Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


The reserene is to the Vulgate : salin v. 10 Mentita est iniquitas,ibi.





in the oly place of Sinai. O the of O the sol muit lintho triumph the ubilation the exultation


unit o Person, He promiSed a it,ere, qualit Withthe FATAE R no by equalitu the Human to the Divino Nativi e biit by assumin perseet equalit for the Persono the os illi the ersonis the ΛΤΗΕR. To-day, in the Ascensio os the LOR is consummato the ork of the Incarnation, and the merit of the assion, and the re vard o Glorification. o no longe the Flestio CuR1s remember the pressure of the tribulations Whicli sin roundexit in the assion, hecause of the oywhieli it found in the Ascension. For, accordis to the multitude of the orrotos hic It ad the com foris of Godhave refreshedat. R Oiee, there re, o est congrati date, O man, thy Sister, thymature, hicli is glorified


Tu fir Do heaven descend Whioli burn not, ut illuminates; hicli consumes not, ut gives light, and find tho hearis of the discipies a pure habitations and besto usi them thea is of it graces find them con-


The ex has omnia; ut, must read Onera.


tho mos interesting, ere delivere in religious horises, at Archidiacona visitations and in ne remarhable inStanee, of hicli more presently to a count congregation They


much disappea in a translation et probabi the cene, give in De of tho followin extractes, in hicli Satan ar-raigns tho oui os a sinuer, ill Suffce, to Some extent, tojusti sy his eulogium.

ΡΗILΙP. iii. O. Our conversation is in heaven si omwhence also se ook for the Saviour, the Lord Iesus Christ, Who hali clange ur ile ody that it a be fashioned like unto His glorious Boi , according to the wor ita herebyHe is abieci subdue nen ali hinys unto Himseg. It is ritien, The expectation of the righteous is j0y; NJhene also the righteous man held in suspense by the expectatio of the Dirine merey, a id, nil nolo, Lord, ishat is m hope Z Trut m hope is ne in Thee. expectatio of the Gentiles, ad hos Who ut their

them There ere among the ancientiaeWS, Some hogmem ea to the oracles of the Hopheis, and ironicassyan insultingi sal to Isaiah an to the ther Seers, Precept must e pon recepi, precept pon recepi linei on line, line pon line here a litile, and there a litile. But sueti as these are grievousty threatened by the Ρrophet Fear, an the pit, and the nare are pon thee, inhabitant of the arth. These an sueti as these halifali into reprouoli, into the nare of the devit. For os truthae has both traps, and nares, an ius. The Sinner, aith one, at vene a ne for me An Job