Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


be converten to rejoice uitlantiem that are in prosperity, to risive illi them that susse injury to succour theindigent notrio seel high things, o choos that Whichis umbio, o love that hicli is simplo; to ut ossSuperfluities, to e contente With a litile, to lat)ovi sor

Viriues, o Struggle ver da against vices; to subduc




TH mos celebrate os orlugues divinos, an called by his sellow-count men the Last o Mediaeva Preaehers, was bor in Lisbon, Feb. 6, 1608. Whon o had attainod the age of even, famil circumstances compelle his parentato migratorio Hahia, the then capitalis Portugues America. Heroa entered tho Company of tho Josuit in 1623, and mado his prosession in 1641. Such was his reputation

limit to cruolt during a stato os hostilii mere proscribed by tho Christia religion has est iis trade in Vieyra's Sermons Thias e have ne proached a Bahia in 1637, onoccasionis a public funerat; and another in the samo it in 1640, o the appotnimentis a generat fasti fistud days sorsucces in the War. The proachor explainedri his auditora that howeve the nationa missortunes, and the anticipaledios of the whole province might s attributo to the antos a nationa Ling the oure la deepe in the displeas eos GOD . Butae litile thought that, at tho very momendi ho


sidered ono of the mos remarhable character Whom Europoeve produced, hen, in the three utieri disserent charaeterso an eloquent reaeher, an able negotiator, and a devoted missionary, he obtatue a rSt-rate reputation tu tW cou

spectively. The completo Orti is nos o common Oeeur- renue even in oririgat. It contain abou 220 Sermons, arrangen in no Order, ither chronological or in the ourse f

bo ted into that fauit. His reat talent Was undoubtedlysatiron os,hicli, indoed, filio Arte de Furtura his, he haslest a memorabio instanc os another ind, and of hielitho Sermon to the ishes, presenti to e given, ill o a sussicient proos ex to that is tho terribi posse ho has

in threatening engeane to a guili an corruptlage: Omeo his Advent sermons are Darsuli sublimo Then-but ata considerable distanee comes his poWer of pathos, of Which


strihing instaneos. His fondites sor mystical interpretationis persecti mediaevat; hilo the way in hieliae uses-Or


Oftraya; ut it Was et more romari ablorior that whielicitiust, hau so that hiel, it est yed Three paris, Orerections, alone remained in the eity sentiro and without in-ju ,-the prison the hospital, and the pulpit of the greatchurch. O Divine rovidonee, ver vigilant, even in thoso accident Whiel seem to bo, an may bo naturali Those three Xeeptions, o remactabie in themsolves, ere nos Without a great myste and ali ho ero present noticedit, and inderstoo it at once By the prison justice-bytho hospital mercy-and by the pulpit, truth-Were et sortii. scis Gommould reach to the ortuguese, and es-peciali to ea-por foWns an cities, a this is, and that was, that it is sor laeti os justice, o mercy, and os truththat our conquest are thus destroyed and thus desolate.

Vol ii. I. Eaeli volum is divided into a certai nurubor offections, hieli Pun through the hole of the sermons.


Vioyracis unus uali happy in the commendemunt os his Sermons, an Ordinarii heris very clear in their divisions. His aulis are hos os his ago the abominations of thoe8tylo culto Someti me han abo ut him the oador ill finda remari able instanc in the sermoni S. Ignatius, of Whieli more presently andae is Sometinae gulit of tho grossost adulation to tho great person ago bosore hom he reache d. It must also e conses sed that, dire et soluted, and Searet lingas are the reacher' remonstrances illi publicio dies, and sor corporate crimes, his appeal to individua consciencesare careel So essective a might have been expected Domitis genera poWerS.


The sermo fi om heneo the oldoWin extracts are alien aspreachest ut Bahia, 1 Bragit, o the Fourth Salvi da in Lent 1640. Ι seem to have been a lavori rite illi the author sorte thus res esit: ah author entrent thos Who a talio his book into theuhanus that so the love of GOD and of themselves, the would renuthis sermon, of the inne resolute to si no more, it the attentionand patience Whicli the matter reum es.' The textris, S Jolin ui 11. GO, and 8in no more d

but the future besides eing that, is also ossearful clanger. 2. his, good Christians, is that mos important doc-sor Simeon, M sor Martin A. sor Antony, and L sor Lam enee, finisti the wor Chasmal, at the en O Whieli, the Prophet' patieue suiled,