P. Corneli Taciti Vita Agricolae. The life of Agricola

발행: 1880년

분량: 90페이지

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The Lisse of Agricola. 39

oonSMATES i.e. of Consula rank). here ere melve provinces of eac grade Legatu ConSinaris meam, heresore Gomernoro an imperies province of the iret rank Iegatu praotorius may mean, achere, commander of ilemon, or ait the case of Agricola sossice in Aquitania, Governor of an imperies province of the second


IS. B. EvontuJ, aser: .e. in consequence of Success. I 6. gentia, ablative os cause illi Exavitavit. I7. uotorem, the ne under hos aurastis and by hose auspices he acted.


upon lunt common sense notopon acute leges analysis manu agens ossianae, Summa . 26. fori the Roman couris of justice ere pon the sorum; hencetur Wor forensic. 27. togato iiivEn the toga being the garbis mace a commander of a legion his juriactiotio a Cantrennin a governor ofa province, it Was intor togatos. The mota cannot be confineo here, as usual to Roman citigens bucis sed to contrast the civit,ith themilita Jurisdiction.

o consul a no hardi more than a ille, hel usuali for two monilis Agricola held it wit Domitian during the last si monilis

7. in hoo tithis essere. 9. Iogit, persect definite. Ia pontinoatua an ancient priesthoodiaving in the Republic the genera supervision os me religio of the state it ad nowbecome a mere dignity, ali iis poWeriein exercised by the emperor, who was ex o icto ita head Pontifex maximum Chaps X. VIII. contain a digression pon the nature and pre-vious histor of the fland preparator to the account of Agricola sadministration.


The me of Agricola. I

I8. Patio a Caelo, in emunt anae in latitude. I9. Hispaniaes dative): Caesar, B. G. V. 2 mahes the Samemistise. zo in morimem, like in oriEntom, etc., denote me generaldirection: Io Me s M. inamoitur, is visibis: GaIliacis the socialed dative of the agent. 2I. uuis . . . tenta, ablative absolute oontra, adverbial. 22. Liviun i.e. in his Iosth book ascis nown om the Epi-

oua rote a histor of the emperor beonning With in re of ClaudiuS. 23. Citra, as oris Caledonia is that parti Scolland whichies north of the Forth an Clyde.

ing the land. 33 pigrum this adjective applied also in the Germania Chap. 43 to the orthern ea, is Sometimes explesne as rosen Thatthicis no the case in this passage is hown by the explanation whichsollows. Probabinthe explorers sanciei it is hard to gues Why that thensound these norther mater more lumisii than hos of the Mediterranean the noticed, at an rate, stat qualis eremore sudden in the hallower Sem. M. Perinae, Sc. atquct alia maria. 7. . numinum, currenti. - huo atque iuuo Le., o both


Io ut istor harharon, M. fieri noIELII varii Le. in different paris of the lata . - argu-ntai.e. M to thei origin that the were notis one nationality. I 2. Tutua GomaB, etc. no reae, ut reddisis suom in the Germania Chap. 4 Tacitus Speis of the rutari comae, magna oo ora of the Germans. Thi resemblance serves o suppore thetheor that the icis o Caledonia, o norinem Scotland were os

I4. PoSit Conisa a common diomis the participle Me aesthas S in lies os si e whicli ho ever, i does no the Silurians were in South Wales. The seatures here describe were chara teristic of the Iberians of Spain. I 6 proximi Gallis etc. CaeSar SVS the Same, B. G. V. 2, maritima pars ab iis incolitur J qui praeaeae ac belli inferendi causa ex Bel is transierunt adding, hap. 4, neque mustum a GaIMaae erunt consue udine.

Here, have three distinctiationalities, in the norin the est, and the wuth; os the fidit two we have in physical seatures caresuli described os in inire, in statementis in Caesar an Tacitus that the were os Belian origin, - but the Belians themselves .ere os do isui nationali Caes. B. G. si Caesar domino tellis os any distinctions among the aborigines os Britata suis ac citus here indicat .

