장음표시 사용
'his plous a. ad mon in hearis of the Communit by her good exampla, and of momeo side by the meetnes of her hol conversations and by her eoos o liberali , an Canada linedher many eam more es life ut God, hos .ill
On the t iasin os November of last year, 6II, shema Miged mites pleurisy, hic resulte fatali onthe event day. his Meme a very inor periodio eople ho mere a from hein reconcile tolos her: et it mas long enouo to render conspicuous in horideat in virtves that ha been apparent in her cluring 1idi These ali gathere together in throng, sorio speis, o bear her company on that journey, and hone fori Wit suo extraordinarybrilliano that inose ho had thea pines to aurindher in hercilinem mere an astoni ed. Neve mas in more humhle, more a vi affable,
more patient, more ove to self-mortification more
submissive to the Superior an to the Physiolan'sordere, more devovi, in close union it God, or
jusque Ἀ-εme M'elle pria colles qui Passistolant, o tu faire ceu grace que de clωharger ne potitet te, qui estes proche de so lit, de quantit de
Aussi comme elle avolt acquis laserfectio de laJustice Chrestienne, son me ave celle de Iustes estoit enda mala de Dieu Iusorum anima in manui, mi dans la seuret de cet asyle, elle ne essentit
auctine atteintera tourment de la mori, non an sim tormentum mortis, a sa Ellem' eut aucune peti
de mittera vie 1'esprit de componetion, qui remoud a son coeur rami mille calme, lavolt desivrio dea inquietudo que cause d'ordiniare sedouvenis vim
hex lineaeam an in mas constantina in Whonina Nessed moment mould arrive .hich ahould unite her foreve toto foveret a d. With a devotion and --hichri mouidio dissicultio describe, in remiso the las Sacramenta romine and of Moneseu de Minieres nephe fas IJo iam ho ad conducis ali her Canadian inaus, grand Vicar in Monae neu of Petraea, and Superiores the Convent. Renectis omine charit anu careo her clear nuna, ho had formite nothin and spare no patas in id hor in very Way, in inium spiritualis mellis temporal, he recogniae fully, Wit great satisfaction ano consolation that in hav- inclest ali for ur ora' sine in received a hundredfvid in this life accordiunto his promise Thoae moros of the Sage, Timenti Dominum bene erit in extremis, that in the hou of cleat it hiat he we11 miththe fovi that has passed iis life in the fear of God, mere verified in this plous Lady the claros her cleain heing for her a da of hiessing et in die defunctionis
As too, he had attiane to the perfectio es Christia Iustice, her oul, it that of the Just, mas in God' hano, iustorum animis in manu Dei suns and in the securit of that asylum heriolt not
tis fas a me suffere no anguis in learing this life the spirit os contrition hic 'igne in horhear havin induce calm inore, and laeed i homthe anxiet commoni caused by the remembrance of pas sina. Finalty the testimon o a good con- stamine, hich constitute an in glornos a Christianaovi, an her trus in the divine moroy made her aro mit an unuo leo and Mariem inae ali that
aso LES RELA TRONS DES IMUITES Nota speine passea, enfin te tεmoignam de schonne conscience, qui est touincla gloire d'une ame Chrestienne. 1 confianceriu'elle avolt encla divine misericorde, tu falsoit regarde d'un mi palsibleis sana criante, ceriu'ilo a de plus horribie danarae Jugemens de meu de sorte que son coeur, a plus fori de sesdouleur tout transporta de joye, clana des mouve- mens tout clivius, ne respires que te Cier elle prioit se cherea fines, qui estolent inuioura inpres d'elle,
de tu remetire fouvent en memoire, e premier
Verset uiseaume a I. Laetattis tum in is ua dictaiunt mihi, in domum Domini ibimus. 'occupant iusques h ceriu'elle tom, en 1'agonis, dans de senti- mens de componotion, plein cl'amour de suavire, de resignation Dia volont de Dieu, de confiance, dolosange, d'actio de grace, lana des desim ardens de se voir a plustos dans la odistance tu hon-heuretemel.
Mendemai de a mort elle ut enterrω fas 3Joans le Choeur de Retineuses, dans in Cercitet deplomb, e qui se fit hcla verit contre se intentions:
cette humiae amem'Mant cherch durant tout savi queri'humiliationis 1'aneantissement, su inuth la mori. Maia te essentiment, que les Ursulinesses filles conserueront oujours de se bonteg deses bientalis, es fit passer par desis out intre consideration, les obligea dans ne occasion si considerable si solemnelle, d'en'simoigne cetis petite
Avant que son corps ut ensevely, o en ira iocorur, selon M'ellera 'avest ordonn6, dans son testament, ou estre mis enire te main des Peres de nostre Compagnie, ausques ellea'avolt promis demis
is mos terribie in God's Julments. Consequently, at the eight of her sufferings, her eari, quite transported mith o an subiectri impulses hollydivine, reaine naught ulmeaven me heraed
frequently to her memor this Verse of the aist Psalm Laetatus stim in is Ma dicta sunt mihi, in domωm Domini ibimus. Untit sh fel into the Mathagon ine mas enmged in sentiment of contrition fael os love, meetneas, resignation to God' mili, trusi, presse, and tha siring and in ardent long- ingario attain a monos possible the enjoyment ofeterna14 Pinem.
self-e cement. But gratitude for her acta of hind-nem an benevolence, hic the Ursulines, hernuna, mill ver inertis, made them disregare everyother consideration, and obligeffinem, o an occasiones suo importance an solemnity, to renue this alio achnomleugment. Besore her hod mas interreo the ear Wasremoveo, accorvincto the directions recorde in hermili tome placeo in the hand of the ather of o Mesely. Complying mit thei mishes, he had promise it in them severat ears efore, mith the express stipulation another confirmationi herclowlyopinion of herself that he line it place in asmali an perfecit simple ooden ca et, hich masnot even to e planee, With nomine enuelope inane in ano quicHime. In his condition it mas to M
net, elle 'eut oint de repos qu'elles ' russent inseries, ne ouvant 'empsicher, tandis que cetis
affaire se passon, de remoigne de 'indignationeonire e mur, qui a 1'entenore avolt est si uestre,
si ingrat, si infidele a cette adorabie majest6. Ses obseque furent honorees de inute les personnes considerabies de cette ille, des bourgades volsines comme cet illustre defunis estoit regretiae de tout te monde, aussi lea lameam'y furent pa eparignεes. a compagni essant rest6 dans 1'Eglis de dehors le Clem enim processionnellement dans leChoeu de Religieuses muro faire 1'enterrement. Et la ceremoni achev6e, te mesme Clero condulsit te mur portario in resperuola, apres,onsieur de
delivered in the salo Fathers, as a mark of the respectand affectio fas D suc are the exactriems of the Will that he had ver cherishel for thei holy ciety, to beatve place and hurial in their Church, unde in ste of the Altar hereon resis the Nessed Sacrament, there tot consumet and reduce to sistat in foedio the divine Majesty. These Iast lines of her holographic mill havini enomitte in the ouo drast of the forma document,
in the Moy of the Churin the terra entere the
ns Chola in procession to mine the interment; and the ceremon completed the fame Cleroeso ted totur Church the heari,- me under Hackerape, after Monsleu de emieres, ure, fassJ by one of the lealin citigens of the munio, a former Counctior of the Supreme Councti he mas foliomedhymoniae in Courcelles, ovem , an Monsio Talon, Intendant, and by the hole assemNy. There, at the Gor it Was consigneo in the Superior'scharge by the said sieur de Bemieres, executor of the
que nous turrendron to ore volontiem, dans dea sentimens elemias de reconnestance.