장음표시 사용
with ahout 30 tergites and 65 sternites, microtubercles restricted tO SterniteS.
Η ost: Inti Ia hritannica L. Compositaei. The mite Was found living Dee on the leaves It Occurred sparsely, causing no visibie damages. Τype material: One type Alide and three paralype stides. and dry leaves front wich theroites were taken. Material in the Zoological Departinent of the Hungarian Natural History
R e m a r k s : This nexu species is distinguished by iis dotted shieldand deflected anterior sitield iobe.
Host: Dorycnium herbaceum VILL. Leguminosae). The mite was found in few numberg, vagrant On the undersides of leaves, causing no visibie damages. Τype material: In the Zoological Depariment of the Hungarian Natural History
Remar ks: The distinctive seatures of this mite are the flattenedtergites and the Shape of the anterior lobe.
with some irregular lines. Anterior Iobe acuminate. DOrsat tuberctes cylindrical,