I7. lictiverna, in opposite Grections Le. t Ward one another I9. REStimanti, hen ne considera this se of the presentparticipi in the dative of reserenoe), a common Constructio in Greeli is osten used in Latini Liv and the later auctore. 2o. Om1m: .e. the auis. 2I PETSuaSionea the manuscript rea pernuantono; ut while identit os sacre rites, nacra, might prove identit os belles, PETAu-1ΟnES, the converse ould noto the Me. - ω Epo CEnctis, etc. cf. Caes. B. G. iii I9, ut ad leua suscipienda Gaia rum alacer ac promptus est animus, sic moltas ac minime resis ensiae calami atra perferendas mens eorum rat.


The me of Agricola 43

23. nam auo quoque s CaeS. B. G. i. 24, ac fui an ea tempus, cum Germanos Gesta virtute superarent. 28. Gavi, an attribute, Aeniauis.


28. rotina, principes stren M. 29. hon alior auriga juSt the opposite of the Gree custom. as illustrate in Homer. 3I. factionidua, of the obles Stumis, of the eople. - ncto aliua, etc. a genera Proposition no referring to the Britons


33. uatiun tritiusvE, - - rarae no necessarii excludi even more tritiun the reading of ne manuscript would mean emo, and occasioniadi three. 35. Singuli, M. Populi S. I. RE1um est. a good descriptionis the climate at thepresent clay Caesar also says, B G. v. a. remissioribus fri ribus, a compare With Gaul. 2. in atri ortita, our par of the moriae 7. TanniTE: .e., bove the horigon the idnight sunt more norther latitudes is referred by Tacitus informant tomorther Britain. - Eollicit EMTEma, etc. acitu appeam to me conceivedine earthlas a dis moderatei rounde to iis centre, like a hield; the sun passing long the ver edge of this ori castiso hadowexceptis Some distanc sto the circumferenCe. - Extrema Et p1-a Eoamam: his ind of a partitive genitive is ver common in the late riterS.I4. pretium violoriae, mortis Mistin for Ι6. in Toro,Mn, Me Persian I8. Ego molliun, etc. a good illustratio of the isen, cynical humor characteristicis Tacitus.


Tacitus proceed toriis history. 2I. Dctunt Se o Zeugma, a this ver applies ni tomunET services With EIEotum, a be supplied patiuntur; With trilauta oonferunt These three mahem the amount of the obligations restin upo the provincials For the natur of these


44 Notes.

munera sce Chap. XXXI. - 1mporii is hore to e undemtoo notas empire, but authori F: .e., of the emperor. - aDSint subjun tive os a Case suppose or conceived of implying that it is notis

usual occurrenCe.

23. Igitur, nom no an unuSua meaning - viuua inius, Iulius CaeSar. 24. Britanniam in ESSus B.C. 33 and 34 se Caesaris Gallis Mar, Books IV and V. 23. terruErit: the late riter frequently use the subjunctive aster quamquam. 26. Eua ivilia Le. o Caesar an Pompey, and thos that soliowed. 27. Principum Caesar an Pompey. 28. ConSilium, ... TRBOEPtum, a maturis solis . . . a Maeos the empire Au ustus ad Merat . . . consilium coercendi intra terminos imperii incerium metu an per invidiam Annals i. II See also Gibbon Chap. I Augustus bequeathedis a valu lelegacyrio his successors the advice os confining the empire istinthos limita hicli natur feeme to have place a iis permanent bulwais an boundaries. ' Notice that Tacitus gives the epithetotonini to the good emperorS. 29. laclum aEnarom, the cinet Caligula, in grandson os Augustus, an Successor is TiberiuS A.D. 37 I. 3o velox ingenio, molauia paEnitentia , c. fulancti motiuis paenitontia is a genitive of quality. his change of constructionis mite characteristicis Tacitus. 3I. ingΘnt. . . . Onatus. So in the Germania Chap. 37, inientes C. Caesaris minae in ludibrium versae. 32. Dinua inauctiun successor of Caligula re ned A.D. 4Ι-54:it was e that ad Britat into a province His expedition in whichine himself too pari remaining Sixteen dVS po the Alanci,


1egionitiva a vivaquo a contrast constanti made the legio were always composed os Roman citigens. 34. BSumsto: .e., a Commander of the second legion. 33. fortunae this ould seem to refero es that follows, the elevationis Vespasian as et a the conques of Britain. 36. fatis may be considere cither ablative, o dative of the agent Someriiserit a meaning to the destinies.


