장음표시 사용
i IIS0. V e have so urteen sermon Domaim, principallyon Oint conuected with his order, and there ro es interestin to the generat reader. His transition are very abrupi, an totali devoid of art his Stylo is intricato and obseur and e repeat word an expressiones here theloas troubio ould have avoided the repetition. ut therois a pious earnestueSS bout hini, an a modest in his method os puttin forwar his Kn interpretations, hichgive a certain charin to his ritings and that he had considerable meritos a reacher, the solio in extraeis rom
porhaps the est os his sermons ill I hiuli, how. It is ille ourth, and is utillud, the do ubi signification filio hilo habit, and of the Dur places in hieli ho acredBod of the Lou JEsus is recorded' have been. I translate rom the raro edition o Giles de Gourmoni, Paris, 1519. Neve book Was orse priuio tha this : twould seum ascis tho transcribe could no read his mauu- script thus the ord ubi is constanti printed sor th; aud
year sor longin y both musti fixe inmur thoughis. of theso, therars is the cause of the second the econdis the reWard of the rst. But the merit os hic i
salutar is the exhortationis the salmist: Depori fromevit, an do good And Go set hol Jeremiali ver thenations and ver the inydonis, o oot ut, an to pulldown and to destroy, and to throw own to buit an topiant These ne elenuses us illi pardon the there iches, With grace. The ne removes rom us that Whicli is em l the ther confers o us that hicli isgood. I like manner, the recompense Consist o tWothings: namely that, after the labour an miseries of
The texi has ubi but, must reast illud.
the hilo colour of ur habit. An Pthiuli that I anmake this good by the testimon an authorit o HolyScripture.
The preacher the quotes severa passages here a White garmen is mentionen, and the proceest thus J
Eaeli of these particular is eight With iis neptii os spirituat mystery Theme o David, e that peneth
nor an other creature, an Separate them rom the love
This passage is in the original Ver corrupi.
oni despis at the things of this orld, ut furthor- more ais the disregard as a very triste, that oin os periection to hicli the have been essed, and en- dure fori OD ad that is mos dissiculi and mos streadfui. An uot ni so, ut the exhibit themsolves onti rolystretche out o the eros os charity, hen, rejoicin intribulation, hey account it ali jo when theyiali into divers
alone, destre nothin more in the present lis than tollide themselves in ome inne chamber homini illo λWoridi turmoi that our urithout T at the riches an delights of this ori the prefer the stilines os
cies prerogative rom hos of hich e have jus nomcompendiousi trestted. What is to e understood by the hite ave the prerogative os spirituat exaltation Auxiliis speciali suit the quiet of the LORD' monument. It is a great thin to e fide With the ord, to fruitsulnes of remembrance tot instructed by the Word, o sanctityi religion to lean on the ord, tolli increas of gratitude But excellent and glorious ove allicit is to orio the ord, to the solemnisin a