장음표시 사용
Tu subjeci inculcated in the solio vingia ges respect the direct orshimos, and livingsaith in the Lord, the Redeemer. It is calculate to subvert the wea an dangerous opinions of the Atheist, etsi, Socinian and Arian, O cerning the christia Lord, o prevalent at this da : and toloint out What thalliving christian satili is against whicli the gales of heli canno prevail. Herein is hown si omitte cleares texis of holy rit, a Weli a frontrationa arguments thence deduced that the Lord Jesus Christris the one glorifed divine person, in Whom dwelis the fulnes of the god hostiliodit who havingit porcer in heavenand in artu, is the alpha, or ni giver feterna life as et a the omega, o finishero salvation in the oulis man, an to homali christiansiugiit odook in steadfagi faith sorassistance, delance and strength, in ali the various Stage of thei regeneration. The true naturem christian redemption is here potnted 0ut, in atries and intelligibie manner: here
come into the worid, and assumed a humanityn the ac compli Aliment thereos, and a a mean whereb the infirmities and corruption Os hvman nature might be further approache and wrought upon, n mortat could have been sav-od the enlightene reader illaence also beenabi ext see, that the effect of the grand vor os redempnion, remo confinei mei elyto theseopte called Christiatis, orno this earthonly but extended toruli humanistings, in allthe universe of orlds, savin and lessingat who arsi faithsul to thei respective dispensations and who hereby acquire a capaci ty,
Ous prelates, o bitte temper ani ambitious vlews, egan to lor it ver God A erit e, charit hecam neglected an digesteemed. and what the callei faith a contentiori formere Opinions, a the principat thingregard od. hic darknes thenie an totversi read the arth, metaphysica subitet was exerte lio reconcile impossibilities, and ignorance Wascontentexto acquiesce in phat it could neverun dei stand It was ab ut the Durth centu that the abomination O desolation egan tosta nil in the oly place untii hicli timo
Polycar says, Jesus Christ susseredsor us, that e might live in him; let ustheresore imitate his patience, and f, sunfer sor his name, letis gloris him. henhe was urged by the Roman proconsul to deny Christ, and thus fave his own lise, haereturnedibis memorabie answer Eight and fix
'ears haveri no served Christ, and e ulli neve done me the eas injury ho thenghalles blaspheme in Κing, in Savi aura Athenagoras, the christian philosopher at Athens, says, By the Sonis God, and throughhim, ere ali hings made, he ather arido Sunieing oneri the si belli in the Faster, and the ather in the Son in the uni tyand power os the spirit. Iustin Martyr says, me is both Christand the adorabie God. Ignatius says of Christ that ieing invisi-ble, he 00 manli 00d pon hi in and ecam evisibie; ein incomprehensi ble, he ecame comprΡhensibie, eing the ori he e cameman taking on him the persection os the paterna character, to the nil that as e alidi in the animal reati, which e derive Dor Adam so e hali ali e made alive by the spiritual lise.
and the universat ing, but the secondispecies of his fovereignt is noti coercion, butb invitatio an persuasion noti exerted P0Wer buti compassion and lenib. Doxologies are frequently ascribed to Jesus Christ, an heris made ille objectis adoration, because e indoed is ille Godolio eareth Prayer Thus, Come, I beseech thee, Lord Jesus, and wash the De of th servants
and purge aWay the illi os thy sons and thy
implore the ord that p0uring himself is his
grace intomur undet standings, he wil condescen to illumine hat is dark, testa open thethings hicli are closed up and to revea his secrets. Peri Archon l. 2. . . Arnobius, in his reatis to the Gentiles, argue si om Christ g miraculous Works in proos
iuries, exhibit a different picture os christianit froni hat, se it in the inventions of the