Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 483페이지


분류: 미분류


The essentiat implements of the measuring method are 1. the gaugeS,.each with a circular opening of different diameter in the middie, 2. des hstand holding the gauges, 3. the measuring instrument for reading the tengili heighti protruding above the gauge of the egg Sunk in it. The essence of the measuring method is that the oggs of the clutch aresunk one aster the Other, first by their potnted then by their blunt ends, into the opening of the gauges, and the tength of the eggs protruding above thelevet of the applied gauges is read.


I may designate ii as an egg-Sinkingand 8heli curvature measuring instrument V or, in Shori, Jakati's OOmeter ). Following the description of the de vice, I vili submit experiences and resulis Obtained by iis use. Detatis os the instrument For the use of the mechanician Ι made two desigiis of the measuring mechanism of the apparatuS. The construction Of the frame and the gaugesis the fame ser ea ch Project.


The technician preferred the second project for iis higher sensitivi ty and

Thus the apparatus constructed in accordarice With the second projectshould he discussed in delatis. The Arabic numerais, inserted in the texi, refer to the serial number of the photographs made of the instrument, While the letters of the alphabet denote the component part under discuSSion. The meaSuring apparatu S StandS On a heaVy, Solid iron Suppori Ρl. ,


Fig. 2. Slide caliper apparatus combined with indicator dial in gero position


to the len Dom the bronge block is circular. Circular Shape was chOSen, Sinceit is the easi est to turn Out uniform circular gauges and to determine theircenters uniformi y, thus culting them to fit into the grOOved desk- ame. Thereis reatly only a frame Os a de8k, because iis middie is cui out to forna a great circular aperture WhOse diameter coincides With the aperture of the largest

with these paris Fig. 23. By the solding of the caliper, the levet of the frameas weli as that of the gauge placed in it lie at Zero, and the Deler he adsieceos the rod of the indicator diat is also at this fame levet. To secure the Perpendicular POSition, during meaSuring, of the egg Sunkinto the gauge presented a special problem. The feeler he adpiece, terminatingin a blunt tit', partly contributes to the upright State of the egg, since it can

so that iis center moves perpendicularly always OVer the center of the desti a d, at the Same time, te ad 8 the egg invariably into a central vertical position hy


Sensitivi ty. One can search for distinctive features on the eggswhicli cannot he discerned by the naked eye, and are only rex ealed by the sensitivity Os an instrument anil calculations. It is also of the ut most importancethai, by the use of the instrument, the sensitivity of meaSuring accurate totiundredili os min) comes into accord with the sensitiveness Of calculations. In the home-ma de construction, Only a Inm-Scale was avallatile while tentiis of millimeters were estimated by Deling rather than actuat rea ling, and there Was no possibility at ali os accuracy up to hundredili fractions of millimeters. At the Same time, Our calculatioris, even with those crude methods, hadeXPresSed atre ady Very sensitively, in tenthousandi h uniis, the characteristicalbut visualty indiscernitile differetices. In my PreViOuS Paper On the meaSuring proceSS, I liave submitted AOme

and the data inferred froni them must he regariled as inaccurate, - theirreliability as to identification had ceased. On the other hanit, the usabilityand effective ess of the measuring method emphasiZed in the previous publication are justified by the measure ments taken with the new RPParatuS, With the reservation, again, that the resulis Os future meaSurement-SerieSwill decide as to what per cent of the species stiali this method prove reliablesor the discrimination of the respective luxu. The measuring of the eggs of Buteo b. buteo and Miluus m. migrans igno v under Way. I submit, in the following table, the meaSurement Values characteristic of the eggs of the two species, and also fuit able for their specific

The characteristic se atures, also guttatile for separation, of the eggS Ofthe two species appear Dom the sello ving measurement anil calculation data, as evident also froin the ab ove table:

the case of Buteo b. buteo;


45. 2648. 5051.1053. 2449. 8452. 15

48. 2851.14