장음표시 사용
amplius noli peccare-Go, an Stam more.
3. his is that Whichiunis recommende to thath p Sinner, in hos marvellous histor is represented torus, illi great propriety the sacramenta judgmentio Whicli, are ad callexo cited Mihin the perempto ter of these fori days. e re ali inners, an areat unde obligation at this hol timeo present O Selves in person, an no by deputy besore that sacredtribunal, here ΗRIs Himself is Judge, an presides
The intention to repent aluome inde sinite time an inducenientio remain in sin.
15. Tho ou d motive ith Whicli man render it easylo himself to continue in andri multiply, sin, is the intention o future repentinue. I,V ay the inner, 'am iniung, and id sin yes, ut not With the resolution os persevering HWays in sim: O the Contra , With a resolution and lam determination of hereaster repentin and rierin With, Whole ear so that whicli I no do. his is in suppositio under hichever man ho belleves in the nexi ortu ustises himself in inning an socii has been excellenti declared by one et experienee in sim an much more in re
liness he sirs determines o future repentanee, and then, n liis determination, as poti a document of
licence and immunit Do punishment he heu insboldly, and without ear. The Christian ho is a iuuerknows et that in destroy the oul, and condemus itto heli; ut flatterest and conquered by his lusis, he were excusing himself to his ivn soles, and so mal ingat sala, he spesis thus Within himself My soles, Iano v Woli that Lam destroyin and condemning thee; ut is I destro the an condem the with in no v I uidrais theo up and delivor thee With repentanee hereaster. Concepit dolorem, et peperit iniquitatem. 7. his is that compaci or alliance, ill-considere land Wors understood, hieli, accordin to the Prophet Isaiah me make illi death and with eli. Heor thewor of the Lord, e cornisu men that ut this eoplewhie is in Ierusalem: ecauset have atri me have made covenant it dealh, and sit hel are, at vreement..... et u See the conditions of this ovenant That
Whicli me may ear, and whicli ali prudent moti doseis, is that dyinii Sin the may enter into helici audiherelare the contracti covenant Whicli the malle illitho devit is oti his ver subjeci. y this contrae thederi promise them that, osore thei death, they hallhave timerio fules thei resolutions an to grieve an to
repent so their in Furthermore, he assures themthat tho shali neve have thei portio in hell, ecause EVery ne ho trul repent of his in e re his deathis delivored hom heli. Is then, these condition are Soa vantageous to man an so profities to Satan ho isit that he cunnin and Wise a he is, enter so asilyinto tho compacto Because e that is deceived by it, an ulterly uined is non other than an himself. The system os these prooeedings of Satan in his contra is With man, say S. Basil, is a condition onmur partthat me liouldiive him the present, and With a promiseon his par that he id givo us the future. ou sinnoW; ou ill repent hereaster an a the present seas in certain, and the suture is contingent an dissi-oult, it folioWs that noW, in timem repentanee, ad meusin, an here ter, hichris the time o a count, se ornone Will repent 19. ut letis suppose his ovenant ad Qthieli: Wo,id descend thither, an se ho it saept. Is there, in his infernat prison s here, in his data dungeon any man ho has been a Christiano any AnsWerme, an miSerable oui, is ou ere a Christiani es, and are ne stili, sinoe in character impressedi Baptismo the soles an neve be oblitora ted, s ou ere an d
true repentanee suffice to obtain pardon rom GOD. De auso Iono this, as osten aso resolvo to in Imade a stron resolution thates Would heroastor repent. Is then, Fou made S many eSolution O repentanee,
Wh did oti no reponto Beoauso here is hora opitu hioli has broughtis ali to this place These Wo, hoare in flames at in fide, ero in t vo brothors Hopliniand hinelias, sons o Eli, tho hie prioSi and a Sueli, mel instructod in ali ho mysteries of the aith and of salvation Their sather bla meminem, and exhortei themto amend their lives, unda repent of thei sitis and theyreplied When e gro old, then illi the time sor repentinoe But deathiam bes ore thoi here ter, and theirresolutions ere catterest to tho iud, and thoi soliis descendod into hed. Here the have been vi ning orthese Wo thousan seve hundred years, and Will burn, and o hallo also illi them, bccaus in guit is the
20. Christians, let iis alie aining fi om his solii, and letis placeruo dependeno in the like resolutions. When the resolution os repontanee scioinod illi thedotormination to in i is cither repentaneemor CSΟ-lution for the determination to in contradicis the resolution to repent, and the present milt destroy the
That there is a certain amount of sin hie fila up the
29. For therio indationis ali that is to solioW, e must kno anni concinoed that o D, in His Divine Mind, has appoin te a Ceriai measure to the in Of very
man, Heli, hile it is not et fuli, may be consistent th th hope os pardon; ut after it has nee been ful-filled there is no longe an remedy. The res timethat o revenien his secret os His providen e and justice, a With respectrio the in o Lingdoms, republies, and cities. He had promised Abraham that to himandri his oest He ould give in land of the morites; ut notist nee there must be an interva of many e S. In the fouri generatio the shali comehither osain, o the iniquit of the Amorites is not et fusi.
