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This amplite mises a complete statement of the euphoni and inflexiona peculiarities hic distinguis the language osmerodotus rom Atti Greeli, an is suit te forose wit an editioni Herodotus assing price, Is centa. Γ Mao.
EDITION. illi referetices to the revised an enlarge edition of Odwin's Gree Grammar, an printe Dom entiret ne plates. The publishers heg leave to cali attention to the ollowing changes which have been made in the ne editionis the Hrsi Lessons in Greek. The number of temon has been increased rom eventy-five toeighty. The Me adde lessons are o the Vere the reaiment of whichris thus distribute ove more ground B this enlargement thedissiculi os single lesson o the ver is correspondingi decre ed. Aster λυώ, has been fuit presente by oods, as in the firs edition a development of the Gree Verbi tenSe-stems hac en introduced. The seven tense-stem aremo fuit developed. Contrac verbs re presented in his edition in two lesson in
place of one. The lesso on liquid Verbs has been rought sorward. The persect an pluperfeci middie an passive o liquid an mutevem is no fuit treated. A lesson has been adde to essons LII. an LIII ovinci fuit the principat aris of twenty-five additiona vertis. In the esson o the Formation o Word an onPrepositions it has no been possibi to remove the hod of the texi, but the exercises of essons LIV. an LV. remain, an a complete se of exercises has been adde to Lesso LXILSingle ord an phrases have been remove seo the exercises, whic nosconsist wholi os complete Sentences. In the specia voeabularies the paris of the verbs re HVen in sui an no word arerepeated. In the genera vocabularies the word are more sullytrealed, speciali the re sitions the cases required by the verbs stated, and Englisli cognate an borrowed ord distinguished by disserent typeS. Ne editions of the amplite os Parallel References o Hadleyys Grammar, and of the e so the se of Teachers, are t folio .
have references to the new editionis Goo in's Gree Grammar.
With reserences tomadley' Gree Gramma a wellis to Go-win's e Gree Grammar. About severit eas and well-grade lessons both Gree and Eng-lish, introduce the pupil to the rs book of Xenophon' Anabasis, hom hic me Exercises an Vocabularies are maint selected. Definite directions have been ive in regar to the amount of the Gramma tot learned. The main im has been, hil introducingine simple principies of syntax, o me the pupi maueritae Inflections and acquire a VocabuM . In f therance of this p pose, theexercises o the inflections have been increased, While thosein syntaxhave been decreased Vocabularies have been ive under achlesson and in orde to id the pupil in memorietin them, omelnsio has been oven into the derivatio an into the compositionis words - ho the are bulli up, by means of significance endings, Domnoumandiem stems, and Domaoota The Preposition are introduce thom theirst; and the pupit is aught the primar meanings, and thenhow these meaning are modified by the cases before hichahe repositions stand Questions for Revieman Examinatio as in the firstedition. In re ritin these Lessons, considerable se has been madeo the excellent exercises, sed in mos of the Germanta manasiumS, prepared by Dr Wasene to accompany the Gree Gramma os Pro- sessor Curtius. Γ Maae in une.
I. Ian es Rome, an IIIustrationa os Classica Sitea. a. The worixa known to the Ancienta. 3. apis the uter Geograph of the dySaey. 4. rhi Terrarum et in Homeri, Herodoti, Democriti, Strahonia, Ptolemaei . 5. HiSpania. 6. Hiia. 7. Inauiae Britannicae et Brit Strahonis, Brit Ptolemaei, etc. . 8. Germania, Vindelicia, Rhaetia, et Noricum. 9. Pannonia Dacia, Illyricum, Moesia, Macedonia, et Thracia. Io Italia Superior et Corsica. II. Itesia Inferior, Sicilia, et Sardinia et Campania, Syracusae, RomM. Ia Imperium Romanum et Imp. Rom. orient et occid.).I3. Graecia et Athenae, Marathon Thermopylae).I4. PeloponnesuS, Attica, Boeotia, Phocis, totia, et Acamania. Is Graecia a Bello Peloponnesiaco usque ad Philippum II. et Mantinea, Leuctra Plataea).16. Aaia Minor et Campus Trinae, Bosporus, Troas, Ionia, etc. . 17. Syria et Paleatina et HieroSolyma, etc.).I8. Armenia Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria et Iter Xenophontis). I9. Regnum Alexandri Magni et Granicua, Iasua, Arbela . m. Persia et India et India Ptolomaei .aI AEgyptua, Arahia, et AEthiopia et M tus Inferior).aa. Africa et Carthago, Alexandria, Numidia et Africa Propria). 23. Europe, hoWing the generat directionis the Barbarian Inroada cluring the Deciine and FH of the Roman Empire. Index. Maae in udi
LEGES, by WILLIAM Coo and E. S. SHELDON O Haruar College. This Gramma is intende tot simple noughrior hoys and giris who have neve studie any the language than theiriwn but it,ill, at the fame time, cali attention to kindrex ages in French and the classical languages, Mith whic college student have Hready some familiarity - and thus rende the acquisition o German easter tothese lalter. It is intende tot the firs and therias gramma in the student' hands - nolint i teachiis the fidit elements of the lan- age, butrio serve continuali afterWard as a work of reference while readingi Writing German. It wil iam in therars place, at greater clearness, and then at greater completenem, than the grammar no generali studied. Suit te use widie madet Lehmann's WorkMon the language of Lessing, Goethe, etc., of the articles on grammatical minis in the Archis tiraeas Studium aere neueren Sprachen, of the authors memoranda madewhil reading many different German books wit college classes, and of the dictionaries - especiali the Dictionar of the ain Difficulties of the German Language - of the authors value correspondent, Prosessor Daniel Sanders. The alphabetical index illi madera by the author themselves, and contain, it is hoped ever single topic in the text. Should space allo. exercises o the plani HeySe's, consisting that is, o Germansentences containing grammatica misi es, illis introduce into the od of the text. The refixes an Suffixes, the articles, theΜodat Auxiliaries, and the Her of the disserent element os the Sentence, illi trealed with special care omines an other subjects of more than usual difficultror importance to the verage Student, in authors invite suggestions. In reparation.
