장음표시 사용
Einave even issionaries among thessive Iro- quois Nationa Fathermmyas, ho is theis Superior-Generat, has mith ather Boni- face, inhen charge of themission of themartyr at Annis, after laboring four offiveaears in themationo the nneiout in Mughties an leas tractableo ali the romois That arduous Mission, aint Franςois inter has fallen to the care of ather Millet. ather de Lamhemille is ver in Churis of St. Jean Baptiste at Onnonia 6 Father de Carr- heil Who mas detrine a Quebec by a contractionis the tendons, returne inence in the princio his Missioni St. Joseph he had been cured 16C of his aliment in miraculous manner, b haring recourset OR ad οὐ Maeandis mini Anne. e have learne that he arrive in perfectineati, and that Father asseix, ho ad charge of thalmission in his absence, has one to id ather Garater, and share mith him in care of the threemissions da Conceptaon, St. Μichel, an St. Jacques- in Sonnon-touan, hererimm metve to thirteen thousan fovisare rectoneo. The progress of at these Nations in te ning the truth of ur ait has continuedio he Ver macte this ear, although iniurMissionaries notes ni tm, hundred baptized,
28 LES RETA NON DESIMUITES Noti baptise dans te memoires de nosmissionnaires, celaveut dire que les maladesint est6 plus rares Cette an-nsie, 'ue les stans, quo que sufflamment instruits,n'oni potnt encore des resolutions asse fortes our mitte leur songes, renonoeris leum coustumes superstitieuses Gesurieres de gens de hien, te ele la constance des Ouvriers Evangeliques acheveront
mhich means that the sich have beende e this year: and that inose ho are melltare, although adequatolyinstructed not et stron enough in the resolve toforsake their dream and renounc thei superstitious
practices That mor of the oly host in Maccommished by the prayers of the good, and thegea an constanc of the Gospe Laborem. The Savage of Annisi, ho mere thos mos thoroughlyhumbled by the ing's aris, continue to e those best incline to embrace 6i the Faith. mctionis neeled by theseieopleri Tende them responsiveto the impulses of grace. In proos of the notabie progress made among them by ur Fathers, throughthei tiretes constanoni teaching them, more thansiri have received hes Baptism. Fiftee of the mos fervent member of that Churis, Christians an Catechumens together, hine severe their connectio mit it in orde to Comean partis of the spirit o Christianio an devotionamong the uron Christians os ostre-Dam de Foy. The mere received mith suc benevolencethat ait theis ins that is, allinearis mere Penedio them, and ach ne mel share his est milhthem. More than Minothera mere enteriaining the Same Purpose, and thei canoes mere ait in readinessa but their We11-youndeddear test thermight displeasethei relatives, and lest the Lou Nations thei ene-mies, might e tempte to a. Quantage of their absenee, force them to postpone thei departureunti a more favorable junctum.
connoissances, qu'il avolt tircles de se ancestres, ou-chancta creation dumonde raeduraecordarvolontiersce u 'il me demandoit mur ne es a rebularo' ord Wpou prenore de la occasion de leu faire estime clavantage a solidit des verite que nous leur enselmons A la fi de oes eniretiens, qui leurao6erent beaucoup, e falsol toujours une priere aunom de oute la Compagnie, ou demandera Dieula Tace de te connoistre de oroire e luy, de leserviris de arde ses ainis Commandemens, avecresolution 'assister ou les iour aux prieres, de renonoe aux superstition diabolique declamation,& 'embrasse te Christianismed cetis priere ut de tres-bons es eis. 'avantage que 'a tire de cesinstructions publiques, familieres, m' est sen ladans la facilit6, que 'antrouV6e plus grande M'au- paravant, disposer quelque adulte morihons, aulaint aptesme. Entr'autres queique Vieillares m 'on donn heaucou de consolation, m 'ont laista apres leur mori de grandes sperances de leur salui.L'un estoit ag de cent ans, H'autre de x vinos,
the fame time, hom them the vanit of thei omni l . The hight approve of this proposition.
os pening the rat conferenoe,- gging that Would, ei e spe ing myself hea him 64J relates What he had learneo through his ancestor regardino the creatio of the morio. millingi granted his request, in orcle noto displeas theseopte at theouiset, and that Lmight Mige the opportuniinthere-b presente foratring them chigher estimationis the substantiaines of the truths hic me inachthem. At the close of these tallis, PalWays offere a prayeries hal of the entire Company askinc dilfo grace to nomisim, to belleve in him, to servethim, anxio hee his hol Commandments expressit
gleur dans son infidelita. Mais sa resomption, son orgueilaon reno indigne decla grace duriaint