장음표시 사용
could uot belloid vanity, and thisino could notio in the
here are much larger; hite me eat ach ther sar
348. I any one os them dead 3 Seeio tho ali fallupo the miserable man, to ea hi in ieces an toeat im. His heir devoti him his legatoe devourhim his executor deuour imi his creditor deuour
What appetie to hi the fame night y eter ad vaunte an boasten himself that though ad should logothei coiirage, he himself,ouldie constant uni death, init mere necessary While, o the contra , the truthWas that he lost his courage more tha any one elSe; and the voice of Oue Wretched Woma made his tremble
great proosi ambitio that the ea hein s immense, the hole ocean oes no sustice to so mali arasti, ut humus need destre a large element. But See fiShes,
viticus a publishod. In the Ecclesiastica laW, GoDeliose certain animal Which hould e sacrificed toHim; ut the were ali either east of the arti orbirds-fishestein tota I excluded fro these sacrifieeS. Wh doubis that this universa exclusion Ouid e thecause of grea disquietude an sorro to ut the inhabitant of O nobi an element Whicli altard thomatter for therars Sacramento The principut motive so the exclusionis fishes, a this : Other animal caugo live to the sacrifice, ut fishes, o so and GOD
enigma Thus the spea of the enitent Sceptro thus of the Evangelistic Apelles thias of the Engle of Africa, of themoneycombis Clairvinx, of the urpi os Bethlehem, of the ouili os old. An this the caliquotini They a that the enitent Sceptre means David; ascis no the sceptro eve fel penitenue thattho Evangelistio Apelles is . Luke themoneycom ofClairvini, S. Bernard the agi of Africa, S. Augustineo the Ρωplo os Bethlehem, S Jerome the outho Gold, S. Chrysostom. ut a man might ako itanother Way, and thiis that he urple o Bethlehom
Was Herod; the Ease of Africa, Scipio the J Iouili os
Gold, Midas. I there ere in advocate ho thus quoten Bartholus o Baldus, ould you trus your cause in his handi Is there ere a man ho thus spoli in ConverSation, Ouin youio considerinimo oo 3 That, then, Whicli is soli in conversation, hy hould it bo
I conclusion the cause, then that reacher bring forti s litile uit by means of the or of OD, isneither the circumstance of the person, qui Seminat; ortha os style, seminare nor that finiter, Semen norinat os science, suum inor that of Volce, clamabat Moses lia a ea voice Amos lia a rustic style Solomon multiplied an varien his subjecis Balaam et no goodoxample os liso, his animal hastio isdom; and yet, alloeSe, hen the spolio, persuade an convinced. Isthen, One of the reasons hieli, have mentionerino ali aken together, are the prinoipat, or a suffieient, cause, Why the ordi GOD at the present a bears s littio Duit, What hali e asser the rue reaSon
of the emplo is tho pulpit, eoaus it is the ostiest
place in it. ho devii tempto CARIs in the de-Sert, in the mountain, in the Temple in the desertWith appetite, in the molantes Min ambition in the Temple illi Scripture ill-applied and this is thetsemptation rom hicli the Churoh at the pressent time
suffers most, and Whieli, in many paris, has overthro
thi censure exaggerated let hi listen. CHRIS Was accused before Cataphas and . atthemsays that at therias came two false Witnesses novissime venerunt duo falsi testes These Witnesse related that
What the WitneSSe reporten, Wh does the Evangelistoad them salse inesses, duo falsi testem The samera. Joh has ive the reason He spak of the temple of His Body Τhey ere false, boonus Christ ad Spolien in ne sense, and the reporten His orta in