B GEORGE A WΕΝΤwORTII, Professori mathematic in Phillipstaeter Academy. I8mo. Cloth. m PageS. Par Hrs consist os Numerica Exercises o lengins areas, and Volumes, and Geometrica Theorem an Problems, it hinis forsolution. Par Secon contain a systemati treaiment of the Geometrical Problem, it example sun worked ut also a brief hapter onine application o Algebra to the solutionis Geometrica problems, illustrate by munerous example and lastly a collectionis about si hundred classified Geometrica Exercise Without solutions. Gad in Sesumber.
Adapte to Lowe an Gramma School Work. y G. A. HILL, Hamar University. The principies hic underii the method employed in this orkare the following I. Geometrical instructio sorieonnersis ut procee hom theconcrete to the abstract. a. t hould aim to develo the geometri imagination and the inventive faculty by m in reasonable demanos pon the mentalpowers of the learner. 3. I should e practical, - that is o say, it hould eige very fitring opportunitrio illustrate an explain the se of Geometry.
Agree lyrio therars of these principies, in the beonning the distinction e een a body, a s face, a line, an a potnt, is hown hytheos o modela, and later the are again employe to ove clearideas respecting the regula solici. an conception an simplerelations - such as occur for instance, in the subjectis parallels, of perpendiculars of angles, os intersectinclines an planes of equalfigures, o simila figures, o polygons, etc. - are illustrate by referetice to well-known objecta an a Variet o question are asked, whic the learne can anSweri reflecting um What he has seen. In proving theorems, in place of the format method whic hegins wit a statementis the theorem an follows wit the proos, unsoldeclste by te in syllogisti reasoning there is ne substitute themethod whichieon wit the stud of a figure, and the relations of ita paris, and proceed to the theorem, by the comparison and combinationis ideas, much in the fame way a the discoverer of the theoremmight have done Care has been t en to select theorem Which are simple, and whicli at the fame timerior a basis sor sesul problems and applications. Spectat stres has been lai vo the law of the equalit and of the similarit of triangles hecause, apar Dom thei simple character, the are the keys tomine-tenius a least of the est o Geometry both theoretical and practicia. Exercise are appende to almost every section, and to the end of eac chapter, an formine of the chies features of the book Theyare intende to throw the learner o his o n refources, an to leadhim to invent an to generaligerior himself. Among the applications os Geometo hicli findis place in the Work may be mentioned the testingi vertica an horigonia directions dra nclines to scale, in constructio os perpendicula lines and of annes the application os the law of the equalit an similarit os triangle to the measurementis inaccessibi distances, and agreat number an variet os practica exercises pomine computationos tengths, areas, and Volumes. The present,or is adapted to ordinar pupiis et een the ages of twelve an fixteen. It om a suit te introduction to Hoer Worksin the fame sui eci, and at the fame time contain stat par of Geometr Whic every one Women no excepted ma stud Wit interest and wit much intellectua profit. Maae in Iune.
A Text-Book or Common and Ηigh Schools B Professor A. E. DoLBEAR A.Μ. of Tulis College. The wholem physical scienceris no founde upo the doctrine of the conservationis energy, and ence this is made prominent throughout me book It contain the resulis of the ver latest investigations in iis various depariments. The experiments are amongStine simples that could e derised, and generali precede the State-ments of the laws hic the illustrate and whereve practicabie, the laws are deduce hom the experiment viven. reparation.
Designe to supplement Lectures ove to Teacfers of the Public Schoola o Boston, by the Boston Societ osmatura History. Theyare intende for the uinis Teachers who destre to practicali instruct classes inmatura History. Besides simple illustrations an instructions a to the modes o presentatio an study there are in achpamphlet, hinis,hicli Mil e foundisserui in preferring Preparing, collecting, and purchasin Specimens. ΝΟ. VI. oliuaca The yster, Clam, and ther Common ol-lusks B ALPHEUS HYATT. 63 p. Illustrate twit Seventeen plates containing 53 figures. ailin Price, 35 cenis a IuΝo. VII. Orma an Crustacea. Earinoo , obster,
COMPLETE MORAE in a volumes duodecimo , plays ineac Volume also in I volumes of Mur play each. it a Lis of the oet an two et o notes, amely, Explanator Notes a thelao of the page, an Critical oles a the en os ac play. ByHENom. HUDSON, author of the Lila, Art and Character of Shake-speare, ditor os Schoo Sh espeare, an Professor o EnglishLiterature in Boston University. The seconi volume illierissued in April an after inat, ne or more volumes iura subsiste mer mones unti the wor is completed. t will e printed on fine tinte paper, Withiroad margins, an bound in hal morocco an fuit calf also in clost, ut ant
Hominemelectrotype plates. Exsurrauae uri. The Introduction oves a histor of the play the so ce of the plot, historica antecedenta, the politica siluation, a critica estimate os the characters, and generat characteristics. Explanator Nores at the itom of the pages, and Critical oles a the end of the volumes The following plays of this edition illi iuueta Me rate of one a mono, in a quare amo form. Rome anu Iullet. Much Ado Ahout Nothing. Coriolanus. A Midsummer-Night' Dream. Othelio. Antony an Cleopatra.