Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


For the sacrest pages of Scripturo spein finis Incarnation, His assion Hi Death, His Resurrection, HisAScension and that hieli e no to avo talion

things could indoed e road bosoro; ut penus as et the had not happensen the could noti comprehended. Whonoecit is uidi Jolin, The lion of the tribe of Iudahhath prevalle tuo pen the book and to Dose the seati thereos. Hecit is that looseth it soais, 'Vlio bymis uili, byHi Death, ymis Resurrection, and ymis Ascensioninto heaven has manifested torus the mysteries of holyScripture


ro do bear rom the eight os moria infirmities. But Isaac an Rebecca are Oined that is laughter undpatione are ingle together, ecauso that is fulsilodi tho Church Whicli is xitten, boloin in ope, patient in tribulation.


A. D. 1079-1142.

contemporaries: Est satis 1 in tumulo Petrus hic jacet Abelardus, Citi soli patuit scibile qiiidqvid erat.

Audiatis, virgine et pon3c Christi. . . . Audiδtis et vos tam




t Confession exhortes s to amendment, promise the


Instea os qua per, hiel the ex has the sense manifesti requirere, per quod.


Him, a minci a much the more righteous, as in his oWn opinion heris the more the uitly In Hismyes ehido ouessauit ad the more the more that here by Onfession e manifes them.

He cum unt His own and His own received Him not.

Tliat is, Jerusalem. et noW,ino Jerusalem, hiel by interpretation is tho Vision os eaee, ut the homo os tyranny. Formo the older of the ity have so mani-sesti conspired against Him, that He anulo longe findany place of refuge Mihin it. Anubet his is notrio boattributon to His impoteneo, ut tomis patience Hecould securet there e arboured feein that o one an domi har by riolenue, and that He has hopomero incline in hearis of men hithermo ills. For in that fame it He reel did halevor H illud toruo and when He sent the discipies thither, an commandest them that the should oos the as and thecolt, an bring them tomim, an sal that o man


the reWard of theis hospitality. THE LORO 'S PASSION.