The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류




Europe. Bienni M.



IO. I. communis. LeaVes in threes mucro-

nate, sprea ling longer than the beri y. North of Europe. Shrub. Ι4. I. Lycia. Leaves in three imbricate On

Martinico, in the Mountain Calebasse. Shrub. 5. L. Camphora. Leaves triple-nei Ved, lan


' IVith leaves angular. 43. M. Vis tris. Stem ii prisat herbace ous, lenVes se ven-lObed, aCute, peduncles and petioles hali J. Europe. Biennisi MARRUBIUM V . o. IIII. Cl. 14. Ord. l. Didynamia. Gymnospe finia. t. Ord. Verticillatur. L. Labiatse. J. Cul. Salver-Shaped, rigid, ten-streaked. Cor.

Wrint ted With ve in s. Calycine ieeth, bristic- sit aped uncinate. Europe. Perenniat



MENTHA.- V. G. Il02. S. F. B. G. 262. l. J4. Ord. i. Didynamia. Gymnosperinia. Nat. Ord. Verti illatae Cor. almost equat, four-clen, the broader Segment emarginate, Stamens ut right, distant. S. I f. viridis. Spikes interrupteli, leaves

ceous, and the calycine ieeth someWhat shaggy. Indigenou3. Perenniat. 4. M. piperita. Spikes obtuse, interrupte lbeneath, leaves petiolate, SuboVate, ratitersinooth, CalyX, With a very sinooth base. Indigenous. Perenniat. I 2. AL Pulegium. Flo vers verticillate, leaves Ovate, Stem trailing, pedicles and calyXes every-Where downy, ieeth ciliated. Indigenous. Perenniat. MENYANTII ES.- V. G. 299. CL J0. Ord. 1. Pentandria. Monogynia. Nut. Ord. Prociae. L. Lysimachiae. J. Cor. Ahaggy. Stigma bifid. Caps. one-celle l. 4. M. trifoliatq. Leaves ternate. Europe. Perenniat. MOMORDICA.- V. G. I 739. O. 2I. Ord. 8. Monoecia. Monadelphia. t. Ord. CucurbitaCeae.


inent, three. Femole. Cul. sive-clest. O . sve-parted


MYROXYLON.-W. M. 82'. Cl. IO. Ord. I. Decandria. Monogynia. Nut, orae Lomen taceae. L. Leguminosae. J. Cal. bell-shaped, sive-toothed. Pelati sive, the uppermost greater than the rest. Germ. Ionger than the corolla. Legum' having onested at the poliat. l. II. peruiferum. Leaves abruptly pinnate in patrs, leail eis nearly opposite. Muth America. Shrub. MYRTUS. - V. G. 973. Cl. 12. Ord. I. Icosandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord IIesperideor. L. Myrti. I. l. sive-clest superior. Pet. 5. Rerry, tWo



Cl. 14. Ord. I. Didynamia. GymnosPermia. Nat. Ord. Verticillatae. L. Labiatae. J. Strobile. four-COrnered, Spiked, collecting the CalyXes. Cor. ut per lip erect stat, lo Ner three-Parted, SegmentS equat.10. O. vulgare. Spikes roundisti, patii eled, conglomerate, bractes longer than the calyx

Europe, America . Perennia OXALIS. V. G. 9l8. Cl. 10. O d. 5. Dccandria. Penta gynia. Vat. Ord. Gruinales. L. Gerania. I. 'Cal. sve loased. Petria connected by cla s. Slum. une luat, the sive-Shorter eXterior Onoseon nec tud at the basu. Capy. opening at the


lute entire.

d. P. Opop az. Leaves pinnate, leaseis gashod at the base in fronto