장음표시 사용
o silve iam ano a fund for ita maintenanoe,- notio spea os other testimonials of her affectio fori Society in France a mel as in his coimisy, heresh almus hae ne of ur Fatherisor hermirector an Confessor. Thus acher assectio manifested for this Society, an affection hic ahe etainod toher vinco , destring before in Meatheo heriast, to se our principia, hera ho mere then in Quebeo, in orde to receive thei Messing and commeno heraeis to their Wayers. his is a servim hic ah merit at our hanes, and Which me hiatali mos gladi render her, Wit laesing of iindying gratitude.
LA vie de cetis femine forte tolle que nous larepresente Salomon, en queriu'estat que nous 1 considerons, ou enmo dans te mariam, u
graces, demandem volume entier, Mun esprit plus εclaire que e ten, dans a connestanc de saconduite, mur en forme partallement te caractere i idcle. Sa vocation torie sumaturelle, que 'arest oblioede dedulae asse amplement, noua donne quaeque -- de la Provideno particuliere, que Die avolt fur cotis me, nouaria devona considerer commeu effet,is une productio de ea hestes lumieres, doni son intendement fas 7 estoit esclairε,, de celeu, que l'Epou celeste avolt alium clana son coeur, Marion enlance Ie ne dis ien de s Vierioute extraordiniare estant encor en France elima est connus de personnes de grano merite, &χ'eminente Vertu, qui la ouchen de res selon te sang: te es de lancire de meu Muste tropardemment dans leur coe mur en refuse 1 communication, Mia connestance
graee,- demanos amentire volume and an intelligence herae informe than mine in iis acquaintanc mithhe conduci, in orde to ove mit exactneas thecharacteristic and oviline of that isse. Her call-quite supernatural in ita nature Which
mas oblige to et fori in considerable delati,gives us ome insio into the specia Providenis .hic God exercised ver her Aoul an me mustre ro that cail as a result and produci of that hright 1ight heremit her understandin fas 7 Was illumineo, and of that fire Whichahe celestiat Brideooom hae indie in heroeari rom her infancy. 49 nothing of her altogether extraordinar life hile in mas stili in France. Me mas known by personaes great morin ano eminent viriue, nearly relate toher hyalood and ea for God' gior hurn too ardenti in thei 'earis to admi es refusing to the
reside N. S. qui ut approuis de son Directe :ord mu'elle a observ si exactement, Wavecone applicatio si particuliere, es rente-troia ann squ'elle a pasu dans le Canada que, quo qu'elle eustinteriinrement de plus grandes communications que jamias aveo Nostre-Seigneur. .'elle ne perdoit potat de euε, dans se emplois, dans a conversationavec te prochain, non plus que dans 1'Oraison ne-moins, se ravissemens se exisses, se visions ses
rieuntis celeste, qui edifioita rarissol les personnes qui la Voyolent, o avolent te hon-heu de converserave elle. Son leno perpetuet 'avolt en de triste, ny de rebulant: a molesti estoit Angelique; son humilit6, ria simplicita, sana exemple accompagn6 d'une sagesse χ'une prudence qui ne tenoitrie deI'humain. Quo qu'elle eu est dix-huitans en inarge, horois diverses reprises, aveo neentiere satisfactio de out te monde, tant de a Communaut que u dehors inutetois elle estoici, plus omise la plus oheIssante de la maison, la plus exacte dans toutes le observances Mocouison soninterieura a Superieure aveo la sincerit que ferestune Norice la plus fervente. Elie conservolt une douceu inalter te our quique cessust, Wles personne qui on convers fami-
public ali mentio an knowledge of ouriother' svirtuos. The life led by her in this comisy, a Compare mith that in the ther, asin hilden ne andoutWardi ordinary, in accordane Wit an expressorde received rom Our Lor an approved by herinrector That order he follo e so exacti and mit suis specia assiduit during the hirty-three years that in spent in Canada that, although ineta more intimate in is communing than Vermith Our Loro, of mhom ahe never Iost aiot during the discharge of her luties, an in her intermuraemith herieighbor, an more than during Wayer,-yet her transporta, her emissies, her visiona thespectat mark of endearment that ahe had been montis receive rom ur Lor an his tesse Mother, an other simila totans o favor as8ythac fore hae been commoni granted to her, mere o longe male manifest. Al suo gitis of grace remalaedhioclen for the est of hex life unde an exterior, ineVer Way heavenly, Which charmed an who sam heror ad the happines to converse mith her Herhabitua silence ad incit nothing saxo repellant her modest mas Angelic anu ex humilio and simplicitTunexampled,- accompanted a inermem, by a more than human isdom and prudenoe. 1- though he mas in charge of the Convent for eighteen years, at three different times, to the entire satisfactioni an both milhin the Communit and without,-yet in mas the mos submissive an obedient person in the ouse, and the mos scrupulous in allobservances While he reveHed her inmost thoughtato her Superior it an in sincerit of the ostfervent Norice.
me maintaineo an unorying genuenem es mannertomare an and thos Who conversed intimate1rmithher, ad charge of her spiritua1 Midance, recomige pliani that this equabie temperament, a much admired, a the productis an altogether extraordinar spiritua viriue, and of that asylintimate union hic in enjoyed mith him ho salo
meetin ali suo orans pon her strenoeshndra ingrum the inexhaustibi fund of her trus in God animaled by the charity that burneo in her heari fortheae eoples' salvation, and trono supporte by the orcle that he had received from uriore ano his hiemed Mother faω to ullo inem amission inthis country. Considerations of this sori e Nedherrio retain herseace of mino no die in everit eit ho ever Vehemently the demon might oppos her
Son indispositio commensa te seigisime de Ianrier, par un Gordement extraordiniare de bile, quit ' ligea de se metu audit usqu'au demi χ'Anil, qui tu leuour de a Menheureus mori. Elle fui si
malχε te commencement, que si sentiment de Me- decina, on Mech propos de tu donne ses demiem Sacremens, ' Mant as δ' parence qu'elle deust passer te eurisime our demis iis protesterent souvent, M'elle ne imit que par miratae. Diauvouioitnu'elle remptista mesure des fouffrances, qui tu devolent meriter la muronne, M'elle posse maintenant dans le Cies. Pendant cea trois moti dem M' dureri mal die clans une complication de divere maux, quia causolent our lauit dea douleum tres-cussantes, euefit paroistre ne constance, qui donnaon nou-
panted by rigor, care, and malchfulnem accordinito the natur of the matre in ano Her heari and her arm Were Ver ope in an MVage oris or omen desimus os instruction. Nesther the crampestspace of thei Mat quartera, nor theis scant provisiona nor thei lac of many necessaries, could cheis his ea an liberality, o cauae the leas mavering of her trusi. he mas ingenious, an possemel ofevery accommishment to e destre in one of horaex,-Whether needlem k, ainting, or tatever
Her indisposition emn on the rixteent of Janu-ary, Wit an extraordinar overno os bile, hicheo ne his to her hed unti the las of April, thecla of hor Nesse death. From the firat, he masso si that is the advice of the Physicians it masthought hestri give her the las Sacramenta, there in no laesi od that he mould live nino lays; and the aftermis esten declare it a miraci thatshe continue alive. t a Goo's in that heshoni finis the me ure of suffering that a to in foroe in om n hic sh nom possesses in
During thos three an a hali montas that hor