The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


tho divinity hich was in hima virtuo

os conception. V. That tho ordshould come into the worid, in orderstat ho might stabiisti a ne church, which hould acknowledge in a iis Redeeme and Saviour, and by love an diaithooward him, e redeerne and Saved. V. That he would then establishorde in heaven, o that it hould mulieone illi the church. VI. That thepassionis the cros Would e the ultimato conflicti temptation, by whichie ouldsuli conque the helis, an persecti'

gloris his humanity. That the ord



heavens, and the arth hali remove ut os o placo in the anos his serce anger. Ηer time is ea to come, an her days


thon the oon hali e cons unded, and the sun Sha med. Chap. XXiv. 21, 22,


shali peristi, and the eur os ille prince Sand the pri est sh ut be astonished, and the propheis hal onder Chap. v. 9.


vii. 32. They hali sal amon them that sal in the da os thei visitation Chap. viii. 12. Behold the days come, Satthdehovali, that will punish al thum hi chare circumci Sed, ith the Uncircumcise d.


him os his ensemies. The da os their

Calamit is come pon them, uni the timeo thei visitation Chap. tui. 10, 21. Becatis os the da that cometh to poli.

Chap. xlvii. 4. I ill bring pon it theyear os thei visitation. Ι ill bring again ille captivityi Moab in tho atter


the Stre eis, and ali the men os ar hallbo culmis in that cly. In th tu ter days wil bring again the captivity. Chap. xlix. 8, 26, 39. In hos dreys, and in that time, the childrenis Israel hali come, they and the childron fraudati together, an sueti doliovali thei God. In those lays, and in that time, the iniquit os Israel hali e ough sor, and there hali

Come. The morti in is ono orth; therodiathalossonae ii, violen celathiud ted. The time is come the da dra velli earupon ali ille multitudo thereos. Their

silve and heir old shalliso bu abi todelive thom in the da os the wruth os dehovah. Chap. vii. 6, 7, 10, 12, 19. They say the vision that he sueti, is sorman da to come, and he prophe stelli os


oth known what shallae in tho alter days. Chap. i. S. An the time came that the aint possesse the ingdom. Chap. vii. 22. Understa nil sor at the time of theend shali solio vision An he aid,

at the time appotnted hallae the consummation. An the vision os the eveningand of the orning, hicli as old, strue Wheres ore hut up the vision se it