The Jesuit relations and allied documents

발행: 1896년

분량: 313페이지


분류: 미분류


o. onument to Claude Alloueg S.I. unveiledat De Pere, by the State Historical Socie of Wisconsin, September 6, 899 Frensis aece


ilominiis a synopsis of the document containedin this volume CXXVIII. The Relation of467I I matbegu in 1. the remainder of the document forma thepresent Volume, closing the regula series of tho lations, egu in I 63a Vol. V. of this editiovi Aletter rom reminuive an account of the missionciale M. arier destres, opposite Montreat, hereth Iromois converti flare noW professing the most exalte virines practice in Christendom. V Theymaintain tota abstinence rom intoxicatin liquora, although there is a ram-ino at their verydoors V and thei tribesmen are not,elaome among them unies the profes the Christian faith. heir attendancerum religious services is mos assiduous. Dabis nexi gives a sume of the Various Iromota missions, hic emplo seven Miners. ahqr have

baptized vi imo vitae persona, Ithach meana



it the ellers of the village, at hic he has expounde the trucis of the Christia religion.

These are resultin in severa conversions, hichoeatly encourage the ather in his arduous totis. note medicine-ma dies in his infidelium V dhis naine has chiae vi authorit ove the Indians alter his death, as mel albefore. ood nem comes hom nondaga, speciali concerning the inadfast-nes of the lately converteo chies, Garahontis. Wheni clange of death, he mill notu emit his amitu tocan in the modissine-men to cure him and his ea forme ait neve fallers Rasseix oves a delailed account of the mission a Cayuga, the faires co-- to that Phine seen in America. mentions ita

natura remurces, muc more varie an extensive


PREFACE TU VOL. LUI Inter asseris his positiveanoMelge that mota are risesor his eat M a s cerer and py. One heris used ono, When brandycis brought to the village, hecis compelle to ne for refugerio his ch et Herelates the pious deatas of severat of his converta. Mannother talk of migratincto Quebec. letter rom replevi telis the stor of his inter spent With in sinage of the Samenay. His suffering are ainful an continuat, ut the piet of his discipies consoles him for all. The greates tormentis the molie rom the cabin-firea, ,hic made usmee da and night, linclingos for a time. I felivery happy to offer hos te. to ur Lor forextinguishing the flames of some fouis in Purgatory. ''The sinages Mithruli atten masa, and observe alithe oly vs of the Churis, regaroles of tormor colo and the children come to the ather for

1 is in the ottam mission that in Jesulis have


12 PREFACE TO VOL. LVIMy. His mission heon meli, ut the devit isenrious of his success, an stir u trouNe foraim it in medicine-men ByMod's prace, heris ableto anquish his opponenis,- one of Whom, at the Fa-ther' bidding, erecta a large Crom for the Venerationes his trihesmen. During the inter Nouvel mahes various excursion to eigh ring encammenis, here and there aptiging a fem, main1 Chiloren,- excepi a Maniloulin Isiano, hereis receives into the Churta fourteen adulta and ouin He relates severia instances of marvelous cures mught in stokness, by mater in hic certain relics of the martyr

baptism are recordeo. A churin has recently been hesit there, hichris the objectis much admiration, from Frenchmen a meit a sinages. The res of the repor fram this mission is occupiet With accounts of miraculous cures rought by prve and hol mater. These monoeri' have gone a tomaro eradicatingine imo chie vices prevalent among these Tribes,

jugler an polygamy. Those ho recognigeonly the true God enio perfeci heiath. e see in fine, Christianiis comin est lished here, despite ali hell. The missio a M. Ignace, opposite MachinacΙSland was recenti opene for the benefit of the Ηurons, ho have ne thither rom Chequamegon Banin oread of the hostile Sioux inhes. arquetis has accompante them, an has charge of the mission Such of these Hurons las have continuedin the fiath nom dispia Treat fervor. A ch et has been ut1 for the Green Ba mission, at the De Hre rapida. The adontage of this


an interestin account of the method employed by the sinage of the place in catining fish, and pinifestae heaut an fertilit of the surrounding country. Allove and Aner are laboring mith thos tribes,- the former, mit the inlano tribes o the FocandWod riverso the lalter, ita inose a ut De Permandalong the inores of Green My. The divinities

venerate by these tribes, and thei superstitions regardis them, Me recounted Andre, es astron impression o the minus of his sinages bymngs,- composed in the India longue, ut sungrio Freno Hrs,-mhic he accompanies it a flute. These Aonga, many of Whic are expressi directed against thei superstitions, he eaches to the chil-dren, and mith aiand of these litue Savage musicians ' ' goes about the villages, to declare marin Jugnem, remers, and those ho ad severiamives. ais employs pictures to instruct thepeopte an venda the inter in ming rom ne villam in another, instructin and baptizing. eis subjeci, of courae, to tria1 and annoyancea, huisuch rosses are the delight of Missionaries ' ' Andreadda notes of his observations Mon the apparent iides in Green My. Among the tribes of Centra Wisconsin, Alioueghas accomptished much, instructing savage of five different longues of Whom ome had neve hefore Aeen a renchman. The ascoutens an Illinois receive him as an Ange laommeaven, an cromo out him, both da an night. V The Magamiesare speciali intereste in the roma almost everyone, Oung or id frequently mahes iis sim, an amar-partydrom this tribe belleve that they have mon



Mitte by this means. Alioue erecta in their village a large rosa, thus t in possession ofthos infidet lanos in the nam o Iesus Christ.

Ene of the mos important event of the year is

discover os a lane rout to Hudson Bay,- madede Talon' orders, hy one of his ossicers, aut benis de St. Simon, and the Jesuit Charies Albanei. A. fui account of this long ano arduous ourne is

have occurret betmeen the stranger and the natives.

The renchmen accordino hiat at this place, and promptly sen messengera o Quebec for ossiciat credentials of thei mission At the en of October, the hole part go into inter quarters. his prove tot the mos ira in minter that Albanet has ever spent mith the Indiansn ecause his Tadoussacguides, destrous to abando the expedition harassand anno him in ever possibi may hoping thus to compeloim to return to the St. Lamrence Aster man conflicis it these sinages, he secures therguides, hom the istasiani tribes and the French-men resume their ourney, June I, 672. Rercrossing the materine belmeen the St. Lamrence valle an Hudson M, the encounter a tribe homusti propitiated in regard to affording the Frenis a passage. A counci is helo, here Albane -- nounces the eae nom existin among the Easternuthes, recommenos to these Indians in Christiansaith, an advises them to trade Wit in Frenta,