P. Corneli Taciti Vita Agricolae. The life of Agricola

발행: 1880년

분량: 90페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ovisi e Me et ei bemus fulix ranarias of the Romans , andiu cor meae rast, an Mus maste a fano strice Iuctore pretio).Secondiy, a the had the powerrio direct the cor is e delivered hereve the pleased the would Selec sor his p pose distantandrinaccessibi places. 34. in PromPtu: .e. unde lai conditions.

Roman set thei Mot, the lest memorial of thei res in the somos nobi public bulldings.

I9. ingenio, etc. i.e. that the Briton could accomplisi moreb natural genius than the Gaulsi diligence. 22 toga the toga was the distinctive dressis a Roman citigen; it was like in adoptionis dres coat and silli hala by the Japanese. 23. humanitan, civiliariton.

The event of this chapter mere A. D. 8O.28. Tanaum this is in manuscript readiu sor hic most edition read Taum, T . ut Agricola di no reac me Tay, ais hoWn by the ex chapter It was probabi me Tyne, justnorin o Dunbar, the oesy estuar o an siet o the Scottishcoast fouth of the Forth.



13. Clota et octotria, G e anae Fortis a these arealven asthe limitis,hat Agricola percucurrerat, it is clea that he id notreach the Tay whicli lies further north. 18. Ainus: noli , but Winding Shore enclosing the bay. So in Germania Chap. I; Propior SinuB, the outhern Shore of the stillis.


trana ESRum: .e. stom the outhern Shoreis the lota. 22. eam partem thi Would Seem tote the long peninsula os Cantire, the parti Britain hicli approachesmeares tuo Ireland. 23. in SPEm : .E. Os future conqueSt. 26. HEntianimam imperii partem the three countries of Britain, Gaul, an Spain, Whicli forme the praefecture of the Galliae in the organigationis Constantine. It was reatly the mos vigorous partis the empire Accordinuto Tacitus' geographica notions see Chap. X.), Ireland forme a connectin link, minouErit, betweentheSe. 28. OStri maria the editerranean. 29. hau multum aiffert in Elius ae res nos mura hut ison Me, ole betur. The ver is in the singula a relatin to the severat subjecis taken a a Whole. 33. in Goasionem: e neve appears however, o have ound the opportunity. 34. AEBO: .e. Agricola.


The me of Agricola. Ι

15. 3. Cetorem, etc. the operations of this ear, A.D. 83, were in the lowland upo the easter coast, norin of the Forth. s. hostilia exoroitus: .e., of the Romam; thei marches were made in Bata by the attack of the enemy. Io inlati opus Et laEtitia, Maring rations antisintne in

merriment. Ia PT functa, recesses; actvBTSa, an res.

CHAPTER XXVIII. 18. Milomin this nation, assedi Caesar Usipetes, is placed by Tacitus Germania 32 o the right an of the Rhine, in theneighborhood os Cologne. The od here mentione probabb


sa Noto.

II man1Pinis: three maniples, of two hundred memeach, madea cohori te cohoris, a legion. 22. H--oaa: mist galleys, calle stom the country Liburnia, here the were firstrused by the pirates Who inseste that mast. 23. remigante: .e. directing the OMSmen. 23. ut inraovium Praevehetiantur the falle amund thenorth of Scottano, excitin amazement a the pMSed --omao aquam, etc. his is KritZ's reading, and perhaps the best emenclationis a very corrupi passage. The manuscripta rea ad aquarique in tua raptis secum sterisque - ct aquam, M. Moacti byutilia, should undemian Mod an other necessaries. 28. Eo inopiaB, Dahas Mirae thither of mani. 3I. Primum a Suevis, etc. Le. part by one an part by the offers. The Frisians occupie the orther par of What is noWthe in om of the etherianus, and the aloining coasti Gemmany. The Suevi live so the mos par in Souther an central Germany but the may have come to the se on redator expeditions by the Rhine an other rivers. 32. fuero quos We Ahould expect in subjunctive aster a relative it indefinite antecedent; ut his phras seem is have acquired somewhat the forceis an indefinit m qu fictam: in Horace, es i. I, 3, Sum qu .. juvat. 3, in noatram ripam Le. the lestiank of the Rhine, hichwas in possession of the Romam. - mutari n. m.ntium: M.,

17. . amici ne mira ostensatious υν- confria. 8. a monsem oraupium this passage has a curious story. The manuscriptae iniis stat oven here; ut the earliest editions. by an error of the editor, rea Grampium, and the Score antim ries naturali buste themselves in fin som hul illi a modernname hic might have been derive stom his There a none; theresore searchinisor ome localit Where the batile tot nat rati have been sought the pitchedipo in great ountain angenori os Perth. an gaverit the nam Gramsian Mouns, hic ithas continue to bear to the present My. See Burion's Histor of Scottanae, o I. p. 6 The name lio ever, is no olde than the


