The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


ACACIA.- V. G. 1902. Cl. 23. Ord. l. Polygamia. Monoecia. MAOD . Lomen taceae. L. LeguminOS M. I. Hermaph. Cal. sve toothecl. Cor. si ve clest, or formed os sive petat s. Stam. 4-l00. Pist. I. Legum. bivalve. rie. Cal. sive toothed. Cor. sive clest, Orformed os sive petat s. Stum. 4-100. l l 4 4 Leuet cδ bipinnate, Stipular thoi 3 OrpriChl , elongaled Nil es. 73. A. Catechre. Uncinated stipular thorias, in pari S, leaves bi pinnate, the partial in tenpalrs, the leafluis in many pairs, pubescent, a gland 0n the petiole, and bet veen the two ter-



minating partial temes, spikes cylindrical, in

Ord. Multi siliqvur. L. Ranunculaceae. J. Cal. o. Petati sive, the highest arched. Nect. tWo, peduncted recurve l. Potis three or sive .

in BD e CorollaS. E. A. Nopellus. Spur of the hood straight, obtuse, lip lanceolate, ascend in g, bifid, theupper lip conveX, leaves glossy, sive parte ii, laciniae three parted gasbed, linear.



t Stem leaves plane. Umbel bearing a bulb.

24. A. Sativum. Stem haVing plane leaves, bearing a bulb, bulb compo unit, stamina three potiate i. Sicily. Perenniat. ALOE.-N. G. 659. Cl. 6. Ord. I. Hexandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord. Coronariae. L. Asphodili. J.


Fruit. Dearly ovate, Compressed, Striated. Pet. involuteii, Cntire. l. s. graet colenS. Fruit Compresse l.

Spain and Portiagat. Annual. 3. A. Foenticulum. Fruit Ovate. Solith of Europe. Perenniat. ANTHEMIS. - . o. 15 IACl. 19. Ord. 2. Syngenesia. Superflua. I. Ord. Compositae discoideur. L. Corymbiferae. J.

branaceous margin. Cul. hemispherical, nearly equat. Floreis of the ray more thau sive. t The ro' colourlωS, Or tahite. I S. A. nobilis. Leaves bi pinnate, leasteta tripartite, sinely aWl-shaped, nearly villo iis, illestem branched at the base. Indigenuus. Perenniat. 25. A. Pyrethrum. Leaves triply pinnate, leaseis linear, stem decumbent, iis branchesaxillary with one flower. Arabia and the Solith of Europe. Perennies.


APPENDIX. ARBUTUS. . G. 87l. Cl. l0. Ord. 1. Decandria. Mono uia. Nat. Orae Bicornes. L. Ericae. J. Cal. sive parte . Cor. Ovate, the molith dia-phanous at the base. Lerry sive culled. 7. A. Uva Vrsi. Stems procumbent, leaves

qui te entire.

peduncles, the lip of the Corolla lanceolate. Virginia. Perenniat. ARTEMISIA.- V. C. I 473. O. I9. Ord. 2. Syngenesia. Superflua. Nut.


APPENDIX. 375 Herbaceous, with a siem rather branched, fomers in panicies, compound DaΓeS. 63 A. Absinthium. Leaves hoary, the roΟΙ- leaves triplu pinnatifid with lanceolate tosthedobtuse laciniae, the cauline leaves bi pinnatifid, or pinnatisti initi, lanceolate sinali acute laciniae, the florat leaves iis divided lanceolate, ito vers globose peduncted nod ling.

I. A. Eurolaum. Leaves kidney-shaped, blunt in patrS. Europe. Perenniat. ASPIDIUM. F. B. G. 429. Cl. 24. Ord. l. Cryptogamia. Filices. Nat. Ord. Fili ceS. Fructi eations in roundisii potnis, scat tered,

not marginal. Involucre umbilicate almost in


Cl. 5. Ord. 2. Irin andria. Di nia. GLOM. Umbellat


Jea Dd. Pet. Leeled, infleX-emarginate. I. C. Carui. Stem branched, sheatli of the leaves distended, partiat involucre non C. North of Europe. Bienniat. CASSI A. - V. G. 8l3. Cl. l0 Ord. l. Decandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord. Lomen taceae. L. LeguminOSae. J. l. ii ve leafed. Pet. sive. Anthers three Superior, barren ; the three lo er Ones beat ed. Lo
