P. Corneli Taciti Vita Agricolae. The life of Agricola

발행: 1880년

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The me of Agricola. 39

r tu T, to expres a rea reason, - - Me round that Someta rit in iis origina sense, as in and interpret thei plura a pre

23. uncto qualifies leolo. The siluatio of this oricis uncertain but it Was probabi on the Frith of Forth the potnt stom,hichthey ad startecl. The fleet appears to me coaste the wholeeaster Ahore and then returneo This is the voyage of discovery reserre to in Chap. X.


26. ut Domitiano, etc. Compare ut artiari moris, Chap.


28. Maum triumphum Suetonius a early contemporarywriter, say m. 7 that he ought a se batiles varia proelia; Cassius Dio more than a centur later that he di no even se theenemy. No doubi it was a trining Campaign nevertheless it musthave been a realis . e must remember that Tacitus Was em- bittere against Domitianis his tyranny, and in specialis his subsequent treaiment of his fallier-in-law. See erivale, Histor Vt e Romans unde Me Empire Vol vii. p. 82. his barre expeditio of the empero was in the fame year A.D. 84 as Agricola s brilitant victory. 34. tum fori, etc. See Chap. II. AS usual forum reser toth bar, hil by ivncta aricta is meant the practice of politios. especiali in the Senate. 24. I. imperatoriam virtutem, Me prope excellence of an emper'. e remembereo no doubi that his omisather Vespasian. ha been a mere governor os a province an ha been made empero b his soldier aster exploit noways o rilliant asotiose of Agricola. s. Nam etiamtum, etc. he must at an rate remove him stomhi governorshi and thus mali him impotent.

7. triumphalia mamonia ornamenta are the distinguish- in insignia of some flace or dignity, grante by the Senate a aspecta privilege to e orne pon state occasionsi persones ho


. 6 Notes. have notiel the ossice or dignit iiseis. As, unde the empire, the

honor os a triumph mas restricte to the emperor, private citigens could ni have the ornamenta triumphalia and of these themos important- the laurei crown the sceptre, the olde throne mere confine to the emperor. The mamenta grante to Agricola could theresore. have been haesi more than the toga praEtexta Μommsen, Romi fles Mauretat, i. p. 378.)Ia maioritiua Syria Was an imperies province of theraret rank, governedi a te tu consularis, in this ranking Min Britat an anumber os othem; ut it ranked a the mos important province in militar potnt of vlew being on the frontie opposed to the great rival empire os Parthia. - recticter pleriquB, it mas oneraίθθHiemem amerium Me flaves stili continue in the service of thei forme mastera, an in clos persona relation to them, likethali client to patron Emperor of the type osmero an Domitia made se of their memen, cunning and unscrupulou sellows,as agent in ali confidentia assaim; an some os these reeomen roserio great wealth and influence. I 6 freto O Bani the Englis Channei. I 8. x ingEnio prinoipia, o fuit Me character of the 'rince; construe With notum, etc. 2o. Elelaritate this ord does no seem to e sed in iis primitive sense, hicli is early synonymous with rectetuεntia, butin the les common. although persecti classica meanin os in


24. palatium inis Wor is in iis origi oni another formos Palatinua the hillis Rome pon hic the earlies cit was ulli. This hill was electe by Augustus sor his residence and his successor bulli splendi houses pon it. The nam the was graduali transferre stom the hil to the edifice, in hic senserit has passe into the modern languam ac lace. The nam Palatium is derive seo that os Pales, oddes of hem an flocks, pon

23. Mav. inter oti non a source of asprehension in iam of


The me of Agricola. I

33. IauctantEn, o Iauctatorea, hicli ould mea a personwho made his a practice the participi is Stricti temporary, Mose ho practe ne This presse is ometimes underetoo astronices, o secret nemies it is belle to undemian it of the inopportune, although sincere, pinis of injudicious frienos; see optimu quia Bramertomun elo . 25. s. imitε this ord properi means a path lestos a undary be,ee two estates stom his there is a natural transitionto a boundar line. Under the empire it is sed sor a sortifieo niter. - ripa no doub stom ha goes besore, the ank of both Rhine and Danube were meant the species reserenceris, hoWever to the Danube, Where the Goths invade the Roman provinces.

