Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


festistes, His nare is hi in the eurth, an his tropcis in his path. Os this lying in Wait, Solomon salth, an knowethno his endo ut at shes in a et, and bird in a nare, Soare men ta en in an vi time. ut a foros, rethren, letis expect With confidonee the coming of the SAVIOUR. I am certain, aithine, that He ili come a last, and wiu


could notisee. In like manner, also the eople of the Gentiles Wallie in dari ness, the BristegroOm came anda ery a made. The silenoe of the night Was roken.

Aster quotin severat of these prophecies, the preaeher proeeeds :


Wn SPQ among men, and ad His conversation illi

. . . . H ther fore, ho ma trul be callest Israel lothim prepare to meet the LORD. repare, aith he, to meet thymo Israel. e must prepare, there re that W may rather revent 2ath, than e revente by

ceives the fruit os graeo rom tho rs Advent, an in the second Advent Will receive tho fruit os salvation audglory. The firs is accessor to the second the secondpreparator to heriast. Theirst Advent Was conoealedan humble. The secon is se re an lonely. hethir Will e manifes in terriblo. In the rs Hecam torus, that in the secondie might come into us. In the secondie came into us that in the his Ho


in the spiri Vbu men and in the spirit os burning. A COUNTE SERMON.


benedictions. et iis continuali turn ou eyes to the Junge he severe, the ealous, the Strict Xamine mot

This manis struit in the ingress more tolerable in the progress more fruitsul in the egress This is the egin- ning of the oad that lead totur Country so the ear of the Lor is the winnins Visis m. λ

It is a proos o completes the relideacon must have re--itteninis sermon that, sin him quoting, in the nexi senteneri the classicullinea Ardua prima via est, et esset moderamine eerto.


an vengeance But noto divoli on onera is, and to come o particulars I passive the est, Xeeed-ing, a the do, mensure and number an I accusettim speciali of these crimes, and shali persevero illim charge on aecount of this three id transgression.

an alto the false promiser anu detecte deceive totali into tho fame it,hich he had made But ....


Lam not accusing the Judge illi the prisoner, ut I

had renounced implicate himself in his ortis, and too a par in his pomps But, hen eane What helia dono, he hanged his determination sor the better. Be it so that he incline his heari, and forsook also his orsupeopte nil his fother' hous : erit so that the wio ed for-soo his ways, and the nrighteous an his thoushis, an returnei to the Lord, and He ad merentipon him. Be itfo: ut it is equulli clea that he again changed that determination for the orse, and the alter en of that man ecame ors than the rst Whicho ill briossyinoW. Remember, I pra Thee, that he renowed his promise to The before Thy viear besore Thyinointed, -that is, osore Thy riest: e reneWed his baptismal Covenant, and bound himself again by a Desti engage- metit. In his case it is impossibi that he an excuse his age, that he a speini soree, that he Cain pretend


der a burden hich he was abierio bear. What more 3 In ne and the fame moment he of the priost, and

starte bacii rom his determination horaeceived thepriest, he deceived Theo, he deceived himself. e castos Thy light yolio an eas burden he embraee his

ancient flaver unde the ok of Sin; he ut aWay therobe Os innoeenee, and ut o a arment lotte Withblood he ut aWay the hortiarment Whiel, could notcove him, and again took hold of the vestient hi lilio hau lost,ith his Egyptia mistress. O be hori, the reater crimes he had committente re consession, urith the reater liceno he returnen to them after it; yes, an perpetrate crimes hioli tili then he had notattempted hawins iniquit withis ope, and sinis it eremit a cart-rope Thus, then, ascis the burde of formercrimes eremo sufficient for his damnation, he added the transgression of his promis and pledge. More hanonoe e came deceithillyrio the riest, undis the appointextime, irinii to the ordinar custom os consession, ather tha solioWin purityi conscience heauded his also, ne a earito forme sins that in thepresence of hine anointest, he lie to Thee, an obta inest rom the pries a fictilious absolution Timo ould ait me is I mereri enumerate the realiing the promises, the Settin a nought the voWs. I saynothing of the lies by hicli his hole conversatio hasbeen interspersed. I say nothing of his frequent annusualiath and periuries, in Which he cast, scit ere in

Thy eeth, and that an times, the humati Dadtywhicli Thou uidsi ake or his sake themath in hich


no confess that hos member and thos Wound Were