장음표시 사용
PREFACE TO VOL LUI 16rather than mith the EnglisYmho have recently comet Hudson Bay. The delighte invages accepi his presenis, and askdor instruction ut, after baptizing
tainous regions by many lines an streams, and OVer numerous Portages, the French reach Hudson
upo Albane1' Indian guide destres to retur immediate1 to his homo. The ather is indignant, an his reproaches, reinforced by threat o God 'sdispleasure, bring the recalcitrant to terma. Albaneiados, clinave almays found the Savages ver easilymove hy representations o Heli' tormenta, and by the charma of Heauen's deliota. Proceeding tWenty leagues umine coast of the My, the fine a considerable encampment of Indians. Albanel mina thei confidence, and ali destre him toinstruct an baptize them. e confers that rite o the hie an Aixty-one ther persons, and promises in visit them again. In his ournat he notesmuch interestin information, suis ache could hastil gather durinthi shori visit, about Hudson Bay an iis tributar rivers the nations dmellin about it, the characteristic o it climate an soli, it natura producis, etc. The ather admires the vastforest an beautifutilians the salubrious and evenpleasant climate, and the rich pasturam for caule. Returnin homemar Dom the Bay the rench-men ' plant the ing's standaro lai Lahe Nemis-kau, and later, on one of the rivere noming outh
into Lahe St. John Urio serve M a infe ard in anthos Tribes against an inees quois Nations. the Way the meet Various parties of Sinues, and Albanel confers aptismon many children. mali, he baptizes cluring this ourne and his retum, imo hundred persons both hilore an adulta Thepari arrive at Tadousaac, Augus I, 67a. Albanel felicitates himself upo his succeas, an Mon his responsibi position in his enterpriae. The conduci of the expedition mas my due, after, eightem years of effor to that end. The Father, in closing, Viems With spreat hoperulaeas the prospectior missiona among those far, them tribes. They destre trademit the renchoare ei disposed tomare theriaith, and are notis immerseo in liner licentio nes orsuperstitio as are the other Algo in tribes. The elation nos it an account the holycleath of Madam de la Peltrie, and that o Mother
Marte de Incamation, in forme the foundrem, the larier in firs superior, of the Ursuline conventat Quebec,- evenis,hich mere a public affiction ' Dahis recounts the circumstancea connecte With Madam de la eluie' vocation to Canada, an herrelations mithesea de Berethres an Mari dei Incarnation. The visioni Canada seen by the lalter, and her Voyage thither, are also relatet, in her omnmoros. Dahlo continues the torno Madam cle
iovable character of this nun. R. G. T.
Chap. i. of this document, sublished in Volume v. me remainde is here it given.
de la Colonie compos6e de Hurons χ'Ιmquois qui ne attach6e m 'en serit en es termes, dura .ra'Aoust de la presente ann6e 67a. Je reconnois manifestement que te stant Esprit aune providence particuliere su la conduite de cette petite Eglise, que la salute terge qui ne honorae, citant Fransois arier, qui en est te Patron, fontuessenti par de effeta de graces tout extraordinatres, leursoumir aupres de la divine MajeR6, en fa-Veu de oes pauVres ames, doni la pluspari aDnt eRε6levcles aut fot dans 'infidelit6, font maintenant profession des plus hautes Vertus, qui se pratiquent dans le Christianisme. Jerius su ris Pan pass6, k mon retour du pala dea Iromois, d 'Tuoir tant de devotion de ferveur, messi te suis encore svi plus presentemen de voi leur
lence and of the Colon theret attachel, compose of Hurons ando quois, rite mea ut them, unde date of August 4t of the PreSent year, 67a, as folloms:
AH recognige clearly that in holy Ghost exercises species providenoe ver in guidance of this lituo Church and that the hiemel Virgin, horis honoreo incit, an sain Francis arier, hocis it Patron, mahe thei pomer Wit the divine Majesty fel there
by quite extraordinar manifestations o grace, onbehat of these oor Aouis, mos of Whom, after hein reare in infidelit in the past, are nomprofessing the mos exalte viriues practice in Christendom. Umas su rised last year, o mTretum hom thecountry of the Iroquois to se here so much devotionand fervor: utra am still 34J more Solom in Seethei constanc in these Pious sentimentS. Sinc I have been here, there has no come intothei e ins s far a Iono , a single dro of the liquor hic cause so many disturbancea among the Sinages. The a1 have an extrem aversion forcit, although verymhere amund them the Savages datly become intori ted indulging in excesses Whichrender visibi among them a veritable picture of heli, mith suo madnes are the carried aWay For more
to cles SauVages qui Viennent icy. o poura demeu-rer, o mura visite leur amis, prennent resolutionde se fatre Chrestiens, o font embiant de 1'estre, Rachant hie que sans celarilso' semientias Ies
Ouano vn tringer arrive icy la premiere choseque font nos Muvages, 'est de 1'instruire de te sollicitera demander te Baptesme, 'estam que parteur zele, par leur piet6 par leuribon exemples, ita contribuent beaucou plus que o Par mes instructions Lia conversion des infideles Leur assiduit hes' lis est extraordinatre deo' pas Venirprier ineu, tu de ne pas entenore 36yla esse
sixtrino ere formerly hard drinhera, ut Whomo feel inces horror at that vice that theroanno tolerate those ho are addicte to it an domo spe to thos persons hen the meet, except for thepurpos os inspiring them mith an aversion for intemperance. The themaelves use the mos effective
means to e found in the Christia religio for trining from Godriss the victor ove thei pastions an for subjecting them to eason and to his holymam. Whether I have the eople here under
t me of theis ait an virtve Such public profession thereo do the mine at 1 times an in ali places that at MVages h come here, liner toclweu oro visit thei latenus, resolve o Moome Christians, o pretendino M such, 611 knoming that othermis the mould noti mel ome. Upon the arriva os a stranger, the fidit thingour Savages do is to instruct him, and urge him toas for Baptism andra amis opinion tha they, Bytheir eat, piety, and good example contribute muchmore tomaro the conversion o vnheliovers than I do by m teainings. Thela assiduit at Churin is extraordinaryd nota attend and offer one's prvere to o, or no to hear 36 Masa evenis a WoindM, .hen oneris in the Village passes it them for a
serious offensea an it Ver raret occurs that nyone is remias in that respect. any hearrimo Masaes
heeping them in such a sint of f rvor an in abhorrence of sin. A oung moma Who ad committed some offense mas fossilled mith contrition ove it that, resolvincto mali immediate confession in mentama into the ood ano ook a severe discipline inexpiatio of her sin. nother, findin imo lingues from here an Infidet Who mas maintaining improperrelations it a Christian Oman, o far prevallelis her remonstrances acto persuade the lalter 57Jto come and live in her cabin At least, sat inet me, shal by this means revent om of that retineo man ' sins. Domit many the similarinstances of their ea an piety, ut I cannot passove aratrihin proos, OVen me no long ago by one of ou Christia momen, of her faith and her reus in the hiemel Virgin Sh came in questi mei theoccasio of her child' clangerous ilinem, an salo tomen My Father, mysoor inito is sicli unt death Phine, M ou knom, spare no efforis to effect ita cure, employin for the purpos every conoeiobleremedy, ut in Vain. am resolve to se suis
means O more. Ome time ago, I mas no essanxious to secure my mother' conversion, as he