The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


37. P. Balaamea. Leaves solitary fiat emarginate subpectinate alnaost ut right ahove, thes cales of the cone Whon in floWer acuminate


India. in

Sohith of Europe. Shrub. P. LentiScus. Leaves abruptly pinnate, leas eis lanceolate eight-sold petiole Winsud. patri, Portu gal.


l. o. Cor. sive-parte i, calyCine. Med. One, angular.

Bistoriae. Spike Single. S. P. Bistorta. Stem qui te simple, With a single spike, leaves ovate, running in to the

petiole. Austria, Germany. Perenniat. ΡRUNUS. . G. 982. Cl. 8. O . S. Octandria. Trigynia. Nest. Ord. Pomaceae. L. ROSaCeae. J. Cal. sive-parted beneath. Petilis, sive. Nut

of the Drupe With prominent futures.


402 APPENDIX. P. domestica. Peduncles mostly solitary; leaves ovate, lanceolate, Convoluted, branches,Vithout thorIIS. Solitheria Europe. Shrub.




Vith leat es ternate. 17. R. Toricodendron. Leaves ternate, leaf-


APPENDIX. 405leis petiolate, angular,

in .

Virginia, Canada.


APPENDIX. 16. R. Gallica. Gernas ovate, and peduncles

hispid, stem and petioles hispid-prickly


St. R. Acetosa. Flo vers dioeci ous, leaves Oblong sagittate. Europe. Perenniat. RUTA. IV. G. 827. Cl. 10. Ord. l. Decandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord. Multis iliquae. L. RutRCeae. J. Cal. sve-parte t. Petala, ConCave. Recepi. surro unded by ten honey dois. Cops. lobed. l. R. graveolenS. LeaVeS Super-deCompound , leasteis oblong, the end One obovate, petalsquite entire. Sohith of Europe. Stirlib. SACCLIARUM.- V. G. l 22. Cl. 3. Ord. l. Triandria. Monogynia. Mat. Ord. Gramina. Cal. two-valved, involucred, With a long la

4. S. cinarum. FloWers panieled, leavessat. I ast aud V est In dies. Perenniat. SALIX. - V. G. I 756. Cl. 22. O d. 2. Dioecia. Diandria. Natior i. Amen taceae. Mala. Ament. Cylindri Cal. Cal. a Scale. Cor. none. Gland of the base nectariferous.


10 l. S. Cuprea. Leaves Ovate acuminate, Serrate, Waved, tomentose underneatla, stipules sonacivitat in the shape of a Crescent, Capsules

ventri COSC.

foede l. S. S. nigra. Cymes sive-parteii, Stem arbo