The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류



the time of the descent f themoly Ghost; by hicli it is lain that he understoo the prophec spirituali and not naturally. t is

evident also froin many paris of the writings of thogo ho ere calle the fallier of the christia church, that the conceived the litera sense of the scriptures tome representativeos a certain spiritual sense, illi hicli theyweremo fuit acquainted, ut hicli, at thetime of the Lord A secon advent, the expected ould e learly revealed. Origenparticulari says that the fit si advent of Jesus was but a type and 8hado of his secon orspiritua advent; and that his orks and miracles in the egli ere ut types of his mysterious operations in the spirit. Hila repeatedi 8ays that Jesus A Works er Significative and yredictive of future mysterious


Operations. Origen ais says that the perfectionis christianit consist in the mystical interpretationis the old and e Testament, of the historical as eli as ther paris of it 'and that the litera interpreter of the a vrun into infidelit an vati superstitionS.t And Augustine speak of a great spiritual gen

iis spiritua interpretationis the law, asto turn theaearts of the fallier to the child ren. Other testimonympon litis subjeci might be adduce froni Barnabas and thers. any examples of thei spiritua interprotations of Scripture, particulari of the miracles of

Christ might likewi se e cited; ut hallias been sat is sussicient to how, hut theprimitive Christians di not res meret in the

nec licet in praesensa esta sunt, quid tamen inflι- turetim igniscent, contuendum e&t. In uti C. X. l.

1. Christit gesta aliud po tendunt. C. ii 1. 1. Peris agrint formam si turi gesta praesentia. M. 21.4 Contra Celatim. Lib. 1. Literam legis equentes in injῖdelitaten et vanua arserstitiones incurrunt. In ait Tract. 26. Cetι venerit ergo Elias eooponendo DYem spiritin aliter, conυertet cor ab patrum ad filios. De Civit. Dei. Lib. xii C. 39. -


letter of tho ord, ut that their vieWs ereelevate tu omethingiuigheri more interior. Froin the bove observation ibis evident, that tho doctrine of the Lur and the spiritualit3 of the acre Scripture, has been aught

tiani ty by the best and mos pious mens and that ibi bulli upon the Dundations of theiro pheis an Apostles. et it a justi bemaintained that the light an powsiri divine truth in the present ne dispensation is sar Superior torul that preceded justius the light of the n00n-da sun is to the laint liminering of the oon and stars For ascit is illi the gra- dual increas os natura light froni the had-οw of the evening to the fuit righines of da s it is illi the spiritual tot of revelation, hicli in ne period is clouded with thestiades and uncertainty arising 1 rum types and sigures, and in a succeed in period hines with at the splendor of truth. That such agradationis divine light an pomer has actu alty aken place, is evident even froni the caseos the Apostles them gelves hoin the da os Pentecost received a reater portio of the


xviii PREFACE.

Νe Ierusalem.



That he hole acre Scripture reais of the Lord, and that he Lord is the


stat came into the worid. Forasmuchas divine isdom an divine love constitute ut ne and were rom terni tyas ne in ilio Lord, it is heres ore surther


himself, consequently the Lord by Whomali hings ore ad that a re maderi sorat things ere create by the divinowisdom that originatos roni divine love. 2. That the fame or is here meant, that was manifeste by MOSes the propheis, and the evangelistS may evidenti appear rom his consideration that it isti divino truth iseis, rom hicli is clerive ali the wisdom that exist withangeis, and ali spiritual intelligonce illi

mens sor anget have in the heavens the Ter fame Or o Scripture that menliave in the worid, ave only that illimen the ord is naturat, herea in the

heavens it is spiritual: An inasmucha tho ord is the divine truth, i is also the divine proceeding, and this is notoni storia the Lord, ut it is also me Lord himself A tho ord is thus tho Lor himself, at the ord in generat,

and acti par in particular, is rittenconcerning im alone; sor rom the prophet Isaiah unt Malachi, there is nota single hin that oes no relate to the Lord, o that, belli in the oppoSit SenSe, is no contrar to the Lord That this


is the case, hath hitherio been Seen' noperson but nevertheles ever Oneia a Capacityo se this providet he knowsit, and thiniis thureos hiis hocis ead- in D; and sarther knows that there is notoni a natura sensu os the ord, ut at Sora Spiritu a sense contained in t and that in that ense by the name os per-Sons and of places is signified somethingos o bolongin to the Lord, and ConSequently Something rom him relative tolle aven and the church, or SomethingoppOSit thereto No , hereas ali and Singula the things of the ori aro Writte concerning the Lord, and inco

and wel amon iis, and we at his

divine truth, consequently the orii. Helice also it is that very man, ho at


sionis the ord whils hecis re adincit, is enlightene in the Same. 3. e hal sho here in a se Words, what has been sui concerning the Lordiri ali ho Propheis os the old Testament,

am,ae hali die in Our sins. V viii. 24. II. That tho Lord was to come into the worid, to a complisi a complete orsinat judgment, and thereb Subjugate the then prevalling Ower os the helis, which was effecte by spiritua combais,

o temptation admitte to assauit the humanity derived rom the mollier,

and by continua victories then obtained; and that unles thos helis hould e so Subjugaled, o mortat could possibi bosaved. III. That the Lord should comuinto the worid, in orde that he might

gloris his humanity that is, unite it to