The me of Agricola. 33

28. in nostris inaestiua contrasteo it thos Briton bywhom in the previous batiles Erlatum . t. 29. Eoque this is the manuscript reacling, hic has been altered into lique, o the round that their nobilit was no reasonsor thei occupying the senetralia os Britain. ut is, considero uianimi to be sed in iis primitive sense, as relatinito birth, weshali se that the fures horn me ausoch ons, ould naturali bellisaia penetralatiua ire 3o servientium: .e. the Gauis, in mere subjectri Rome. 32. Errarum odihortatis ExtrEmon: one of Tacitus nervous expressio , - Me remotest on the arra, and the last refute offree-dom. For the nationalit os the Caledonians se note on Chap. XI. 33. inua famae this figure is alien rom the sinus o povchmadet a sol in the toga, an is est explaine a meaning the obscurit o Mei fame; Eooanua a Sinu may be regarde a akin os hendiaclys, the obscurit os fame resultinifrom distance.

8. imperitin is to berioinem illi apponant this sentenceris apowerfui example os Tacitus sententious eloquenoe, as inclee is thewhole speech of Calgacus.


Ia amicorum M. honinium that is, in eace, in theorganized province. I3. Bona fortunaeque the manuscript reacliniis quite unintelligibie hona fortuna qua in tridulum aggorat annua in frumentum . . . o ntemni. The emende readinchere give appeam tote in best. Annua is sed so the early produce See Germania Chap. 4. Is emunieractis, construcrin mari Ihrouis. The Roman militar road were constructe With such solidit that the were lita a sortification, and the wor regulari used sor mising road was

Ι6. manoipia this ord, meaning originali a sorma methodos purchase, and the applied to the objecta conveyed by this o mality, was in later times sed speciali sor laves. - Semel onst


The ovi genuine colon in Britain a Camulodunum Colchester L Londinium an Verulamium St. Albans Here munici a.


The me of Agricola. 33

These two classes of towns dissere in thei origin colonies erefounde by Rome municipia ere native town investe with Roman citigenship. There M at this periodis practica disse ence belween them but the colonies stoo higher in rank. 2I. Hi ctum, etc. the contrast hi an itii is etween the Caledonians and the enemy, - the eade an arm Whom theycould trusi and the oppressio an exactions hicli the mustendum is the should lose. --Binua labor in the mines as a common sormi servitude.


32. Octavu annua it Was reatly the Seventhoear, as Agricola came in 78 me rechone probabi stom his consulfhi eund).33. unpioiis impctrii the auspices. ithout whichis important enterpris Was underinken, ere, in the Republic talieni themagistrate, and were his auSpices the were noW the auspices of


35. quinquaginta annia this mas reatly the sort second year since Claudi legan the conquestis Britain se Chap. XIII.


21. 3. 1nouraum. Notice in distributive orce of the pre-- the were gathere to listen to his adoress and thenuan apart. 6. Eclitum a partitive genitive. Me auxiliam insaniv. 7. firmarent forme a firmiody, composeae. 9. 1tra Romanum Sanguinem Le., i Roman blood should noti shed. The brunt of the batile was throw o the auxiliaries, and the legions, hicli,ere compose of Roma troops, ere held

I 3. mecti Campi: .e., etween the front lines of the two armies. Movinnariun these Were the war-chariota describe byCaeSar B. G. V. 24, 33has eanectarii The wor Et is no founcti the manuscripta, ut Aeem necessary, a Caesar constanti distinguishes the war-chariola rom the coalr of the Britons see B. G. V. Is).I7. Porreotior, to exunded. - futura Tat, mouldie: .e. M a result os this action. I9. ant. Erilla: se note to Chap. XVIII. Agricola stoodon soot in front of the standatas.

22. 1actii and Etria, ablative os instrument explesne bysomerus ablative os characteristic belv armeae miris, etc. 3. 23. Batavomam, etc. these tribes live in the Roman provinceos Lower Germany the Batavians at the mouth of the Rhine, the Tungri in Belgium Tongern). QuaS, Sc. Ohori S. 27. Quoct: .e. this stylei fighting. 3o in arto the manuscript rea in aperio; ut a fio inopen ground was ust What the clamores of the Caledonian werest sor. 32. qui in aEquo astiterant: qui relates to ita underetood, used absolutet with tratis these ere the primum agmen

33. Ceterae OhortES: Le., of the auxiliaries. Tacitus regulari uses this term sor auxiliar troops in contrast with the Roman


The me of Agricola. 37


9. qui a uo this claus is restrictive, - Mose Brisons iso,


I3. Equitum Has the auxiliar cavair mere almys divideclinio amo thes Stood, as has been Seen, in Agricola' front line. 16. a frontΘ, etc. r.e. the ala equitum havin repulse the Briton who were tising the Roman in the rear, ere noW tranS- ferre sto the direct fioni, an came roundi a circuit um thebacis of the enemy, avernam acilem inu Erct in his a thestrateg of the Briton was turne against themSelves, onailium