An this as ne of the reasons hy the chilhen os Israel ourneyen or o long a time in the Udemess, helare the crosse in rive Jordan in orde that in the meanWhile, in mensure of the in os the Amoritesmight berassedisp. his also a the sense in hichCHRI simu LOR spolie to the Scribes and to the hari Sees, Fili e p, then, the measure Viour athers be- cause in political hodie sueti as u states, hichindurethrough many lives, the in os athers, children, and grandolhildre ali concurri fili up the measure 33. o mos manifesti tenelles an declares, Says Augustine, that tomach man He has appotute a certain amount O number os sins that, hilesit is notoo fullan consummated He aiis, that, may be converted; but, as Oon a the mensure is fuit, and the number has reache it limit, thenio malis no longer und Ondemnation, Mithout remedD OHOWS 34 Nor is there an dissiculty in tho consideratio that this mensure of si is reater se onema an les sor another; for his very faet, hicli toOur ea understandin mira appea injustice, in thewis decrees of Divine roriden eris the highest justice.
Is nos, nsivor me this Go also et a certa in mensuret tho days of eaoli mali' life When e David says: Reholi Thou has made m Gys ascit ere a Span long. An this mensuro is o certain and determinod that, When iis ast danis come there is no further Scap . A Job sponti : Thou has set them heir bounds, hichthe cannot pass. Since then, o ne hiulis it Strange, O Complain that the mensure os ne mali' days is somuch les thau that of another's, much ess hould itSeem Strange that he mensure of sin hould also bo un-equat, Speciali When e conside that ne and that the ver first, sin is enough to cause GOD, die judgedu aeeordinito strict justice, to castis into holl. heroason is the supreme dominioni GOD, hocis equassythe Author os grace and of nature and thus, Sineo. Solarin He is the Author o nature, He an limit lis to a certain number of nys, Without injustice to the in E 4-dua man, o, Without injustice to the Same man, an He limit His pardon o a certain umber of ius. Wheno it follows, a thatia Whiel fili up the numbero ali urinys is necessarii the last, and when it has arrived die ou must,-So, i like manner, that in Whioli has filio up the number of our in is also thelast and one committed, it leaves oum escape Domthe condemnation, beeauSe there is no longe an place
35. Hear What o say by the molith of the ProphetΑmos: Thus ait the Lord; for three transgression ofJudah, and for four, I sit no tumn way the punishment thereos for three transgression os Israel, and o four, mill no turn away the punishment thereos. It is cis Hosaid The committe the rst in ando pardoned
inem; the committe the second, ando pardonedihem; they committo tho hird, and I also paruonedihem: ut ecause the committe in laurin, I Willsardon inem no more. What does GOD, hose mercies are infinite, orgive o more than three sitis 3 Suret He oos. He orgives three hundred, He sor- oves three thousand and is the sinuo repent With ad his ear me id orgive three missions. ut in thesetexis a certain is ut sor an uncertaininumber, in orderthat by particida example the meaning may be mademore Clear. Ain lauri there re, a the sna mea- Sure of sin, O says thalmo id pardo thoirs time, the secon time, and the thiis time; ut that, after the laurin sin there is no more placessor OnVersio orsor pardon; bocause the fovi'th in is in his case that Which fili up the measuro, and the in Whichills up themensure is ithout remed anx thout orgiveness. 36. Henee e may eastly understand a mos dissicidi
passago in the firs episti of S. Jolin anxit is a proos of that whicli Passert. The ord of the holy postle, callex ovo allither the Dirine, are these I in mansee his rother sin a in hic is no uni death, he hallas , andrae hali sive him life for them that in no vnto death. There is a si tinto deuth; I do no say that eshali prosior it The dissicult of this textris o great, that expositor and theologians are dii ded into morethan Reen opinion as Ooliat this in is hicli is callessito deat. and sor hicli,e are notrio pray, asilinginea able os pardon, Nemissibie remeditess. Some saythabit is tho si os murder Othors, that o adultery and S. Augustine an Bede do no hesitate to aflirm that itis that os enΠ But ecause these ostence domo Seem
SO enormovcly great, thera, ascendingligher, a that itis the sinis blasphomy Othors, that os infidelity Othors, that os apostacy others thati obstinacy and thers, Without des in the species, a in genera that it is
any prodigiolis crime. ut against at these opinions, it is to b hel sor certain that here is no in liΟWSΟ-eve mos grievous it ma be that GOD does not pardon. It is no particular oriane, nothing of it o vn nature more Onorinous than an morta sin,-nay, and it a b ossa lighte dy than soni of the above-namen it is thelast it is that Which filis p the mensure appointexto evor man and S. Ohn theresore, illi propriety, calisit a sin unio dealh,- sin Whicli, Without remedy deliversthe old o ternat destruction. For although very morta sin lay the soles, it ma be ratSed ii again, and restore to lis subsequently to thors, ut o subsequently to this. 37. Havin lai do , then, his o certain truth, and this proce diligi Pro fidelice and Di fine ustice, soman times revenient Go Himseu serim , is here
sor repentanee, Who an assure me that the in hicli Iamino meditatin ma notae in last, and that Whichalone is intin to minem mensure complete 3 ou B say that ascit ma be socii manalso nolle thelast. What thoes What thon 8 Asci Phad intended