The me of Agricola. 43CHAPTER XIV.

s. I. Qua Plautius as overnor AD 44-47 Ostorius S pula, dis I. - in formam Provinciae the appotnimentis agovernor 1Egat 1 oo Maria estahlished the provincia organig tion, and this a made complete by the division of the territoryinto census districis an otherinanciat arrangements. 4. ooIonia thi Was Camulodunum, usuallyridentified with CODchester in ESMX. 8. Et rogEa The territories of tributar princes ere regamedas practicali formin an integra par of the empire. Seema quardi, omiscise Marisve auunx, i. p. 34o also Arnold i man Provincia Adminis ration, page Io an solio ing. - haherEt in-Bm1menta note the peculia order of thought the logica subjeCt is populus Romanua, and the principi os polic here indicatedis ovem 4Dit,ere the purpose of this special act. - Dicti Manua

I9. - factu in mono. Io. Singulos, ne a a time. - hin B Le. the MVernor 1eg tua oonaviaris, an fiscat agent, Proourator. - quidus equivalent to the partitive genitive quorum. 23. 1tBriu manum, etc. the officere etaile to assis thegovernor in administration forme a hin os sinis, manun the fiscalagent acte through cleris an accountanis, ho ere regularly


46 Notes.

7. BoactioEa the manuscripta var a to the pelling of thisname. The formaerealven is that familia in literature so ith Thule, Chap. X. Where the manuscript read ThyIE. Is tenentilaus, concessive, ast vis, etc. that is, e minpresse ope rebellio although most stili maintaine a threateni altitude. I 6 propiva qualifies agit at With specia emphasis pon


11. A. Potiuua Cerialia, governor A.D. 7I-7s. - Brigantum: the Brigantes occupied the whole orth o England and were thus at this timemulside of the Roman provinCe. 9. Euhiat this ord oes no stan in the manuscripta, ut something like this is necessar so the ense. - Iulius Tontinua, one of the mos distinguished me os the day, author of a or de Aquaeductibus an de Ira egematis. - quantum Iloetiat qualifies


The me of Agricola. 47

auatinuit Frontinus a vir magnus Without an qualification; nor ere the timesis Vespasian not instandiu his parsimony), infessa virtutibus, like thos of Nero an Domitian. Io. Suumn the Silures inhabite Sout Wales.


as. v suis. The regula standar of the Roma legion was calle nignum, - metes figure, insigno a diSC hand eagle, etc. , at the w of a staff the legion the cohori, and the maniple, each ad iis si num. The veximum Was a mali square os cloth, attache to a cross-bar at the to os a sinis osten connected withthe si num . It was sed sor various Spectat purposes it was thestandar of the coalay, and probabi of the auxiliaries se Chap. XXXV. y and a red πεπHIum, placedipo the generat' tent, Wasine signes for a ancincinio batile hen a company of soldiers was delache o specia service, it si a were lest,ith the legion. andri too with it a vexillum instead; ence such delachecliodies


discoume icis a past ense, as depending upo Inisnctit. - Οε--ria, masculine the res of the insurgenta. 33. Mutilia: no that his plans ere mering or Mertain, but

33. auxiliarium theSe wer no doubi Batavians, hoclive in land of rivem an marshes by actari meant not these particularshallows, but water of this hind. 12 3. qui orianem, etc. that is, the looked sor an attachbyraea, and were u repare sor an approach seo the mainland . In the repetitionis qui, have the figure calle anaphora. . orovictorint: Gr.4 287. G. I3 Η.4 482. a. -vΘM

29. Namque, etc. The res of the hapter present conside

able difficulty, ut is to eo en as explaining the abuses hichwere tribu o raviora. These Were two in number the obligationos the provinciais, it ill e remembered, a to urnisti Corn. Fimi, when the Romans hin viready an abundant supply, While the provincials ould have preserre to a money the resuse toreceive money, O that the Briton Nere forcia in mocker Io au