Do e notono 3do emo seel 3 do e no experiene sometime lio tholi eat of passion ages in the flesti, angor is furious in themiud the ordis indignatio an bittornes is ust Onthe very potnt of realiing orth, and like the ea henit is vehemently agitate by the wiud, es the inner