Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 483페이지


분류: 미분류


Dorsal vlew of shield; 68 z-Female genitalia arid coxae


anterior lobe curved down, 13 μ long, covering basis of rostrum. Dorsat tubercles


Θmph of an undescrihed species. Ι found in my collecti On λur exemplarSbelonging to one apparently undescribe d species. The tergites are se. in


number: the taxon Seems tO be a distant relation of the genus O pleurites


ent, an indispensabie requirement for comparative taxonomicat studies. Incidentally, we have compared our home material also with Canadian and Siberian specimens, among Whicli Ialter there Were Some autumnal Septemberi

of the 76 home biriis, 25 were males, and 51 iam ales. This rate of the wintering Specimens can Sasely be regarded as generat, Since it was ahout corresponding in both years, and collecting itSelf was also random, - bydischarging the shois into the flocks. The gasely of the presumption is furthere hanced by the faci that the collectings spread Out for three weelis in both

Os courge, the sex ratio of the winter populations in IIungary is note quivalent With the actuat ratio Os the species, but rather indicates that o lya part Of the males migrates this far SOuthward, the Others Wintering in areaAnorth of Hungary. The case of the chisiahass is anOther, is more Ouistanding, oKample of thiS Phenomenon. The snow-bunting inhabiis the northernmost districis of the Holarctic Region, having been found nesting even around latitude 32'. It is a constant


landbird as concertis individual numbers, cauSed unceasing Problems for Severat authors to date. Α numher of studentS investigated iis sub specific problems,hut falled to arrive at a generalty accepted conclusion. However, asi de of the nominate form, there ure Some properly characteriZable sub species Whose

validi ty is incontestatile.

old biriis, ali others having been adult, at least two years Oid, individuals. This uould suggest that the juvenile birds d O not migrate together with the adultones, and that, in ali probability, they do not even winter With them in thes a me place. Similar CaSeS are known with referetice to Other species, but thereis no record in literature in this regard concerning the SDOw-bunting. The exact meaSurement re adings of the ho me specimens are submitte diti the following table.

e an be directly correlated with literature data. Measurement data alone exclude the possibility of finding in the homemateriai the sub species torensendi RIDGWAY, inhabiting the Isiands Commander, Pribilos, and the western AleutianS.



102,210, 264,020,5

99, 210, 26 1,220,6

106, 39, 365,02I, I

100,510.362, 321,2

102, 19, 564,420,6

2 T.

100 4 10, 264, 220,576. 102,79 660, 32I, Ι


The measurements of the nominate forin and ali Other sub species agreewith those found in Our materiai, hence any further StudieS Can concern Only

Τhe eclipse plumage and every Phase Os wearing of the nominate formiitSPlay considerable variety as concertis both hue anil patier . This diversityreferS equalty to males and iam ales, and to juvenile and adult hirils. However, oue year old juvenile biriis, males and se males, can at ali times be separate lsatisfactorily; the differetices are conspicuous, eSpecialty in SerieS.