장음표시 사용
.retine existence or a Messe and terna lise. Since in las letter, in the mont of May, 67I, Ι count hirt peome baptized mos of hom merechil in Who have gone to mei the number of the prodestineo in Heaven. 'Phad the amiction to se a noted Juggle die in his infidelity but his presumptio an pride rendere him unm in of the grace of holy Baptism. What Lmonder at very da in that classis men is, that, although convince by their m experiencethat ali their juggiernis ni a fraud, neverihelessine still allom themselves tot deceived untii theirdying dar an notisne of them has et Men heardonas exposing the tricher of a commee,-no evenWhen intoxicated a state in hic the commonlybetranthei mos secret thoughtS. he note Juggler of Whom I usi spolie Washel in unusual veneration among a1 the Iroquois and evenis his reputatio an example retardeo
and to haverissue hom the abysmal depin that hema continue o persecute his infant Church. In faci, he has found notues submission in the dispositionis these Peoples than he mas montri meet With in his lifetime. An eide recenti convoked the Councti, an announce to it that thises ne hadappeared to hi in Ddream, and regareinchim mith a terribi expression ha bidden him bear more tothe ellers that thermere irremediabiflost and that the andast6 6s Would come the ex Spring, Without fati, to besieg the villam and bum and slay a11 Who resisted them. Is homever, the Wished toavolo these disasters, the must remove his Ody
that then there mould Mino furine cause for alam, sinoe ache had OVer me his common enemY of the
them and although the round was overe mith snom, the falle noto execute to the leue the de they had received, Maring the dea body out along the oad to Gandast68 6, and there erectinctoi the finest ausoleum to e seen amon thesebarbarians Aster ali, as thiscinave mas found to ea tiar hile alive he prove no lassontrusimorthyafter his death, imo momen havin recently been Maine by thos ver Gandastisusis, Withi fiftypaces of the palisad surrounding the village.' '
ON nous mande deux hoses de grande Consolatio de la Mission de S. Jean Baptiste, qui
J'espere dit 1 Pere ille dans sa letire, qu'il ne sera palle sevi Chrestien, ny te seul predestin de sa
qu' 1'6garo des choses, qui semisit conforme auxcommandement de Dieu. 1 fit encore cette declaration δ' une maniere plus genereuse, en ta Nouvelle Holiande, en presene de European qui comman
prodestineo member of his family. The ominat theyfel aster his eath, in the ope inviis his ternalhappinem, is no mal sim o thei Fiath, an sothenaeem to me not very far hom God' hi dom .hil in great destre the evince in se the sonagain ome da in meaven mines me opem offoo Mein them chilere of the Churis.' The ther circumstance that must ove much oyto MLwho destre to Me God glorifieo in the conversiono these eoples, is in constanc of their Chiei. Daniel arisontisi, in his his op1naon of tho faith, an in his fidelit in veryWhere mining Den profession o Christianit tam di this it ali solemnity tW years ago When, after being baptizel at Quebec he declare upo his retum, in a publicmeeting that he intended thences Ward to discharono functionis his ossice exceptis far ascit shouldio in conformit Wit God' commanements. his
declaration he repeated in a more Ourageous manner
To this e male constant an strenuous resistance. Neverihelem, a superstitious eremon Wa executed
in his abin, after the custom of the jurater When
42 LES RELATRONS DES SUITES Vota δε cur de quelque malacie te ere qui en ut avis, enim en queique s ou on que te malinea avolt consenti le, visite surrae lair, i uouve aveo luytous te anciens, qui te croyant Proche de la mori,
estolent venus comme en corpi Par honneur, mur
encore presentemen de inui mon inura non mon
o 23. Septembre, ayant rencontr64 so retour dans 1 pM une de se parentes malinea la mori, me intuouver pou me demander Pour elle meique remede.