ΙΣ. Pinu quisque these ere the Iauctante referre to

I7. Proconsulatum Antactis Africiae. In his revious commanos, Aquitania an Britannia Agricola ad acie simpi ast Musis deput of the emperor in administerin province of whicli the emperor himself was in theor governor it Wasmo his time to e me imself the overnor proconsul, o a Senatorial province se note Chap. VII.). his ossice, in hic the governor had, in theory, independent poWer, a superior in dignit tolliat of the imperia provinces, in hicli the governo was ni a deputy; ut it was inserior in effective power, ecause e Xercised ni civit authority It was estowed a in the republic onmen ho ad hel magistractes Asia an Africa alone to those ho ha been consuis; themthermine to p t praetore But Whereas in the Republic the were given to the magistrates immediatet uponleavin thei ossice, unde the empire there must be an interva ofSOme earS, - at this perio generali thirteen eam. Μarquardi, RImisiae Marisve auunm i. p. 4os. The ossice acheld formnlya ear at a time. Μommsen, omisches Maurecisi, i. P. 234.)


Agricola Was consul A. D. 77 and the thirteent year aster this ouldbe o, hich Was probabinthe ear of the evenis narrate in his ch ter. 18. invioa he was proconsul of Asia, and was putrio death by Domitiani a charge of treason. His late mulit serve to Agricola



I 6. mectio rum intimi there is generali thought to e herean insinuatio that he was polsoned. I 8. Periinponitos urnorea Domitian was probabi at omedistanc stom the ity, perhaps at his Alba villa, se Chap. XLV. 2O. Pra Se tulit, manifesteae 22. O herectem Le. probabi ex imissi Paris that is, ashare eques to that o both the them. 26. nisi malum Prinoipem Le. in the sea that the ad ruler

ould declare the will invalid, an selete the whole, he bought himois by the bequest of hau his fortune.


The me of Agricola. 63CHAPTER XLIV.

28. Gaio Caeaare this a the empero Caligula his hird consulfhip was A. D. M that o Collega an ΡriScu Wa A.D. 3. 29. quarto the manuscript read se, hicli, Scis easti Seen, cloes no correspon to the clates of his blath and eath. The mistata sine Ver eaSit made. 27. I. quantum act Moriam Sc attinSt. 3. oonautari: his is the manuscript reading, hic manychange to oonsularilaua. ut he id notis o the oonsularia Omamonia se note Chap. XL.), but the consula dignitLitself, and was theresore oonSularia. 6. inoolumi ctignitate se in the nex chapter, the indignities whicli sollowed soon uter his death. 8. Siout . . . ita, ast suis . . . t. The word non uouit areno Mund in the manuScriptS.Io augurio votisque these ord describe his sagacit insoreseeing the coming man, and the earnesines of his destres.


I 6. Bactem strage: .e. With one another. I 8. Carua Μεtiua Metius, essalinus, and Baebius erenotorious elatores o informers unde Domitian intra Athanamaroem i. . in a villa o Domitian Siluate here, here e ostensummone the Senate. 2O. OSisae manum nos Enatores. - HE1victium this asa sonis Helvidius Priscus, mentioned in Chap. II. II Maurio Rusticiique these ere two brothersielonginuto the Julia gens. Vinua is by Zeugma, subjectis PBriuvit m perculit). 23. Soneolo se Chap. II. 32. jua Tacitus passes here om addres to narration. 28. 3. ant quactriennium Tacitus a praetor A. D. 88, and appears to have lest Rome the nexi ea sor Some ossice in a province . He returne to Rome shorti aster the deat of Agricola.


Io. ctomum tuam MF Aouseriolae in apposition it non I3. -minationε the manuscripta read militum and multum: the also omit quam in the line bove. 27. fama Brum: Le. history amari ablative of means, orma perhapsi tine Maovemed by in.




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Edite so School and College Uses M. F. ALLEN, Professori Latin in the Universit os Wisconsin. In preparation.


Mited by RAC PECK, rosessor o Latin in Corneli University. Vol. I. in contain therars si book of the Annias, covering there nis Tiberius. In re ration.

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Edited withmotes an an Introduction, by REDERI D. ALLEN, ΡΗ.D. Professor o Gree in ale College. In pressaration.