Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 483페이지


분류: 미분류


R e m a r k S : The new species can he eastly distinguished Dom allother taxa by the peculiar design of the Ahield, and for the Protogyne Stage by the exceptionalty long dorsat tubercles.


R e m a r k s : The longer dorsat fetae, the longitudinat lines On thes hield, the short shield and the narrow se male genitalia distinguisti this mite frOm Rhyncaphytoptus massa longo i ΝΛL. A remarkahle Dature is the deei ly

64 μ Wide, sub triangular, With anterior lobe terminating in a straight line, incised in dorsal vlew. Design moderately sharp. No median line, median sieldwith a Y-shaped mark and two longitudinat lines. Shield hordered by curve dline on ea cli fide. Dorsat tubercles 38 M a pari, 4 μ ahead of rear margin. Dorsal

9. 5 μ long. Tibial and femorat fetae present. Anterior coxae narrowly Corinate centrally. First Setiferous coxal tu hercles bellinil anterior junction Os fore coxae