장음표시 사용
Separation Os the clutches Os Buteo b. buteo and Miluus m. migrans On the hasis of the most characteristical mean sinking differetices per clutches and the mean profite index. Verticalaxis: Sum os sinking differetices of potnted and hiunt ends sunk in apertures 30 and 25 m in Buteo clutch: alleged cruciati Buteo clutch: O; Miluus clutch:
For the separation Os the twO Species, the averages per clutch of the disseretices in sinking into 30 and 25 mm apertures, both for the hiunt and thopointed eniis, seem to be the most satisfactory. When adding means Perclutches of these differetices in sinking sor both the pol ted and blunt eniis, the separation Os the two species is stili more essective this separation is
When plotting in a table the mensured clutches of Buteo b. buteo and Miluus m. migrans by determining the position of the clutches by the means of profite indices Ll Si of the respective clutch and the average sum of the disserenoes of sinking into the 30 and 25 nam gauge- apertures for both thepointed and blunt eniis, the clutches of the two species can he separated RSto their places occupied on the table by a struight line. Throe clutches considerodas those Os Buteo b. buteo got through into the area of the clutches of Miluus m. migrans, but these former Will be discussed later Table Ι).
have a Stronger claim for truth. On the Other hand, is no sinat decision can hearrived at, they could he accepted, when collated with the measure ments of a Stili greater amount Of eggs, as thOSe of the former species of extraordinarysige, is this be allowed by the relevant statistical computations, Since Suh- Sequently to the termination Os my measurings, the accurate and authenticseparation Os the two species stiali be verisied by statistical calculations by the method os discriminatory analysis. Untii then, the twO clutches Ahali heconsidered as cruciat cases. The three oggs of the third Buteo b. buteo clutch
ShOW the curvature anil possible characteristics of the severat individual sections of the shelt with more delatis and accuracy. By these conSiderationS, I have ordered now gauges with 12.5 and 17.5 mm diameters. These siges haveaiready been included among the apertural dimensions discussed in the firstpart of the present paper, but surther experience Out of the ab OVe eonSidera-
tions might perha PS demand to cui gauges With apertures increasing by 1 mine ach, up to 16 mm diameter, for measuring eggs of a tength of 10 to 20 min. Despite the insufficiencies discussed above lack of greater researchmateriai and readings of intermediate sinkingsὶ, the Chlidonias clutches referre dio ab Ove could be separated according to species, as it appe ars Dom Table ΙΙ. Here again, the position of the clutches in an area defined by two axes Perpendicular to each Other is determined by relating two factOrs to each Other. One of the factors son the vertical axis in consists of the sinking differen cesyielded by the potnted ends Eunk into gauge apertures of Ι5 and 10 mm, tho
The positions of the clutches of Chlidonias nigra and Chl. Ieucoptera on the hasis of the mean sinking differetices, most characteristic of the Potnted end. per clutches and of the mean profiteindices. Vertical axis: Mean of sinking differetices of potnted end sunk in apertures 15 and 10 mm: per clutches. Chl. nigra clutches: Chl. Ieucvtera clutches: --
other heing represented by the profite indices on the horiZontat axis). Again the mean Values of the clutches are taken, hy both factors. The table Ahows that the clutches of Chlidonias leucoptera occupy the IOwer and Outer Peri-Ρheries of the area taken up by the clutches of Chl. nigra, - the formerthus follo ving in a semicircle the horder line of the area of the lalter. Ηenoethere is generalty no disseretice in the profite indices of the two species, butthe sinking differetices helonging to identical or similar profite indices are Oflo ver per cent Values than in the case of Chl. Ieucoptera. This sinking differetico C f lower per cent values indicates the Stightly squalter formation of the potntedond of the eggs of Chl. Ieucoptera. Another combination displays the fame arrangement Table ΙΙΙ). In this CaSe, On the vertical axis not the sum Os the sinking differetices between the
ma Les the apparatus Suit able for the mea suring of smali and fragile eggs. Experience gained hitherio in the use of the apparatus indicates that ii meetsthe requirements of the mea Suring and calcula ting methods in question, and that the resulis Os mea sure menis substantia te the justification Os there se arch wOrk carried Out by this method. However, there is yet need for further investigations concerning the number of gauges t O be used sor meas urings maller eggs as weli as the disserenoes h et , een ea ch other of the diameters of the apertures cui into the gauge S.
Cochlodina Iaminata MONΤ., Retinella nitens MICH., Zenobiella incarnata MULL., Monacha carthusiana MULL., Euomphalia strigella DRAP., Helicodonta obvoluta MULL. ImIic ona faustina HM., Helix pomatia L. , Anura indet. , Ciconia cf. ciconia L. , Petrastes bonasia L. Perdix perdix L. GaIlus domesticus L ., Scolopax rusticola L ., Picus viridis L ., Dendrocopos major L. , Garrulus gIandarius L ., Pica pica L ., Turdus cf. viscivorus L ., Erithacus rubecula L. Sturnus vulgaris L. , Emberiza citrineIIa L. Crocidura leucodon- russula Gruppe Erinaceus Sp., Talaa europaea L. , Eptesicus niIssoni KEYS. et BLAS.), Eptesicusserotinus SCHREB., MFotis da uberitoni ΚUHL., PIecotus auritus L ., Rhino Iophus hippos ideros BECHST. , Felis silvestris SCHREB., Felis cf. domestica BRISS., Mustela nivalis L ., Martes martes L. , MeIes meles L. , Putorius putorius L. Canis familiaris L. , I Ipes vulpes L ., Ursus arctos L ., Homo sapiens L ., Su Sscrofa L ., Cervus elaphus L ., CapreοIuS capreolus L ., Bos taurus L ., Capra
ΡALL. , Elio mys quercinus L ., Cricetus cricetus L ., Apodemus VIMaticus L. Microtus Sp., CIethrionomys glareo Ius SCHREB., Arvicola terrestris L. , Lepus
Von drei Saugerformen Ursus arctos, Castor fiber und Eliomys quercinus in ab gesehen lebeti die in dieser Liste aulae Zahiten Arten in der Unigebung der